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hán yǎng
  • conserve;self-restraint;the virtue of patience;ability to control oneself
涵养 [hán yǎng]
  • (1) [self-restraint;ability to control oneself]∶修养

  • 很有涵养

  • (2) [conserve]∶滋润养育

  • 用造林来涵养水源

涵养[hán yǎng]
  1. 例如了解山水画观察自然的态度和方法,创作山水画从自然的构成要素中取其精髓的方法,通过精神涵养和美的关照取得主客合一态度和方法。

    For example , the attitude and method of knowing about landscape and observing nature , of getting the essence from the nature element , of combining subject with object by the virtue of patience and the attention on beauty .

  2. 简论我国古代学者的知性涵养功夫

    Simple Treatise on Ancient Chinese Scholars ' Self-restraint Intellectuality Skills

  3. 她很有涵养,没有表露出她的失望。

    She was too well bred to show her disappointment .

  4. 这个年轻女子有着超越年龄的涵养。

    The young woman had grace beyond her years .

  5. 她很有涵养,不想去伤害小男孩的感情。

    She was too well bred to want to hurt the little boy 's feelings .

  6. 基于GIS的长江上游植被水源涵养功能评价研究

    Study on the Function of Vegetation in Water Conservation Based on GIS Technology in the Upper Yangtze River

  7. 本文选取了提高农民健康水平、减少二氧化碳和二氧化硫排放量等要素建立计量模型;将保护森林的效益分为涵养水源、水土保持、制造氧气、吸收CO2和SO2、防风固沙和净化大气效益等。

    Divided the benefits to water-holding , soil and water conservation , oxygen-making , carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide absorbing and atmosphere purification benefit .

  8. 基于RS与GIS的乔木层物种多样性分布格局&以辽东山区水源涵养林为例

    Distribution pattern of tree layer species diversity based on RS and GIS : A case study of water conservation forests in montane regions of eastern Liaoning Province of China

  9. 油松(PinusTabulaeformisCarr.)在我国分布广泛,也是北方营造水源涵养林、水土保持林及用材林的主要树种之一。

    Pinus tabulaeformis Carr . is a widespread main wood species in China , used for soil and water conservation forest in north of China .

  10. 六类生态服务功能价值排序为:土壤保持价值>固定CO2价值>涵养水分价值>释放O2价值>植被生产有机物价值>净化空气价值。

    The value order of 6 kinds of ecological services function is as : soil and fertilization conservation > fixing CO2 > water conservation > releasing O2 > primary productivity of vegetation > cleansing the environment .

  11. 应用P-V技术对祁连山水源涵养林主要树种水分参数进行测定分析。

    With P-V techniques , this paper determined and analyzed the water parameters of main tree species in the water conservation forest of Qilian Moutains .

  12. 密云水库上游水源涵养林效益的研究基于TDIS框架的旅游形象策划探讨&以青海黄河上游水上游览带为例

    Study on the Benefits of the Water-reserving Forest in the Upper Reaches of Miyun Reservoir Discussion on the Tourism Image Planning Based on TDIS Framework

  13. 水源涵养林壤中流水质中pH、Sal、Tur和NH4~+具有缓冲作用,而无林地壤中流水质变化通常是随着降雨时间的延长快速下降,没有缓冲作用,很容易造成养分流失。

    Water Resources Protection Forest can buffer the varieties of pH , Sal , Tur and NH4 + . But the change of water quality in no forest area always reduce clipping by the rainfall , no buffer , which easy run out nutrient .

  14. 祁连山还是一个庞大而完备的生态系统,海拔2500~3000m之间的坡地为原始森林与大片的草地,构成祁连山独特的水源涵养林。

    Qilian Mountain was a large and comprehensive eco-system , between 2500 ~ 3000m the slope of Qilian Mountain were large tracts of virgin forest and grassland that constituted Qilian Mountain unique water conservation forest .

  15. 黑龙江省东部水源区植被土壤水源涵养功能分析

    Water-source Conservation Function of Forest Soil in East of Heilongjiang Province

  16. 水源涵养林林木耗水称重法试验研究

    Experiment of Water Consumption of Water Conservation Forest by Weighing Methods

  17. 以水源涵养为目标的低功能人工林更新技术研究

    Study on the Artificial Forest Reforming Techniques of Lower Water-conserving Function

  18. 浅谈嫩江流域水源涵养林建设工程及措施

    Water Conservation Forest Construction Projects and Measures in Nen River Valley

  19. 八角林分水源涵养功能的研究

    A Study on the Water Conservation Function of Illicium verum Forest

  20. 祁连山水源涵养林水分传输规律研究

    Law of the water transfer process of water-conversation forest in Qilian Mountains

  21. 杉木混交林水源涵养和土壤性质研究

    Study on water conservation and soil properties of Chinese fir mixed stands

  22. 涵养农业强壮基础&论国家与农民的利益关系

    On the Interests Relations between the State and the Peasantry

  23. 那些在美丽事物中看到美丽意义的,是有涵养的人。

    Those who find beautiful meanings in beautiful things are the cultivated .

  24. 我认为中国女人都很漂亮,而且有涵养。

    I think Chinese women are beautiful and so cultured .

  25. 当前我国道德生态及道德资源涵养

    On the Current Moral Ecology and Conservation of Moral Resources in China

  26. 小叶鹅耳枥群落有较高的经济价值,同时在防风固沙、涵养水源等方面也具有重要的生态意义。

    Carpinus turczaninowii forests have important economical and ecological value .

  27. 安吉地区不同森林植被水源涵养功能的研究

    A Study on Water-Holding Function of Different Forest Vegetation in Anji Region

  28. 封山育林的马尾松群落水源涵养功能研究

    Study on Conservation Capacity of Water in Masson Pine Community among Closed Forest

  29. 地下水的监测结果表明水源涵养林具有净化水质的作用,其中覆盖率最高的采样点水质较好。

    The groundwater results indicate that Water Resources Protection Forest improve water quality .

  30. 水资源涵养措施包括两个方面∶一是植物工程措施,二是水利工程措施。

    Water resource conservation measures include plantation project measure and hydraulic engineering measure .