
  1. 浓缩型离心机用于厌氧污泥无药澄清与浓缩

    Concentrated Type Centrifuge for Anaerobic Sludge Purifying and Concentrating Without Medicine

  2. 这些是能够非常快地分离铀且很快完成浓缩的离心机,所以它们非常危险,正因为如此我们现在不让其进入运作过程。

    These are centrifuges that can separate uranium very quickly and do the enrichment very fast so they are very risky and thats why we keep them away from that process for now .

  3. 公司的目标是生产世界一流的发酵罐、冷干机、真空浓缩仪和离心机,领导本行业的发展。

    The company is oriented to be a world leader in fermentor , freeze drying , speed vacuum concentrator and centrifuge technology .

  4. 对于安理会五加一所提出的新方案,伊朗仍然没有回应,而且继续浓缩铀,星期六甚至声称用于浓缩铀的离心机数量再度增加。

    Iran has not responded to the new P5-Plus One offer , and Iran continues to enrich uranium , using what it said Saturday is a marked increase in the number of uranium centrifuges .

  5. 艾哈迈迪内贾德总统宣布,德黑兰正在扩大纳坦兹核电厂的核浓缩项目,在那里安装六千个新的浓缩铀离心机。

    President Ahmadinejad announced that Tehran is expanding its nuclear enrichment program at the Natanz nuclear plant by installing 6000 new uranium enrichment centrifuges there .

  6. 艾哈迈迪内贾德总统宣布,德黑兰正在扩大纳坦兹核电厂的核浓缩项目,在那里安装六千个新的浓缩铀离心机。他说,扩建工程星期二已经开始。

    President Ahmadinejad announced that Tehran is expanding its nuclear enrichment program at the Natanz nuclear plant by installing 6000 new uranium enrichment centrifuges there . The Iranian president said the new phase began on Tuesday .