
yū ní
  • silt;sludge;mud;muck;mire;ooze;slurry;slush
淤泥 [yū ní]
  • (1) [mud;silt]∶河湖池塘里底部的泥沙

  • 出淤泥而不染。--宋. 周敦颐《爱莲说》

  • (2) [ooze;slurry]∶参见软泥

淤泥[yū ní]
  1. 从1998年起,将禁止所有倾倒淤泥的行为。

    All dumping of sludge will be banned by 1998 .

  2. SR菌从电镀淤泥中分离得到,能耐高浓度的铬并能高效还原Cr(Ⅵ)和吸附Cr(Ⅲ)。

    The SRB were isolated from electroplating sludge and could reduce and adsorb Cr (ⅵ) efficiently .

  3. 池子里满是淤泥和绿色的污水。

    The pond was full of mud and green slime .

  4. 船深陷在淤泥里动弹不得。

    The boat was stuck fast in the mud .

  5. 沟渠中积满了淤泥。

    The ditches had filled up with mud .

  6. 湖里几乎快被淤泥和植物填满了。

    The lake was almost solid with silt and vegetation .

  7. 船搁浅在一片淤泥滩上。

    The boat beached on a mud flat

  8. 沟渠中塞满了淤泥和垃圾。

    The ditches had filled up with mud and debris .

  9. 河口沉积了淤泥。

    The river deposited silt at its mouth .

  10. 一段铁路被淤泥淹埋。

    A section of the railway was buried in mud .

  11. 每年河水泛滥时都会在田野上沉积一层淤泥。

    During the annual floods the river deposits its silt on the fields .

  12. 我们的脚都陷在淤泥中了。

    All our feet were swamped in the mud .

  13. 为了更好地了解淤泥在水泥处理前后的物理化学性质变化,做了X射线衍射试验。

    X ray Diffraction analyses are performed to establish the mineralogical changes following treatment .

  14. 淤泥和土壤中Cd、Cu、Zn的结合形态研究

    Research on the Chemical Forms of Cd , Cu , Zn in Silt and Soil

  15. 高压气球用于对淤泥作机械功的极限效率约为28%。Air(初三适用)

    Theoretically the maximum transfer efficiency from the potential energy of a high pressure air ball to the mechanical work on mud flat is about 28 % .

  16. 淤泥质土地区CFG桩复合地基沉降

    Settlement of CFG pile composite foundation in silt soil region

  17. 石灰桩可使淤泥质土的含水量和孔隙比明显降低,并使淤泥质粘土的十字板抗剪强度cu提高到原来的1.13~4.50倍;

    The water content and void ratio of soft mucky clay could be considerably reduced and the vane shear strength was increased 1.13-4.50 times after treatment .

  18. 从电镀厂的含铬淤泥中分离获得一株抗铬的脱硫弧菌(SRI)。

    Chromate resistance of Desulfovibrio sp . SRI was isolated from chromium - contaminated sludge in electroplating plants .

  19. SILAS系统在太湖湖底淤泥调查中的应用

    Application of Silas system in the silt investigation of the Taihu Lake

  20. 通过直接剪切、无侧限抗压强度灵敏度、标准固结试验、孔隙分析X射线衍射及扫描电镜等现代测试手段,研究了改性淤泥的强度特性,探讨固化剂的改性淤泥的机理。

    Based on the direct shear , sensitivity of unconfined compressive strength , standard consolidation test , X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) and SEM , the mechanism and strength characteristics of treated sludge are analyzed .

  21. 例如哈得逊河淤泥中的细菌具有在厌氧条件下使PCBs部分脱卤化的能力。

    For example , microorganisms in the muds of the Hudson River have developed the ability to partially dehalogenate PCBs under anaerobic conditions .

  22. CFG桩在处理回填土、淤泥质土等软基时施工方便、工期短、有很大的经济优势。

    In treating soft foundation of man fill , mud , CFG Piles have the advantages of easy to construct , short construction period and economic .

  23. 在85kPa膜下真空度的情况下,1m厚渗透系数小于10-6cm/s的淤泥搅拌墙满足气密性的持久性要求。

    And it was concluded that mixing silt wall with breadth 1m and permeability less than 10-6cm / s met the need of the airtight capacity under vacuum of 85 kPa .

  24. 三角洲的形成晚期为海边洼地或沼泽地,形成一套厚为20~25m的以淤泥为主的软粘土层。

    The delta has been finally evolved into coastal pots or morass , forming a set of 20m to 25m thick and soft clay beds composed of muck .

  25. 3)原位剪应力测量装置(ISIS)被应用于测量淤泥表面、床体上的侵蚀剪应力分布;

    3 ) application of Instrument for Measuring Shear Stress In Situ ( ISIS ) to measure surface erosion shear stress and erosion shear stress profiles on mud beds ;

  26. 方差分析结果表明,沙质底、淤泥底中TN含量在3~6月无显著差异(p0.05),7~11月有显著差异(p0.01)。

    The one-way ANOVA showed that there was no significant difference in the TN contents between the sandy and the silty sediments from March to June ( p0.05 ), but a significant difference occurred from July to November ( p0.01 ) .

  27. 湖底淤泥经处理后,对细菌的杀灭率≥90%,粪大肠菌值达到卫生标准,未检出致病菌及H5N1型禽流感病毒。

    After treatment of the mud at the lake bottom , the bacterial killing rate was ≥ 90 % and the fecal coli-group bacterial count met the sanitary standard . Neither pathogenic bacteria nor H5N1-type avian influenza virus was detected .

  28. 整个湖水水体污染情况接近,湖水HBsAg阳性率为50%,淤泥为100%,且淤泥中的HBsAg约为水中的一万倍。

    The lower lever of the water 's samples has the higher rate of the positive of HBsAg than medium water 's. 50 % is positive out of the lake water samples . The HBsAg in sludge is about 10,000 times as more as in water .

  29. 南端有320.6m隧道穿越软流塑淤泥质粉质粘土层,覆土厚度8~9m,穿越地面建筑群和地下管线网。

    320.6m of the tunnels at the south part go through soft flowing mucky silty clay and underground pipelines , with an overburden thickness of 8 ~ 9m .

  30. 检测结果表明,挤入淤泥和粉土中的纯砂砾柱平均直径达到55~82cm,28d龄期时水泥砂砾灌浆体取芯的抗压强度达到4.3~11.4MPa。

    The inspection results indicated that the uniform diameter of pure sand-gravel columns in mud and silt reached 55 ~ 82 cm , and the boring core sample strength of grouting column reached 4.3 ~ 11.4 MPa at the age of 28 d.