
  1. 这种广泛种植的葡萄被认为原产于西班牙,之后它被引入罗讷河谷(Rhonevalley),在那里酿造出浓醇的果味葡萄酒。

    Extensively planted , it is believed to have originated in Spain before being introduced to the Rh ô ne valley , where it produces rich , fruity wines .

  2. 口感浓醇强劲,单宁柔和。

    In the mouth it is powerful and ample with smooth tannins .

  3. 采用先进的勾兑方法,如气相分子勾兑法、浓醇勾兑法等。(一平)

    Adopt advanced blending method , such as gas molecular blending method , high alcohol degree blending method etc.

  4. 在本试验条件下,茶多酚含量在2024%左右(儿茶素为105115毫克/克)是茶汤浓醇鲜爽滋味与苦涩滋味的逆转阈值。

    Experiment showed : the transformation threshold between the quality-determining taste and the bitter-astringe taste of tea infusion is the content of tea polyphenol around 20 24 % ( catechin 105 115 mg / g ) .

  5. 特点:中等偏上的酸度,强浓的醇度,余味略酸的特性而吸引者更多喜欢它的人。

    Features : above average acidity , high degree of concentration of alcohol , slightly sour aftertaste characteristics attract people who like it more .

  6. 硫酸盐代替浓硫酸催化醇消除反应研究

    On Catalyzing Alcohol Eliminative Reation Using Sulfate Instead of Concentrated Sulfuric Acid

  7. 用这种咖啡豆制成的咖啡,口味更浓、更醇、更令人满意。

    The coffee made from this kind of coffee Bean tastes richer , mellower and more satisfactory .

  8. 同时随着贮存期延长酒中缓慢产生氨基、羰基反应使产品的色泽增深、香气增浓、口味醇和绵软、协调爽适。

    During the storage of rice wine , the amidogen or carbonyl reactions occur slowly , which makes the rice wine with darker color , strengthened flavor and mellow taste .