
  • 网络Chinese plants;Flora of China
  1. 标题中国植物志筹备工作中存在的问题。

    The problem of the preparation of a flora of China .

  2. 中国植物区系中的特有性及其起源和分化

    Origin and Differentiation of Endemism in the Flora of China

  3. 本文简要回顾了国内首个生物DNA条形码数据库之一的中国植物DNA条形码数据管理系统的前期建设内容、思路和方法。

    The paper reviewed the construction contents , ideas and methods of the data systems of DNA barcode of plants , which is the first data management system for DNA barcode of life in China .

  4. 中国植物多样性的分布是很不均匀的,主要集中分布于中南部,约在20°~35°N之间。

    The diversity of plant is not uniformly distributed over China , but is concentrated in the south central part of China which reaches from ca. 20 ° 0 ′ to 35 ° 0 ′ N.

  5. 本文根据世界保护监测中心(WCMC)和国际松杉类植物专家(CSG)编制的濒危植物名录,以及中国植物红皮书(第1卷)列出中国受威胁松杉类植物共141种及变种。

    This paper provides a comparison among threatened categories of 141 Chinese coniferous taxa listed by Temperate Tree ( WCMC ), World List of Threatened Conifer Taxa ( CSG ) and China Plant Red Data Book ( Vol.1 ) .

  6. 中国植物油料蛋白生产现状与发展趋势

    Present situation and developing tendency of Chinese plant protein from oilseeds

  7. 区域尺度的中国植物功能型与生物群区

    Plant Functional Types and Biomes of China at a Regional Scale

  8. 透过三个植物园探索中国植物园科普发展历程

    Research into Development of Science Popularization through Three Chinese Botanical Gardens

  9. 物种比较丰富;中国植物区系新资料

    The plant species was rich ; Two plant species new to China

  10. 2010年中国植物科学研究继续快速发展。

    Plant science in China has been developing rapidly in2010 .

  11. 中国植物区系与其它地区区系的联系及其在世界区系中的地位和作用

    On the Affinities and the Role of the Chinese Flora

  12. 中国植物种质资源保护:历史、现状与未来

    Past , Present and Future of Plant Germplasm Resources Conservation in China

  13. 中国植物学会成立初期的历史回顾

    Historical retrospect of the beginning years of the Botanical Society of China

  14. 用于全球变化研究的中国植物功能型划分

    Determining plant functional types in China for global change study

  15. 中国植物种子形态学研究方法和术语

    Methods and terminology of study on seed morphology from China

  16. 中国植物源杀虫剂的研制与应用

    Development and Application of Plant based Pesticides in China

  17. 中国植物区系地理的文献计量分析

    Metrological analysis of literatures on Floristic Geography in China

  18. 中国植物油加工业发展现状、问题及对策

    Current Situation , Problems and Countermeasures for China 's Vegetable Oil Processing Industry

  19. 中国植物遗传连锁图谱构建研究进展

    Research progress of plant genetic linkage map in China

  20. 中国植物新品种权保护制度研究

    Study on the Protecting System for New Variety Right of Plant in China

  21. 2020年中国植物油料加工和油脂加工技术研究发展规划意见

    Development planning of China vegetable oilseed processing and oil processing technology in 2020

  22. 中国植物区系新记录种

    New Record Species to the Flora of China

  23. 面对21世纪的中国植物园

    The Chinese botanical gardens facing the 21st century

  24. 中国植物线虫新纪录

    Six New Records of Plant Nematodes in China

  25. 中国植物新品种保护制度实践及趋势研究

    Study on the Practice and Trends of China 's New Plant Species Protection System

  26. 攀打科&中国植物分布新记录科

    Pandaceae ─ a new recorded family from China

  27. 中国植物性农药开发前景

    The Prospect of Botanical Pesticides in China

  28. 中国植物区系的基本特征

    The basic features of Chinese flora

  29. 中国植物油料厂股份有限公司广州办事处研究(1945.9-1949.9)

    Studies on the Canton Office of the Large Oil Enterprises in Modern China ( 1945.9-1949.9 )

  30. 这些工作为中国植物物种信息数据库的最终建成和网站发布奠定了基础。

    Data normalization supported the construction and publishing successfully of the Scientific Database of Chinese Plant Species .