
  • 网络unrealized loss
  1. 许多债券持有人说什么也不愿在市场上出售债券,因为那会使他们的浮亏变成实亏。

    Many bondholders would never sell into the market , as this would force them to crystallise losses .

  2. 但是因为现在油价大跌,尽管这些合同还要好几年才会到期,很多公司也不得不因为这些浮亏而记提账面损失。

    Because oil now costs much less , many have had to write down the value of those contracts , even if they are not due to be settled for years .

  3. 他说,基金持股比例超过5%且近期有浮亏的上市公司,其股价最可能在九月和十月继续下跌。

    Companies that have more than 5 % of their shares held by funds and have seen recent losses are candidates for continued drops in September and October , he says .

  4. 吉布森教授指出,1990年,上述法规完全生效时,共同基金普遍持有的最近浮亏的股票在十月份跑输对应的基准指数近七个百分点。

    In 1990 , when the rules took full effect , stocks with recent losses that were widely held by mutual funds lagged their benchmarks by almost 7 percentage points in October .

  5. 在历史性的严峻时期,上述账面浮亏仅略多于保费(此处不计现金的投资收益),而且,在接下来11年内不会发生实际现金损失。

    The mark-to-market loss is only just above the premium paid ( without counting the investment income on the cash ) at a time of historic stress and no actual cash loss can occur for another 11 years .

  6. 近几年,社保基金案件频繁上演,并且在金融危机的冲击下,2008年全国社保基金的委托股票投资首次出现了浮亏的局面,与社保基金投资所要求的安全性流动性原则严重相悖。

    In recent years , the case of social security funds is frequently staged . And , Under the impact of the financial crisis , the national social security fund entrusted stock investment appeared for the first time in 2008 .