
  • 网络seo
  1. 非对称信息证券市场中公司的最优股票增发策略

    Optimal SEO Strategy in a Market with Asymmetric Information

  2. 本文的实证研究显示股票增发对四个不同阶段股价行为的影响。

    The demonstration investigation of thesis shows the SEO effect to stock price behavior in four different periods .

  3. 不过,平安保险的可转债和股票增发计划仍需得到监管部门的批准,许多分析师和市场人士认为,政府将要求平安保险缩减其再融资规模。汇丰(HSBC)持有平安保险16.8%的股份。

    But Ping An , which is 16.8 per cent owned by HSBC , still needs regulatory approval for the convertible bond and secondary share sale and many analysts and market participants believe that it will be required by the government to scale back the plan .

  4. 上市公司选择股票增发的时间吗?&中国市场股权融资之谜的一种解释

    On the Timing of Public Offering by Listed Companies in Chinese Stock Market

  5. 股市反弹也让一些集团得以进行了股票增发。

    The stocks rebound has also allowed groups to carry out secondary offerings .

  6. 我国A股市场股票增发定价研究

    Study of SEO Pricing in A-Share Market of China

  7. 系统地研究了股票增发对股价变动的影响因素和影响动因。

    In this paper , study is made on the effect imposed on stock price fluctuation by increasing new shares .

  8. 这家中国大陆股市的第三大上市银行表示,希望于本月完成这次期待已久的股票增发。

    The bank , the third-largest listed lender on the mainland stockmarket , said it hoped to complete the long-awaited stock offering this month .

  9. 本文构造了一个公司管理者利用信息优势,通过选择最优股票增发策略来最大化现有股东发行收益的模型。

    This paper examines the optimal seasoned equity offering strategy of a firm 's manager when he has superior information about the firm 's value .

  10. 自1998年我国A股市场引入增发再融资方案以来,股票增发已逐渐成为我国上市公司重要的股权再融资手段。

    Since the Seasoned Equity Offering ( SEO ) was adopted in 1998 , the SEO has been rapidly developed as one of the most important refinancing methods on A-Share market .

  11. 对此,学术界展开了对自由现金流代理问题及其约束机制的研究,目前已有从过度投资、公司价值、股票增发以及审计费用等角度进行。

    In response , academia developed a number of studies on the issue of free cash flow agency and its constraint mechanism . So far , the studies have been carried out from the perspective of over-investment , corporate value , stock issuance , audit costs and so on .

  12. 如果公司决定同时重新发行此前从市场上回购的库存股票,增发比例还可以进一步提高。

    Issuance can rise still further if treasury stock previously bought back from the market is also re-issued .

  13. 新股包括首次公开发行(InitialPublicOffering,简称IPO股票)以及增发和配股股票。

    Customarily , new stocks include initial public offering ( IPO ) and additional offering stocks .

  14. 增发新股一般会导致公司股票价格下跌(增发新股的股价效应)。

    New issuance generally results in share-price 's falling , which is called " share-price-effect " .

  15. 它们可以在上海股市增发股票,然后利用增发收入溢价回购港股。

    They could raise equity in Shanghai and use the proceeds to repurchase Hong Kong shares at a premium to their market price .

  16. 增发新股同样影响股票价格、股票指数:增发新股导致股票价格、股票指数下降。

    SEO can also affect share price as well as share index , it is to say , SEO will get down share price and share index .

  17. 上市的股票数量则是股票市场中的供给方,它主要受到首次公开募股、股票回购、股票退市、增发等的影响。

    The number of listed shares in the stock market is the supply , it is mainly by the initial public offering , repurchase stock from the stock market , such as the impact of additional .