
  1. 通过选择乳状液滴模拟夹杂物和RH装置内水模实验,考察了RH处理时间、提升气量、真空室内液面高度对夹杂物去除行为的影响规律。

    The effects of treatment time , lift gas flowrate and liquid height in vacuum vessel on inclusion removal in RH degasser were investigated by choosing emulsion drops simulated as inclusions in a water model .

  2. CNG汽提甲醇的实验表明,温度对汽提效果的影响显著,而天然气流量,汽提液面高度、横截面积和汽提装置中有无填料等因素均不占主导地位。

    By stream stripping experiment we learned that the most important factor is stream-stripping temperature , other factors such as natural gas flow , the shape of stream-stripping vessel and packing were not dominant .

  3. 经大庆油田5口井试验表明,液面高度误差均在50m内,实现了螺杆泵恒液面控制目的。

    Apply to 5 wells in Daqing Oilfield shows that the errors of level height less than 50 meters , and realized the purpose of control level height by screw pump .

  4. 经现场5口井应用表明:动液面高度控制误差在±45m内,确保了螺杆泵处于稳定的工作状态,提高了采油效率。

    Through field application in five wells , the control error of dynamic liquid level height is the range of ? 45 meter and it can ensure that cavity pump is on the stable work state .

  5. 本文用2D-PIV系统对水泵吸水池的不对称流动进行了测量,通过图像处理技术的分析,得到了吸水池自由液面高度的平均分布,揭示了不对称流动等因素对吸水池内流动状况的影响。

    In this paper , the non-uniform flow in the open pump sump was measured by the 2D PIV system . The height distribution of free water surface was obtained by image processing technology , which showed the influence of non-uniform flow on the flow situations in pump sump .

  6. 液位传感器是用来检测液面高度信息的仪器。

    Liquid-level sensor is an instrument used to detect liquid surface height .

  7. 电容式传感元件测量导电液体的液面高度

    Using capacitance sensor to measure the height of conductive liquid

  8. 基于光纤传感器的液面高度测量技术研究

    Research on Liquid Level Measurement Based on Optical Fiber Sensor

  9. 地面驱动螺杆泵动液面高度控制方法研究

    Control method of dynamic liquid level height for surface driving screw pump

  10. 真空室内的液面高度也存在一个最佳值。

    The liquid height in vacuum vessel had been optimized for inclusions removal .

  11. 计算机单目视觉检测连铸结晶器熔钢液面高度

    Application of Computer Monocular Vision in Moulds Level Measuring for Continuous Casting Steel

  12. 各种封头的卧式容器不同液面高度体积计算

    Volume calculation of horizontal vessels with various formed heads at different liquid heights

  13. 电磁结晶器内钢液面高度变化对电磁力分布的影响

    Influence of Molten Steel Level Variation on Electromagnetic Force Distribution in Electromagnetic Mold

  14. 超声检测大钢质容器内的液面高度

    Measurement of the height of liquid level in big steel vessel by ultrasonic

  15. 只需要拆开或者直接取下蓄电池盖,就可以检查电解液的液面高度。

    Simply unscrew the battery caps or remove the covers to check the level .

  16. 预灌封注射器简介自流发油液面高度的确定

    Brief Introduction of Pre-filling & sealing Injector Determination of the Level for Artesian Discharge

  17. 超声波测量罐中液面高度的系统设计

    Design of Ultrasonic Ranging System for Liquid Caging

  18. 输血时莫菲氏滴管内液面高度与红细胞损伤的研究

    Relationship between Fluid Highness in Murphy 's Dropper and Red Blood Cell Damage during Transfusion

  19. 介绍一种由弹簧支承液槽构成的自动保持液面高度的装置。

    The paper introduced an automatic level holding device composed of a liquid tank supported by a spring .

  20. 用纯数学方法推导出了具有凸封头的卧式圆筒形容器内部液体液面高度与体积的关系式。

    A formula between the volume and depth of the liquid in horizontal cylindrical tanks with convex heads is derived mathematically .

  21. 给出了一种利用复摆扫描光码盘进行液面高度测量的新方法。

    A new method which measures the height of liquid surface by using compound pendulum scans optic code tray is given .

  22. 影响摇包内液体运动的主要因素有:偏心距、转速、液面高度、上下液体比和摇包直径等。

    The main influencing factors include eccentricity , rotational speed , liquid level , the liquid proportion and diameter of shaking ladle .

  23. 铸轧速度是调节熔池液面高度和轧制力的有效手段。

    So , the casting speed plays an efficient role in readjusting the molten steel surface level in pool and rolling force .

  24. 立置凸形封头液位与体积关系各种封头的卧式容器不同液面高度体积计算

    The relations between volume and liquid heights in vertical convex heads Volume calculation of horizontal vessels with various formed heads at different liquid heights

  25. 目的在液体性质、液面高度、头皮针型号固定的状态下,观察一次性可调节输液器的输液速度与实际输入量的差距及调整规律。

    Objective To evaluate the difference between the desired graduation on the dial and the real flow rate to explore a modulated law of I.

  26. 油田采油控制系统主要是用来测量油田液面高度并进行智能采油的系统。

    Oil extraction control system in the oil field is mainly used to measure the level of the oil underground and extract oil intelligently .

  27. 结果表明:增加功率或减少炉料质量均使自由液面高度增大;

    The results show that increasing the input power and lowering down the charge mass will increase the free surface height of the melt .

  28. 研究结果表明:料桶内的液面高度对涡流二极管泵的泵效率及输送量影响甚微;

    Experimental results were as follows : ( 1 ) The liquid height in the tank had little influence on the performance of the pump .

  29. 最后测量了不同电压频率、不同液面高度时电机的转速,实验结果验证了理论分析的正确性。

    In the end , the motor speed was measured when the voltage frequency and fluid height varied . The experimental results coincide with theory analysis .

  30. 建立底部吹氩流量区域耦合模型,通过该模型可以计算出喷出区域液面高度。

    The couple mode of the bottom blowing argon flow area was established and through which the liquid height of the blowout area could be calculated .