
  1. 看到中国网购人数增加一点都不奇怪。

    There is no surprise to see the increase in the amount of people in China going shopping online .

  2. 如果忍受不了家人唠叨的话,你可以去中国网购巨头淘宝网上去租个男友回家过年。

    Those who can 't handle the pressure of nagging parents can rent a boyfriend for the day through China 's online shopping giant , .

  3. 2013年该数字翻了一番,中国网购买家仅头几个小时的销售额就破了美国网购星期一的记录。

    In 2013 that number nearly doubled , and Chinese shoppers had obliterated Americas Cyber Monday spending records in just the first few hours of the sale .

  4. 阿里巴巴表示,在中国网购增长最快的10个地区中,有7个来自较不发达的农村地区。

    Seven out of 10 areas in China where online shopping is growing fastest are in rural , less developed parts of the country , according to Alibaba .

  5. 占据约80%中国网购市场的阿里巴巴则表示自己光棍节的退货率要低得多,不到10%。

    Alibaba , which controls about 80 % of Chinas online shopping market , says that its returns for Singles Day are much lower a single-digit percentage of total sales .

  6. 而后,探讨中国网购商品包装的现状、特性以及问题,为网购商品设计的改进奠定了现实基础。

    Then , the status , characteristics and problems of package in China are discussed , which laid a foundation in reality for the improvement of packaging design of online shopping .

  7. 过去几年,商家被指责进行了大量舞弊做法——最令中国网购者讨厌的是“假打折”,即商家在光棍节之前的几周把价格调高,到光棍节当天再戏剧性调低价格。

    In previous years , merchants have been accused of a number of abuses - most annoying to Chinese online shoppers are " fake discounts , " in which sellers jack up prices in the weeks before Singles Day only to lower them dramatically on the day itself .

  8. 虽然受到世界金融危机的影响,但中国的网购市场不仅没有萎缩,销售额反而持续上升。

    Despite the financial crisis , the online shopping market did not shrink and sales continued to rise .

  9. 他没时间停下来,因为中国的网购族们仍在电脑前忙着下新订单呢。

    No time to stop while China 's eager online shoppers are at their computers , placing new orders .

  10. 去年中国的网购零售收入是2070亿美元,为同期中国商品零售总额的6%。

    Online retail revenue in China was $ 207 billion last year , representing 6 % of total retail spending .

  11. 英国投票脱欧后英镑贬值,中国的网购族正乘机购买昂贵的外国奢侈商品。

    Online shoppers in China are cashing in on falls in the British pound to buy expensive foreign luxury goods after the UK voted to leave the European Union .

  12. 在中国,网购变得越来越流行,它使得我们的生活更便利。人们能在网上购买到各种各样的东西。

    In China , online shopping is becoming more and more popular for it makes our life more convenient and people can buy all kinds of things by it .

  13. 即便如此,无论是通过个人电脑还是手机平台,阿里巴巴仍是大多数中国消费者网购的首选目的地,要挑战其主导地位并非易事。

    Even so , Alibaba is still the most popular destination for online shopping for most Chinese consumers , either through personal computers or mobile phones , and challenging its position won 't be easy .

  14. 光棍节是中国最大的网购日。

    Singles Day is China 's largest online shopping day .

  15. 玲玲和张大奕则属于第二种类型,她们在中国某主要网购零售平台上售卖衣服和化妆品。

    Ling Ling and Zhang Dayi fall into the second category , selling clothes and cosmetics on Taobao , China 's leading online shopping site .

  16. 中国运动鞋网购市场前10名品牌依次为:耐克,阿迪达斯,李宁,匡威,安踏,彪马,万斯,纽巴伦,背靠背和尤尼克斯。

    In2010Q2 , the top10 brands in China sports shoes online market are : Nike , Adidas , Lining , Converse , Anta , Puma , Vans , New Balance , Kappa and Yonex .

  17. 中国护肤品网购市场前10名品牌依次为:雅诗兰黛、玫琳凯、兰蔻、雅漾、海蓝之谜、倩碧、资生堂、高丝、雅顿、美体小铺。

    In2010Q2 , the top10 brands in China skincare online market are : Estee Lauder , Mary Kay , Lancome , Avene , La Mer , Clinique , Shiseido , Kose , Elizabeth Arden and The Body Shop .

  18. 截至午夜,当日销售额几乎翻了一倍,至350亿元人民币(合57亿美元),这是一个最确凿无疑的信号,显示中国人的网购热情没有减弱迹象。目前中国有望超越美国,成为全球最大电子商务市场。

    At midnight , this figure had almost doubled to Rmb35bn ( $ 5.7bn ) - the surest sign yet that China 's affinity with online shopping shows no sign of abating , with the country on track to overtake the US as the largest market for ecommerce .

  19. 蚂蚁金服近日发布的一份报告显示,去年,中国父母为孩子网购的平均单笔消费额超过80元(折合12.15美元)。

    A report released by Ant Financial Services Group showed that on average Chinese parents spent more than 80 yuan ( $ 12.15 ) in 2015 on each online order made for their children .

  20. 最后在前文分析基础之上提出了适合中国汽车行业零部件网购模式&以中介方为基础的电子采购模式,并就其相关配套支持体系的建设提出了一些建议。

    Finally , based on the analysis , the intermediary-based e-procurement model which is the most suitable for China is proposed . Besides these , some advices have been given to build related support system .

  21. 根据普华永道(PwC)和经济学人智库(EIU)的一份报告,2013年,中国电商市场的规模超过了美国。目前,超过一半中国网购者使用移动端购物。

    In 2013 , China 's ecommerce market overtook that of the US , according to a PwC and EIU report , and more than half of China 's internet shoppers are now mobile .