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  1. 数据结构CAI中程序可视化的实现方法

    Implementation Method of Program Visualization in Data Structure CAI

  2. 将MoO3和Ni-Mo混合氧化物在CH4/H2气氛中程序升温还原碳化制备了相应的碳化钼和碳化镍钼催化剂,X射线粉末衍射表征其物相分别为-βMo2C和Ni-Mo2C。

    Molybdenum carbide and nickel - molybdenum carbide catalysts were prepared by temperature-programmed reduction using a CH_4 / H_2 gas mixture to carburize molybdenum trioxide and nickel-molybdenum oxide . X-ray diffraction patterns showed that the crystals were (β - Mo_2C ) and Ni-Mo_2C , respectively .

  3. 试析行政行为中程序性制裁的可行性

    Try Analysing the Feasibility of Procedural Sanction in the Administrative Conduction

  4. 数控加工中程序原点的设置与偏移

    Offset and setting of the origin of programming in the CNC process

  5. 我国刑事诉讼中程序性违法成因分析

    The Analysis of the Reason for Violating the Criminal Procedure in China

  6. 分布共享存储系统中程序访存行为对性能的影响

    Research on the Performance Impacts of Memory Reference Behaviors in DSM Systems

  7. 行政诉讼中程序指挥权模式选择的探究

    Study on the Selection of Mode of Directing Procedure Right in Administrative Action

  8. 表示图中程序流的开始点或结束点。

    Indicates the beginning or end of a program flow in your diagram .

  9. 高职教育中程序设计课程的教学经验

    The Teaching Experience of Program Design 's Course in the Higher Vocational Education

  10. 初治涂阳肺结核病患者治疗中程序化健康教育作用探讨

    Effect of health education program on treatment of first-treated pulmonary tuberculosis with positive sputum smear

  11. Ⅳ型狼疮肾炎患者肾组织中程序性死亡配体-1&程序性死亡-1的表达及其意义

    Expression and significance of programmed death-ligand 1-programmed death-1 in renal tissue of type ⅳ lupus nephritis

  12. 在刑事诉讼实务中程序违法现象较为严重,一个重要原因是刑事程序性制裁的缺失。

    The procedural sanction is prescribed in Criminal Procedure Law for the punishment to the procedural illegality .

  13. 不止一次,我们都萌发过想对运行中程序的底层状况一探究竟的念头。

    Time and again , the need to take a plunge under the hood of your running application arises .

  14. 本文按照经典围棋理论,把对弈过程分为布局、中盘、收官三个阶段,并给出了各个阶段中程序算法所能采用的策略及一定程度的实现。

    This paper describes algorithm and implementation of Computer Go according to opening , middle game , endgame , 3 stages .

  15. 美国四大球职业联盟纪律处罚中程序公正性的探析&对完善我国职业体育纪律处罚程序的启示

    A Research on Procedure Fairness in the Discipline Punishment by American Professional alliance of the Four Big Balls & An Enlightenment for the Perfection of the Discipline Punishment Procedure of Professional Sports in China

  16. 如何加大民事裁判文书中程序表述的透明和对理由部分阐述论证的力度,以提高其公信力和说服力,实现裁判的公正性和正义性,已经成为裁判文书改革的重中之重。

    How to enhance transparency of the procedure-expression in the civil judgment and strength of expounding and argument to the reasoning part , which aims to improve the credibility and persuasion and realize fairness and justice of has become top priority of the reform of Chinese civil judgment of judgment .

  17. 在该作业中,程序集包含XML分析器、转换和输出步骤。

    In this job , the assembly comprises the XML parser , switch , and output steps .

  18. 水泥生产模拟系统中VB程序设计的技巧

    Programming skills with VB in simulation system of cement producing

  19. USB双机通信系统中固件程序的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Firmware in the Communication System Based on USB between PCs

  20. 我们可以借助C语言编写算法,在VISUALSTUDIO2005环境中运行程序算法,进一步研究和比较各种算法。

    We may program algorithm using the C # language , operating procedure algorithm in the Visual Studio 2005 environment , and further study and compare each algorithm .

  21. 系统地介绍了邮件列表的概念及其设计、处理和实现,以及在ASP环境中的程序实现。

    It systematically introduces the concept of mailing list and its designing , processing and realization in ASP environment .

  22. 由于在本例中提供程序是WebSphereMQ,所以这里提供的说明是特定于WebSphereMQ的。

    Since the provider is WebSphere MQ in this case , the instructions provided here are WebSphere MQ-specific .

  23. 您可以参考“模型和策略概述”或者SpringFramework文档,了解如何在Spring中使用程序化事务(参见参考资料)。

    You can refer to " Models and strategies overview " or the Spring Framework documentation for an example of how to use programmatic transactions in Spring ( see Resources ) .

  24. 测控软件中应用程序和设备驱动程序间的通信可以灵活地利用Windows的系统注册表,介绍了在应用程序中对注册表的读写方法及实例。

    The communication between application and device driver can utilize the registry of Windows . The method and an example of read write of registry in application software are introduced .

  25. 小麦淀粉胚乳在发育过程中经历程序性细胞死亡(PCD)。

    The starchy endosperm of wheat underwent programmed cell death ( PCD ) during its development .

  26. 首先在FPGA的软件中进行程序设计和功能、时序的仿真,当仿真验证通过之后,重点是在硬件平台上进行调试。

    Firstly , do the programme design , the functional simulation and the timing simulation in the software of FPGA . Secondly , the most important thing is to debug on the hardware platform .

  27. 然而,Purify报告中的程序概要消息总是在任何其它Purify结果状态进入它之前显示您最初的退出状态。

    However , the program summary message in the Purify report always shows your original exit status before any other Purify result status bits are OR'ed into it .

  28. 在用C++Builder与Delphi进行应用程序的开发过程中,程序设计者往往需要控制若干个互不相同的对象执行同一个(套)动作,本文介绍了两种对象动作的协调控制方法;

    While developing the application program by means of C + + Builder and Delphi , programmers usually need controlling the phenomenon that different objects carry out the same action .

  29. 清单3中的程序说明了如何在Python中完成这项工作:这段代码接受一个tar文件的名称作为命令行参数,然后向用户提供几种选择。

    The program in Listing 3 shows how to do that in Python : The code takes a tar filename as a command-line argument and then prompts the user with several options .

  30. testcases文件夹包含了程序,您可以使用tasks文件夹中的程序来执行测试用例,并且可以记录结果。

    The testcases folder contains programs you can use to execute test cases by using programs in the tasks folder , and to log the results .