
xiāo fèi pénɡ zhànɡ
  • inflated consumption levels
  1. 消费需求膨胀的原因及治理对策

    Reasons for Consumption Inflation and Measures to Deal with Them

  2. 四月,南非的消费物价膨胀率达到了五年来最高的11.1%。

    Consumer-price inflation in South Africa rose to11.1 % in April , the highest in five years .

  3. 消费需求膨胀已成为当前经济中的突出问题。

    On the Consume EXPANDED GRAPHITE Consumption inflation becomes one of the outstanding problems of present national economy ;

  4. 突发性消费基金膨胀

    Inflation of unplanned consumption

  5. 在改革中合理构造微观经济基础,规范企业运行的外部环境,强化宏观调控机制是治理消费需求膨胀的基本对策。

    The basic measures to curb consumption inflation are to reasonably establish microeconomic foundation , improve external environment for enterprises ' operations , and strengthen macro-controlling mechanism .

  6. 企业行为短期化、企业内部动力机制和约束机制不健全、外部宏观环境不规范是导致消费需求膨胀的重要原因;

    Short-term oriented operations of enterprises , imperfect internal dynamic and checking mechanisms in enterprises , and abnormal external macroenvironment are the principal reasons leading to consumption inflation .

  7. 伴随着电子媒介时代的来临,视觉文化再度兴盛起来。今天,我们正处于一个图像生产、流通和消费急剧膨胀的时期,处于一个人类历史上从未有过的图像资源富裕乃至过剩的时期。

    With the era of electronic media , visual culture flourished again . Today , we are in a time in which the production , circulation and consumption of image expand everyday . We are in a period in which we never have so many images .

  8. 国家财政、银行和国有企业三位一体,投资消费的双膨胀导致宏观经济多次出现过热。

    The trinity of finance , bank and state-owned enterprise , double expansion of investment and consumption led to over-heat of macro economy for many times .

  9. 奥运经济的建设拉动了市场需求持久的增长,体育消费正在逐步膨胀,同时也吸引了越来越多的投资者加入体育产业。

    Stimulating the construction of Olympic economy sustained growth in market demand ; sports consumption is gradually expanding , but also attracted more and more investors join the sports industry .

  10. 基于国家能源政策的调整和大气环境保护标准的严格执行,常规的燃煤工业锅炉的使用日益受到限制,造成优质一次能源消费量的膨胀和生产成本的大幅度增加。

    Based on the adjustment of national energy policy and the atmosphere of strict enforcement of environmental standards , conventional coal-fired industrial boilers are limited to be used , resulting high-quality energy consumption and production cost increasing largely .

  11. 随着这一群体逐步走向社会,消费需求不断膨胀,追求时尚,体现个性,热衷于外貌消费和品牌消费,体验享乐式的生活,消费更加冲动。

    As this group gradually entering into the society , consumer demand expands ceaselessly , the pursuit of fashion , personality , keen on appearance consumption and brand consumption , experience the pleasure of life , consumption more impulsive .

  12. 个人消费的极度化膨胀与西罗马帝国的衰亡

    Extreme Inflation of Individual Consumption and the Decline of the Western Roma Empire

  13. 一旦到达美国,他的消费欲望立马会膨胀三分之一。

    On arriving in America , his spending power is instantly boosted by a third .

  14. 随着消费市场的急剧膨胀和竞争的加剧,将产品设计、开发、采购、物流和零售进行整合的供应链理念逐步取代传统的采购模式。

    With the rapid growth of the consuming need and fierce competition , the concept of supply chain which is to merge the product design , development , purchasing , logistic and retailing has replaced the traditional purchasing behavior .

  15. 与此同时出现了企业分配向消费倾斜,国家财政包袱越背越大的格局,出现了消费膨胀,从需求方面拉动物价上涨,从供给方面推动成本上升从而物价上涨。

    And at the same time , the distribution of enterprises ' income was tilted toward consumption , while the burden of national finance becomes bigger and bigger with consumption-swelling which pushes prices soaring with costs of products raised .