
  1. 为保证浓缩型旋流器的安全稳定工作,本文对铁矿全尾矿进行分级浓缩试验。

    In order to guarantee the safe and stable operation of concentrated hydrocyclone , classifying and thickening experiments of total iron mine tailings are studied in this paper .

  2. 介绍了旋流器的基本工作原理,并对重介质旋流器、水介旋流器、煤泥浓缩分级旋流器应用经验进行了总结。

    Elaboration is given in the paper of the basic operation principle of cyclones and the experiences on application of dense medium cyclone and water-only cyclone , and coal slurry thickening and classifying used cyclones are also summarized .

  3. 结合全尾矿分级浓缩系统的特点,首次提出了浓缩型水力旋流器和无耙高效浓密机的自动化控制方法。

    Combining with the characteristic of total tailings thickening system , the automatic control methods of hydrocyclone and rake-less high-efficiency thickener were put forward at the first time .