
hǎi jūn shànɡ xiào
  • captain ;colonel of the navy
  1. 您看起来一点不像海军上校。

    You don 't look at all like sea captain .

  2. 海军上校以下不能担任此职。

    No one under a captain can hold the post .

  3. 死亡者奥古斯塔斯吉本斯是前海军上校。

    The deceased , Augustus gibbons , was a former Navy captain .

  4. 一个军衔在海军上校之上的海军将官。

    A senior naval officer above the rank of captain .

  5. 陆军上校和海军上校都属于同一级别。

    An army colonel and a navy captain are in the same grade .

  6. 他从海军上校升为将官。

    He rose from the rank of captain to the rank of general .

  7. 从此以后,温特沃思海军上校和安妮?埃利奥特便经常出入同一社交场合。

    From this time Captain Wentworth and Anne Elliot were repeatedly in the same circle .

  8. 国防部长罗伯特·盖茨表示他会推荐海军上校米高·穆伦接任该职位。

    Defense Secretary Robert Gates says he 'll recommend Navy Admiral Michael Mullen for the post .

  9. 美国陆军上尉或海军上校有由总统签名的委任状。

    A captain in the United States army or navy has a commission signed by the President .

  10. 玛丽亚:先生,你看起来一点都不像海军上校。

    Maria : Well , you don 't look at all like a sea Captain , sir .

  11. 这边的船舱通道通往后面的大舱房。这是舰上专属海军上校的房间和储藏室。

    The passageway led to the great cabin aft , which was the Captain-General 's quarters and magazine .

  12. 他们总要不时地迸出几句赞美天气的话;一次赞叹完天气之后,温特沃思海军上校接着说道

    After one of the many praises of the day , which were continually bursting forth , Captain Wentworth added

  13. 一个军衔高于海军上校低于海军上将的委任的海军官员;海军上将的最低级别。

    A commissioned naval officer who ranks above a captain and below a rear admiral ; the lowest grade of admiral .

  14. 图片可爱的凯迪·希尔今年18岁,之前15年一直是一个男孩,名叫卢克,父亲是一名海军上校。

    Pretty Katie Hill , 18 , spent the first 15 years of her life as Luke , son of a Marine colonel .

  15. 从这件事可以看出,他们对温特沃思海军上校怀有无比深厚的感情,殷勤好客到那样罕见的地步,实在令人为之神驰

    There was so much attachment to captain Wentworth in all this , and such a bewitching charm in a degree of hospitality so uncommon

  16. 美国退休海军上校彼得斯等分析人士说,索马里海盗在所谓的“母船”上寻找袭击对象。

    Analysts , such as retired U.S. Army Colonel Ralph Peters , say the Somali pirates work off so-called " mother ships , " searching for potential victims .

  17. 乔治伊登也以奥克兰伯爵的头衔为人知晓。他曾将一艘船授权给海军上校威廉霍布森指挥。

    George Eden was also officially known as the Earl of auckland , and once awarded command of a ship to a young naval captain called William hobson ;

  18. 安德鲁斯在剧中饰演修女玛莉娅,她离开了奥地利的修道院,到一位海军上校家给他的七个孩子当家庭教师。

    In the film , Andrews plays nun Maria who leaves an Austrian convent to take up a job of a governess to a Navy captain and his seven kids .

  19. 他饰演的海军上校冯·特拉普一开始是一个独裁的父亲,他把他的孩子当成一个军队来训练,但很快发生了转变,他表现出一位父亲的慈爱。

    His Captain von Trapp begins as an authoritarian father who treats his children like a military unit but soon makes a key turn to reveal himself as a loving father .

  20. 她怀着这样的心情,回想起这一切情景,一听说温特沃思海军上校的姐姐可能住进凯林奇,心里怎能不勾起过去的隐痛。

    With all these circumstances , recollections and feelings , she could not hear that Captain Wentworth 's sister was likely to live at Kellynch without a revival of former pain ;

  21. 鉴于海军上校大人还在病中,我就主持仪式,让他们的灵魂向上帝报到,把他们的尸体扔进大海。连裹尸布都没得人来缝,就这么处理掉了。

    After commending their souls to God , the Captain-General still being sick , I cast them into the sea without shrouds , for there was no one to make them .

  22. 任职于海上自卫队横须贺地方队的鹫津久一郎一等海佐(注:自卫队军衔,相当于海军上校)2005年曾在青岛海军基地做友好访问。

    The polyonal troops in DeFangDui yokosuka the griffin tianjin long wait ichiro sea with ( note : navy ranks , equivalent to navy captain ) 2005 in Qingdao naval base friendly visit to do .

  23. 但是,海军中的上校必须用Captain才能示明确切军衔。

    But the naval Colonel must use Captain to show the exact rank .

  24. 而现今,这位美国海军陆战队上校不得不走出他的基地,包头巾的人多得让他应接不暇,他们急着想成为他最好的朋友。

    Today the American marine captain only has to step out of his base to be overwhelmed by turbaned men anxious to be his best friend .