
jìn yóu
  • immersion oil
浸油[jìn yóu]
  1. 在Andaman岛,Bruguieragymnorhiza浸油防腐处理后用作输电线杆和电话线杆。

    Creosoted Bruguiera gymnorhiza transmission and telegraph poles were used in the Andaman Islands .

  2. 最后指出了F-T柴油在发动机中应用时在润滑性能、低温性能和与浸油弹性体兼容性等方面存在的问题,并探讨了解决途径。

    Finally , possibly negative performance attributes of F-T fuel , such as lubricity , low temperature flow properties and elastomer compatibility , were discussed .

  3. 为了适用于引进德国MWB公司的无局放试验变压器器身干燥的要求,我们研制了真空热风干燥浸油设备。

    In order to satisfy the requirements of the body of test transformer without local discharge introduced from MWB Compary of West Germany , the vacuum hot air drying equipment for oil impregnation is manufactured by us .

  4. 基于CAN总线的大豆浸油生产线监控系统的研制

    Study on monitoring and control system for soybean extraction production line

  5. 浸油型弹簧式机械呼吸阀呼吸阀的工作特性和新型呼吸阀的开发

    Design and Characteristics of Breather Valve and its New Type Development

  6. 浸油法测量黄土样品的容重及其意义

    Dry Bulk Density of Loess Samples Measured by the Oil-soaked Method

  7. 填料一般用浸油或涂有石墨的石棉绳。

    Filler generally Baptist oil or graphite coated with asbestos rope .

  8. 全自动稀油润滑,齿轮浸油润滑;

    Completely automatic thin oil lubrication , gear gumming lubrication ;

  9. 用油浸油或涂层防渗透织物

    Textile fabric rendered impermeable by impregnation or coating with oil

  10. 如果目标浸油的话就会着火。

    If target has been doused , he will also catch fire .

  11. 浸油用玉米胚挤压膨化预处理技术的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Extrusion Pretreatment for Solvent Oil Extraction of Corn Germ

  12. 真空热风干燥浸油设备的新探索

    New Research on the Vacuum Hot Air Drying Equipment for Oil Impregnation

  13. 该菜籽挤压膨化浸油预处理工艺可供生产参考。

    This pretreatment technology can provide references for practical production .

  14. 挤压膨化脱皮菜籽浸油的试验研究

    Experimental Study of Extracting Oil on Extruded De-Skinning Rapeseeds

  15. 可以通过热空气老化、浸油来调节硫化胶的硬度。

    So the hardness of vulcanizate can be adjusted by heat-aging and oiling .

  16. 用于浸油的大豆挤压膨化的基础研究

    Basely Study on Extruded Soybeans Used as Solvent-Extraction

  17. 玉米胚膨化预处理浸油工艺的可行性研究

    The Feasibility Study on Technology of Extrusion Pretreatment for Solvent Extraction of Corn Germ

  18. 在安装瓦片之前,将专门把一层防水的浸油毡垫层辊平在望板上。

    A water-resistant saturated felt underlayment is typically rolled out over the sheathing before the shingles are applied .

  19. 双螺杆挤压膨化大豆浸油预处理工艺的试验研究

    The Study on the Pretreatment Technology of Soybean Extrusion Cooking by Twin-screw Extruder for Solvent Extraction of Oil

  20. 本机采用封闭式浸油润滑的蜗杆、蜗轮传动,以减少功率损耗,延长其使用寿命。

    The worm and worm gear are in totally submerged lubricant to reduce power loss and extend service life .

  21. 我去弄些锦葵来浸油,“她说,”可以让你的手保持细嫩。

    I 'll soak some bergamot in oil ," she said . " That will keep your hands soft .

  22. 他把半打的火炬扔进火盆里燃烧的木炭上看着浸油的破布熊熊燃烧。

    He thrust half a dozen torches into the brazier 's glowing coals and watched the oiled rags flare up .

  23. 试样加压、试样浸油、暗视场照明、消除眩光等途径对图像质量有了明显改善。

    Sample pressure , oil-soaked , dark-field illumination , glares eliminating and other channels has improved the image quality significantly .

  24. 纳米技术与阀门还分别以浸油润滑和滴油润滑方式模拟其润滑良好和润滑不良工况。

    Nanometer and valve The different lubrication states were simulated by different lubrication modes such as soaking lubrication and dropping lubrication .

  25. 为保障电网安全、可靠和经济地运行,需要对大型浸油变压器的健康状况进行连续的在线监测。

    A continuous online system is necessary to monitor the health status of oil immersion transformers in order to ensure the power equipment operates reliably .

  26. 对显微镜物镜浸油与媒质水溶液折射率不同所产生的球差对光阱力的影响进行了定量计算与数值分析。

    Effects of spherical aberration caused by the refractive mismatch between objective oil and medium water on optical trapping force is calculated quantitatively and also analyzed .

  27. 碱性表面不会很快生锈,但是如果长期储存于或暴露于大气中时,表面会浸油。

    The alkaline surface does not rust rapidly , but it if is to be stored indefinitely or exposed to weather , it shall be oiled .

  28. 包装布,涂油或浸油的纺织品制成原油被炼制成多种石油产品。

    Cloth , packing , of oil-coated or oil-impregnated fabric and those constituting finished or unfinished sacks or bags Crude oil is refined into various petroleum products .

  29. 同时对最佳参数的膨化玉米胚与传统浸油的轧胚玉米胚、原始玉米胚的显微结构进行对比分析。

    The parameters of this extrusion system were optimized and the differences of microstructure among extruded , pressed and the original maize germ were compared and analyzed .

  30. 常规的粉末冶金工艺为混料、压型、烧结、后处理(包括整形、锻造、热处理、机加工、浸油等)。

    Traditional P / M process includes mixing , molding , sintering and aftertreatment , such as coining , forging , heat treatment , machining , oil impregnation .