
xiāo fèi xínɡ wéi
  • consumer behavior
  1. 消费者是有限理性的问题解决者,因此IDB实验被用于消费行为领域的研究。

    Since consumers are problem solvers with bounded rationality , IDB is fitted for the studies of consumer behavior .

  2. 本文还重点分析了OTC药品消费行为特点,并从四个方面论述了影响OTC药品消费者行为的因素:文化因素、社会因素、个人因素、心理因素。

    This paper also analyzes the characteristics of OTC products consumer behavior , and from the four aspects of the influence of consumer behavior OTC products factors : the cultural factor , social factor , personal factors , psychological factors .

  3. 与此同时,一些非理性的消费行为也随着他们消费观念的转变而逐渐浮出水面,比如攀比性消费、炫耀性消费等等。

    Meanwhile , some irrational1 consuming behaviors such as unrealistic-comparison consumption , show-off consumption and so on also form since their consumption concept has been changed .

  4. 第四章使用SPSS统计软件对调研数据进行相关性分析,寻找影响农民工消费行为和消费观念的主要因素有哪些。

    Chapter 4 makes correlation analysis with SPSS statistical software , and finds out the main influencing factors to consumption behavior and consumption concept .

  5. 经典的IS-LM模型所表示的经济关系是建立在完善的市场经济中的消费行为、投资行为和货币需求行为基础之上的。

    The economic relationships demonstrated in the classical IS-LM model are based on consumption , investment and money demand behavior in perfect market economies .

  6. 尼尔森(Nielsen)的数据显示,最具活力经济体的消费者每周削减的购物支出,比经济低迷的美国和欧洲的消费者更多。尼尔森是一家追踪消费者消费行为的调查公司。

    Consumers in the most buoyant economies are cutting back on weekly shopping bill more than their peers in the economically depressed US and Europe , according to Nielsen , the audience measurement and consumer tracking company .

  7. 农民工消费行为考察

    The Exploration on the Consumption Behavior of the Urban Migrant Workers

  8. 对个人消费行为价值化倾向的理论思考

    Theoretical Thinking of the Value Inclination of Consumers ′ Personal Behavior

  9. 河南省大学生服装消费行为研究

    Study on Undergraduate 's Behavior of Clothing Consume in Henan Province

  10. 城市居民羽毛球消费行为形成因素的关系

    Relationship between Factors Forming Urban Residents ' Consumption Behavior on Badminton

  11. 城镇居民医疗消费行为模型的理论与实证研究

    An Theoretical and Empirical Study on Medical Consumption Behavior in Citizens

  12. 广告传播效果对消费行为的影响分析

    The Spread of The Effect of Advertising on Consumer Behavior Analysis

  13. 物价对消费行为影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Research on the Influence of Price to Consuming Behavior

  14. 消费行为反映民族性格倾向;

    Third , national personality orientation is reflected by consumption activities ;

  15. 我国城镇居民消费行为的阶段及倾向分析

    Analyses of phase and propensity for Chinese town resident consumption behavior

  16. 温州体育产业发展所面临的问题与对策&基于居民体育消费行为视角的体育产业发展调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Sports Consumption Behavior by Wenzhou People

  17. 第三部分,大学生不良消费行为的危害。

    Chapter Three : harm of college students ' bad consumption actions .

  18. 禁忌对于国际营销影响是通过对于东道国消费者消费行为的影响进行的。

    Taboo influence IM through influence consumer behavior of the host countries .

  19. 成都市城镇居民消费行为数量研究

    Quantitative Study on City People 's Consuming Behavior in Chengdu

  20. 中型城市女性群体旅游消费行为与市场营销对策研究

    Study on Female Tourism Consumer Behavior of Medium-sized City and Marketing Strategies

  21. 需求曲线的转动是消费行为的改变。

    And rotating the demand curve means changing consumer behavior .

  22. 论绿色设计对消费行为的引导

    Description of the Guiding of Green Design to Consumer Behavior

  23. 大学生群体消费行为与市场营销策略研究

    The Research upon Marketing Stragety for Consuming Behaviour of Collegers

  24. 日本与印度来华旅游者消费行为比较研究

    Comparative Analysis on Consumer Behaviour of Inbound Tourists from Japan and India

  25. 大学生网络游戏消费行为特征研究

    Research on the Consuming Behavioral Characteristics among the College Students

  26. 二是分析循环型消费行为的主要影响因素。

    Identifying the main determinants of recycling consumption behavior of city residents .

  27. 中老年服装消费行为初探

    Investigation on the Consumption Behavior of Middle and Old-aged Dress

  28. 碎片化背景下消费行为的新变化与发展趋势

    The New Change and Development Tendency of Consumer Behavior Due to Fragmentation

  29. 农户消费行为与家庭医疗保障

    On the Rural Households Medical Treatment Guarantee and Consumption Behaviour in China

  30. 中国农民消费行为的模型分析

    Analysis of the Current Chinese Farmers ′ Consumption Behavior Model