
rùn huá yóu
  • lube;lubricating oil;lubricant oil;lubrication oil;lubricant;oil;grease
润滑油 [rùn huá yóu]
  • (1) [lubricating oil]∶作润滑剂用的油(如石油的蒸馏物或脂肪质油)

  • (2) [lubricant]∶置于机械的动部件之间的这类物质。亦称润滑脂

润滑油[rùn huá yóu]
  1. 调和是润滑油生产工艺过程中必不可少的环节。

    Blending is the very important unit of lube oil manufacture .

  2. 概述了近几年国外润滑油基础油临氢催化加工技术新进展,内容主要涉及Chevron和Mobil两个公司的相关技术。

    This paper reviews advances in foreign lube stock hydro catalytic processing technologies in recent years including that of Chevron and Mobil .

  3. 给汽车加点润滑油。

    Put some oil in the car .

  4. 没有润滑油发动机就不能运转。

    Engines won 't run without lubricants .

  5. 我在前后轮毂上都抹了润滑油,还调校了刹车。

    I greased front and rear hubs and adjusted the brakes .

  6. 它的喷嘴抹了某种润滑油。

    Its nozzle was smeared with some kind of lubricant .

  7. 一班助手给排放装置加润滑油并作调试,直到其达至理想工作状态。

    A crew of assistants oiled and adjusted the release mechanism until it worked perfectly

  8. 润滑油能减小摩擦力。

    Oil can reduce friction .

  9. 润滑油对带膨胀机CO2跨临界循环的影响

    The effect of lubricant on system of carbon dioxide transcritical cycle with expander

  10. 基于ANSYS的附件机匣抽油口润滑油温度计算

    Lubrication Temperature Calculation of the Oil Outlet for Accessory Gearbox Based on ANSYS

  11. 本文进一步考察了此方法的测定条件及二氨替吡啉甲烷萃取Co(Ⅱ)的回收率,并应用该法成功地测定了原油及润滑油中的钴。

    We have applied this method successfully to determine trace cobalt in crude oil and lube oil .

  12. 基于VB的工业闭式齿轮润滑油选择系统

    A Lubricant Oil Selection System for Industrial Enclosed Gear Based on VB

  13. 润滑油智能分析系统中BP神经网络结构的设计

    Application of Genetic Algorithm in the BP Neural Network Structure Design of Intelligence Analysis System of Lubricated Oil

  14. 希望对加入WTO后的中石化润滑油业乃至中国的润滑油行业的发展具有一定的现实意义。

    It should make sense for the lube industry of China and Sinopec after China 's entry into the WTO .

  15. ICP-AES有机进样测定润滑油中的S元素

    Determining the sulfur content in lubricating oil with ICP-AES organic sample

  16. 将制成的ZnO纳米微粒作为润滑油添加剂,在摩擦磨损实验机上对其摩擦学特性进行了研究。

    Tribological performances of ZnO nano-particles as lubricating oil additives were studied in friction and wear test machine .

  17. Schiff碱铜络合物改性超高分子量聚乙烯及润滑油的摩擦学研究

    A Tribological Study on Schiff Base Copper Complex Modifying UHMWPE and Lubricants

  18. 纳米Fe3O4粒子粒径对其作润滑油添加剂摩擦学性能的影响

    Effect of the Particle Size on Tribological Properties of Nanometer Fe_3O_4 as Lubricating Oil Additives

  19. 首先通过主成分分析(PCA)结合多类判别分析建立了润滑油品牌鉴别模型。

    Firstly , principal component analysis ( PCA ) and multiclass discrimination analysis were combined to establish lubricant oild brand discrimination model .

  20. 利用商业CFD软件对简化的汽缸活塞滑动模型内的润滑油的流动进行数值模拟。

    The author use commercial CFD software to simulate the flow of the engine oil in a simplified piston - air cylinder model .

  21. NMP精制伊朗润滑油馏分的初步研究

    The pilot study on NMP solvent refining of Iran lube oil distillate

  22. 聚α-烯烃合成油(PAO)是重要的合成润滑油之一。

    Poly - alpha - olefins synthetic lubricant ( PAO ) is one of the important synthetic lubricant .

  23. LIMS系统在润滑油行业实验室的应用

    Application of LIMS System in Laboratories of Lubricant Industry

  24. 将DNCu-1型表面修饰Cu纳米微粒添加到发动机润滑油中,在发动机运行一段时间以后对连杆瓦的磨损表面进行SEM、EDS和XPS分析。

    The surface-modified Cu nanoparticles were added into lubricant oil . After the engine working a period time , the connecting rod bush of the engine was demounted and analyzed using SEM , EDS and XPS .

  25. TC-W3环保型润滑油及其生物毒性的研究

    Study on TC-W3 environment-friendly lubricating oil and its ecotoxicity

  26. SDY型润滑油快速测定箱

    Rapid Measuring Case for Type SDY Lubricating Oil

  27. 本产品用石油润滑油馏分经脱蜡、SO3磺化或加氢而制取的工业白油。

    This product is used by the dewaxing distillate oil lubricants , SO3 sulfonation or hydrogenation and the preparation of white oil industry .

  28. 进一步分析了各种空调制冷用润滑油添加剂的作用机理,并对极化制冷润滑油添加剂PROA的作用效果进行了试验研究。

    The mechanism of various additives is studied and experiments are carried out to test the function of polarized lubricant additive PROA .

  29. GTL润滑油基础油的一般工艺技术由3个部分组成:合成气生产技术,合成液体烃生产技术,合成油加工技术。

    The general technology of the GTL lube base oil is described , which consists of synthetic gas process , synthetic liquid hydrocarbon process and synthetic petroleum process .

  30. 国产200MW机组汽轮机润滑油延迟起压原因分析及对策

    Analysis & Countermeasures for Lubricating Oil Pressure Rising Delay of Steam Turbine in a 200 MW Generator Unit