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  • test phase
  1. 测试阶段是Perl构建过程的整体性步骤。

    The test phase is an integral step in the Perl build process .

  2. 本文针对一个把C语言源程序转换为结构化流程图PAD图的程序系统,在这个系统的测试阶段对所发生的故障数据进行收集。

    In this paper , failure data in the test phase of the software system are collected , which changes a C language source program into structure flowchart .

  3. 该系统在WebServer软件开发测试阶段能方便快速模拟多个浏览器发出的请求或响应,并能有效进行高负荷跟踪测试。

    The system can emulate request and respond of multi-users in the testing phase of the development of Web server .

  4. 面向对象测试阶段说明了将UML视图运用于测试的方法。

    The object-oriented testing period describes the method of using UML diagrams in testing .

  5. LiveCD安装程序已经处于测试阶段,何时发布只是个时间问题。

    It 's only a matter of time before the Live CD installer , already in testing stages , is released .

  6. 该模块定义一个名为acceptanceonly的方法,该方法检查BUILD环境变量,确定哪个测试阶段处于执行中。

    This module defines a method called acceptance_only , which checks the BUILD environment variable to see which testing phase is executing .

  7. 在测试阶段,分别进行了简单表格组件窗体应用测试、简单表格组件Web应用测试和复杂表格组件窗体应用测试。

    At the stage of testing , the thesis tests the windows applications of the simple table component , the Web applications of the simple table component and the windows applications of the complicated component .

  8. 面对SOA这种新的技术,在输电在线监测系统的测试阶段,根据其测试特点,提出了一个相对完整的测试框架。

    During the test phase of the transmission line monitoring system , according to the test characteristics of SOA , a relatively complete test framework is proposed .

  9. 所有这些活动都是在一个MDM实现项目的性能测试阶段完成的典型性能调优实践。

    All of these actions are typical performance-tuning exercises completed during the performance-testing phase of an MDM implementation project .

  10. 在特征提取时引入计算预处理、快速计算等,在GMM模型训练和测试阶段采用TopN快速算法。

    In the feature extraction , methods of computational preprocessing and rapid calculation are adopted . In the GMM model training and testing phase , Top N fast algorithm is adopted .

  11. 注意,项目已被设为在Maven的测试阶段运行Grester的inspect目标。

    Notice that the project has been set to run Grester 's inspect goal during Maven 's test phase .

  12. 在设计阶段采用了面向对象设计与分析方法,而且融入了设计模式的思想及方法,代码实现阶段使用C面向对象编程语言,测试阶段进行了白盒测试和黑盒测试。

    During the design phase , we use object-oriented analysis and design , also the design pattern are involved ; we develop the system using C # object-oriented programming language ; white-box and black-box testing techniques are applied during testing phase .

  13. 一项正在Beta测试阶段的谷歌服务将允许黑莓用户使用BES(BlackBerryEnterpriseSoftware)推送Gmail邮件或日历信息。

    A new Google service currently in the beta phase will let BlackBerry users push Gmail e-mail and calendar items on their native client software , according to a Tuesday report .

  14. 官方知情人士也透露,2016年至2018年,5G测试阶段将持续3年。

    Authoritative insiders also disclosed that 5G 's experimental stage will last three years , from 2016 to 2018 .

  15. 文章提出了一种在系统测试阶段基于需求的测试用例优先化方法TRP,并通过实验结果加以验证。

    A requirement-based approach to system-level test case prioritization called TRP is presented that is validated through experimental results .

  16. 性能测试阶段是MDM项目的一个至关重要的部分,用来验证预定义的性能目标是否符合特定实现。

    The performance-testing phase is a critical part of the MDM project to validate whether predefined performance goals are met with everything specific to the implementation .

  17. 我们通过Morris水迷宫检测发现转基因小鼠的水迷宫训练阶段潜伏期延长,测试阶段在象限内时间较少。

    We tested Morris water maze and found transgene mouse had a increased latent time in training phase and a decreased time in quadrantal of testing phase .

  18. 在开发和测试阶段,我通常在RoR视图中包含此调试数据。

    During the development and test phases , I usually include this debug data in my RoR views .

  19. LotusLiveMobile现在正在测试阶段,这是一个在智能电话和其他移动设备上使用所有LotusLive服务的计划。

    LotusLive Mobile , now in its beta stage , is an initiative to make all the services of LotusLive available on smartphones and other mobile devices .

  20. 因此,重点研究和探索了在类测试阶段,对于基于OSD动态状态测试模型的构造方法及其应用。

    The construction method and application of dynamic test model based on OSD are explored in the stage of class testing .

  21. 在欧洲,基于DVB制式的多媒体家用平台(MHP)规范已经进入商业测试阶段。

    In Europe , the Multimedia Home Platform ( MHP ) specification based on DVB has begun to be put into business test .

  22. 然后在详细测试阶段采用AABB层次包围盒法求交。

    And then , AABB hierarchical bounding volume is used in the detailed testing phase .

  23. 虽然还处于测试阶段(还不适合用于查看之外的其他用途),但是Btrfs的确包括了一个特性集合,可让它更适合于未来可伸缩的Linux存储。

    Although still experimental ( and not suitable for anything other than review ), Btrfs includes a feature set that makes it ideal for future scalable Linux storage .

  24. 这条长达百米的自行车道由普鲁什库夫的建筑公司TPAInstytutBadanTechnicznych设计,目前仍处于测试阶段。

    The 100-meter track , created by construction company TPA Instytut Badan Technicznych in Pruszkow , is still in test phase .

  25. 实验结果表明在反复脑缺血再灌致小鼠记忆障碍的实验中,PIF显著减少跳台实验和避暗实验中小鼠测试阶段的错误次数;

    The results indicated PIF reduced numbers of errors in mice performed cerebral ischemia-reperfusion in step-down test and step-through test .

  26. AmazonEC2服务,在写作本文时还处于测试阶段,它允许以一种随需应变的方式使用Amazon服务器池的计算功能。

    The Amazon EC2 service , which was in beta at the time of this writing , allows you to use the compute power of Amazon 's server pool in an on-demand fashion .

  27. 本文对UML建模过程作了描述,对分析阶段、设计阶段、实现阶段、配置阶段和测试阶段中UML图形的选用作了研究,并对用例驱动的开发方式进行了描述。

    The paper describes the process of setting up UML model , studies the cases used in different phases of analyzing , designing , implementing , configuring and testing , and then explains the approaches of exploiting using case drive .

  28. 在单元测试阶段,设计了单元测试方案,并完成对EPW和APW的伪线功能的单元测试工作。

    At unit test stage , different Pseudo Wire services would be tested by the extensive test cases .

  29. 由于在夏季的视察和测试阶段,室外环境变得越来越湿热,所以从2006年12月5日到2007年4月14日对房间内物理参数(空气温度、湿度、CO2浓度)进行了重新测试。

    As the weather was becoming hot and humid in the summer , measurements of physical parameters ( air relative humidity , air temperature and CO2 ) were repeated during winter conditions from 5 December , 2006 to 14 April , 2007 .

  30. 来自解决方案提供商和顾客的领域专家应该积极地参与OLAP设计和测试阶段,这样才能提交让顾客满意的OLAP解决方案。

    The domain experts from both the solution provider and the customer should be actively involved in the OLAP design and test phases in order to deliver a successful OLAP solution that will ensure customer satisfaction .