
  1. 藉由SCI的中国学术研究能量之国际比较

    Comparison of Chinese academic research energy on the basis of SCI

  2. 本文藉由SCI指标体系获得一系列重要的科学指标,对中国学术研究能量的一些重要指标进行了定量化的国际比较研究,从而发现了一些重要的发展趋势,客观衡量了中国的学术研究能量。

    This text gets important scientific indices by SCI indicators system , and carry on international comparison . Thus some important development trends are found ; the academic research energy of China is weighed objectively .

  3. 当时的思想家表现出了较积极的态度:吸纳西学方法并推动了中国学术研究方法的近代转型;

    The thinkers at that time showed a very positive attitude to it .

  4. 坚守本土学术理念,反对用西方的观念生搬硬套于中国学术研究。

    Yu Yingshi advocates the native academic concept , and objects to the adoption of the Western concept to the Chinese academic research .

  5. 在经历了一段激动和局限之后,终于成为当代中国学术研究中醒目的成果之一。

    After a period of promotion and objection , feminine literary criticism finally becomes one of striking achievements in China 's contemporary academic study .

  6. 其中126430人仍然在上学,221860人完成学业后归国。自从中国学术研究开始上升以来,留学归国的学生人数已经显著增加了。

    Among them , 126430 students are still in school , and 221860 have returned to China since finishing their studies . The total number of returning students has increased significantly since the academic exodus began .

  7. 1927&1937年中国的学术研究

    On the Development of Chinese Academic Study during 1927-1937

  8. 善事与利器&2008年中国广告学术研究方法批评

    Right thing , right too : 2008 , academic criticism of advertising research methods of China

  9. 第一部分(第一章)美国和中国学术界研究加涅思想的现状考察与比较分析。

    Part ⅰ or chapter 1 analyzes and compares the study of American scholars with Chinese scholars on Gagne .

  10. 也正因如此,农村现代化问题长期以来一直是中国学术界研究的重点和热点,有关研究成果大量出现。

    And the question of the modernization of the rural area is always focal points and hot spots in the academic circles .

  11. 在基础技术层面,它表明中国的学术研究和工业基础已经掌握了先进低发现率形状设计技术。

    In terms of basic technology , it shows that China 's academic research and industrial base hasmasteredadvanced LO / VLO shaping techniques .

  12. 19~20世纪之交,中国传统学术研究方法面临着极大挑战;

    The research method of Chinese traditional academy faced great challenge at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century .

  13. 笔者希望由此说明,当思想史的研究与社会政治史的研究结合起来,中国学术史研究的内容将会是何等的丰富。

    I hope thereby to show how the intellectual history of China can be enriched when social and political history is interwoven with the history of ideas .

  14. 在中西文化的交流中,中西悲剧比较在中国近代学术研究中颇为引人注目。

    In the process of cultural exchanges between China and the West , the comparative study of tragedy has become a heated topic in Chinese academic world .

  15. 学术史研究在世纪之交繁盛一时,至今不衰,是中国当代学术研究更为深广的阐释诉求所致。

    The research on academic history has been flourishing since the turn of the century , which indicates the profound demand of interpretation of the contemporary Chinese academic research .

  16. 儒家学者对于西方自然科学的反应与西学究竟在何等层面上影响了中国的学术研究?

    This essay seeks to answer two basic questions : How did Confucian scholars respond to Western natural science and to what extent did Western learning influence Chinese academic research .

  17. 义务教育是已经存在了一个世纪的基础教育制度,在最近的二十年中,义务教育制度不仅是中国学术界研究的热点问题,而且在最早推行义务教育的发达国家也再次受到关注。

    Compulsory education has been in existence for a century . There have been many discussions on it not only in China but also in developed countries during the past twenty years .

  18. 中国权威学术研究人员称,中国正雄心勃勃实施的引进海外高层次人才计划必须强化遴选管理,才能够保证吸引回国的是国家希望引进的高端人才。

    China 's ambitious plan to attract top Chinese scientists home from overseas must be tightened up to ensure it delivers the high calibre researchers the country is hoping for , say leading academics .

  19. 曾在民国学界风行一时的整理国故运动确立了中国现代学术研究的新范式,但追根溯源,它在许多方面也仍然继承了中国传统学术。

    The prevailing systematization of national cultural heritage in the period of the People 's Republic determined the new paradigm of China 's modern academic research , but tracing its source shows that it has inherited traditional Chinese learning in many ways .

  20. 1927&1937年是中国近代学术研究发展较快的十年,出现了中央研究院、北平研究院及中国西部科学院等一批近代意义上的科研机构,各高校学术研究水平也有较大进展。

    Chinese modern academic studies had a rapid development during 1927-1937 . Some modern academic institutions such as the Central Academy , the Peking Academy and the West Academy of Sciences . etc , came into being . The academic studies of various universities had a great advancement too .

  21. 2006年中国学术界新加坡研究新进展

    New Progress on Singapore Research among Chinese Academic Circles in 2006

  22. 港口&腹地与中国现代化进程学术研究综述

    A Synthesis on the Academic Research of Port-hinterland and Modernization of China

  23. 中国矿业大学早期学术研究述论(1909-1949)

    Early Academic Research in China University of Mining and Technology ( 1909-1949 )

  24. 新世纪中国国际金融法学术研究成果评析

    Comment on the Academic Research publications of Chinese International Financial Law Since New Century

  25. 中国近代地质学学术建制研究

    A study on Chinese modern geological institution

  26. 试论中国足球20年学术研究与中国足球发展的关系

    Discussion on the Relationship between the Academic Study of Twenty Years and the Development of Football hi China

  27. 摘要内部控制的理论和实务研究是中国近几年学术研究的重要领域。

    The research on the theory and practice of the internal control is an important field in recent academic study in china .

  28. 而中国学术界的有关研究还相当薄弱,只有极少数学者在其著述中涉及到了这个问题。

    In China , researches on this subject are also neglected , only a few scholars came down to it in their writings .

  29. 由于学术与诗的密切联系,还有学术变,诗也变的现象。现代学者的旧体诗词不同于一般的遗老遗少之作,在现代中国思想学术文化史研究中具有重要的价值。

    The ancient-styled poems of modern scholars are different from those of the past poets and have significance in the researches of Chinese modern thoughts , learning and culture .

  30. 这说明大家开始重视中国单簧管的学术研究,甚是可喜。但是笔者认为,目前还没有研究的主导思想和系统的学术体系。

    This shows that all starting to focus on academic research in China clarinet , is very gratifying . But I believe that there is no dominant ideology and system of the academic system .