
nóng ān shuǐ
  • stronger ammonia water
浓氨水[nóng ān shuǐ]
  1. 完善浓氨水生产工艺流程的几项措施

    Some Measures for Improving Technological Process of Producing Stronger Ammonia Water

  2. 结果:XT能显著延长浓氨水所致小鼠咳嗽反应的潜伏期并减少咳嗽次数;能增加小鼠呼吸道的酚红排泌量;

    Results : XT was able to prolong cough latent period and decrease the frequency of cough in mice caused by strong aqua ammonia , and increase phenolsulfonphthalein excretion quantity of tracheal in mice .

  3. 然后用浓氨水使Cr(Ⅲ)完全沉淀,再与H2SO4充分反应,得到Cr2(SO4)3,从而实现铬废液中铬的回收。

    Cr (ⅲ) was deposited using concentrated ammonia water , and then was reacted with H_2SO_4 . Cr_2 ( SO_4 ) _3 was obtained and thereby chromium in the chromium waste liquid was reclaimed successfully .

  4. 通过在浓氨水中加入NH4Cl晶体,使标题化合物的产率由47%提高到58%;

    The yield of the title compound was increased from 47 % to 58 % by adding ammonium chloride into strong aqua ;

  5. 浓氨水泵柔性石墨轴封的试验研究

    Testing Research on Flexible Graphite Shaft-seal of Thick Liquid Ammonia Pump

  6. 硫铵工艺取代浓氨水工艺的生产实践

    Practice of Substitution of Thiamine Process for Concentrated Ammonia Process

  7. 方法:采用毛细玻管法和浓氨水喷雾法,确定车前子甙的作用。

    Methods : By capillary and concentrated ammonia spraying .

  8. 采用浓氨水喷雾法观察其镇咳作用;

    The antitussive effect was observed by mouse cough model induced by concentrated ammonia .

  9. 炼焦工业生产的浓氨水有效利用的途径

    A valuable way of utilization of the dense ammoniac solution as the product of coking industry

  10. 碳及二氧化硅层可以分别通过高温煅烧、浓氨水溶解的方法除去。

    The carbon and silica could be removed by calcination and etched away by ammonia , respectively .

  11. 以顺丁烯二酸酐和浓氨水为原料采用直接液相聚合的方法合成了聚天冬氨酸。

    Poly ( succinimide ) is synthesized by the directly reaction of maleic anhydride and ammonia in water .

  12. 对小鼠浓氨水引咳有明显延长引咳潜伏期并明显减少小鼠咳嗽次数的作用。

    It could also decrease the frequency of cough induced by ammonia in mice and prolong the latent period of cough .

  13. 方法:采用浓氨水诱发、电刺激致咳法;酚红祛痰、毛细管排痰量法。

    Methods : Producing cough by Ammonia spirit and electricity , removing sputumn by Fenhong , measuring sputumn capacity with capillary .

  14. 萃取了盐酸的有机胺用浓氨水再生,再生后的有机胺可以循环使用。

    We use concentrated ammonia to renew the amine that has extracted hydrochloric acid , and the renewed amine could be used circularly .

  15. 方法:采用浓氨水诱咳法、酚红排泌法和气管螺旋条法研究镇咳、祛痰和平喘作用。

    Method : The method of strong aqua ammoniac induced cough , the method tracheal spiral line and phenolsulfonphthalein excretion test were used .

  16. 研究了以顺丁烯二酸酐和浓氨水为原料合成了聚天冬氨酸的聚合反应工艺。通过控制工艺条件,直接液相聚合得到了聚琥珀酰亚胺。

    Poly ( succinimide ) is synthesized by the directly reaction of maleic anhydride and ammonia in water by controlling the process conditions .

  17. 用豚鼠枸橼酸喷雾和浓氨水小鼠喷雾引咳法了解其止咳作用;

    To observe the capsule 's effet of anti-cough by the methods of rat cough caused by the citric acid spraying and mice cough caused by ammonia spraying .

  18. 研究了采用浓氨水、碳酸铵溶液和氨水-碳酸铵混合溶液作为沉淀剂制备的不同组分比的储氧材料的性能。

    Concentrated ammonia aqueous solution , ammonium carbonate solution and mixed ammonia-ammonium carbonate solution were used as precipitator to prepare OSM with different composition , their properties were studied .

  19. 结果:补肺止咳颗粒能抑制浓氨水小鼠咳嗽和电刺激诱导的豚鼠咳嗽;

    Results : Bufei Zhike Granule can restrain mice to cough by Ammonia spirit , restrain cavy to cough by electricity and can increase Fenhong sputumn of mice long and bronchus ;

  20. 本文通过试验给出了浓氨水泵柔性石墨轴封的技术经济效果评价,并对较满意的结果提出了理论上的分析。

    This article gives a commentary on technical economical effect of flexible graphite shaft seal of thick liquid ammonia pump on the basis of teste , and puts forward theoretical analysis on fairly satisfactory results .

  21. 结果越桔提取物可明显延长浓氨水的咳嗽潜伏期,并减少3分钟内的咳嗽次数。抑制二氧化硫引起的支气管腺体的病理性改变。

    Result The berry extract may obviously extend concentrated ammonia water cough incubation period , reduce the times of cough within 3 minutes and inhibit the pathological changes of bronchial gland body induced by sulfur dioxide .

  22. 表明新工艺催化剂不仅解决了制备过程中浓氨水污染环境的难题,而且具有较高的催化活性,工业应用前景很乐观。

    It shows that the new technology catalyst not only solves the problem of strong aqua ammonia polluting environment during the preparation process , but also has high catalytic activity . So the prospects for industrial applications of such catalyst are optimistic .

  23. 结果表明:与对照组比较,低剂量虫草菌丝体能降低浓氨水致咳小鼠的咳嗽次数44.4%(P<0.05,)延长咳嗽潜伏期108.1%(P<0.01),并能降低二甲苯致耳廓肿胀厚度40.2%(P<0.05);

    The results show that , comparing with the control group , the low-dose Cordyceps decrease the cough times 44.4 % ( P < 0.05 ) and inhibit inflammation swelling at the ear area of mice 40.2 % ( P < 0.05 ) .

  24. 方法给小鼠长期吸入二氧化硫气体,造成慢性支气管炎模型,观察越桔提取物对模型小鼠浓氨水致咳和支气管病理学检查的影响。

    Methods The mice were forced to inspire sulfur dioxide for a long time to make chronic bronchitis mode . We observed the influences of cowberry extract on cough induced by concentrated ammonia water in the mode mice and the bronchitis pathological examination .

  25. 方法利用浓氨水诱发小鼠咳嗽,腹腔注射酚红、耳滴二甲苯致小鼠急性炎症反应,观察咳喘宁胶囊的镇咳作用、促进气管排泌作用和对小鼠急性炎症的影响;

    Methods Utilizing concentrated ammonia solution to evoke the mice cough , injecting phenolsulfonphthalein into abdominal cavity and dribbling dimethylbenzene into ears to cause the mice acute inflammatory reaction , we observed antitussive effect , accelerating trachea excreting effect and influence on acute inflammatory reaction of Kechuanning capsule ;