
yū jī
  • sedimentation;deposit;silting-up;accumulation of mud
淤积 [yū jī]
  • [accumulation of mud;sedimentation] 淤泥沉积;淤塞堆积

淤积[yū jī]
  1. 三角洲河口常见的三角形沉淀淤积地带。

    A usually triangular alluvial deposit at the mouth of a river .

  2. 城镇排水管道系统淤积、堵塞原因分析

    Cause analysis for deposit and blockage of city drainage pipe system

  3. 洪水过后,地里淤积了一层泥浆。

    When the flood subsided , it left a layer of mud in the fields .

  4. 淤积土壤通常能长出最好的庄稼。

    Alluvial soils usually grow the best crops .

  5. 淤积的主要原因是回流淤积

    The siltation relates with the circumfluence .

  6. 黄土丘陵沟壑区治沟骨干工程泥沙淤积来源于坡面侵蚀、沟道侵蚀和库区岸坡坍塌

    Sediments check dam in small watersheds in loess hilly gully area come from three proportion , i.

  7. 胶淤积的地方,用毛刷将胶抹匀,直至胶凝

    The rubber siltation place , wipes uniform with the hair brush the rubber , until gel gelation gelling .

  8. GPS在淤地坝淤积监测中的应用

    Application of GPS in sediment monitoring of silt retention dams

  9. 前列腺素E1治疗肝内胆汁淤积性病毒性肝炎疗效观察

    A trial of PGE_1 in the Treatment of E_1 Intrahepatic Biliary stasis Viral Hepatitis

  10. 促肝细胞生长素与前列腺素E1联合治疗慢性乙型肝炎重度胆汁淤积62例疗效观察

    Therapeutic effects of hepatocyte growth-promoting factors and prostaglandin E_1 on the 62 cases of chronic hepatitis B accompanied by severe cholestasis

  11. 干燥综合征即Sj?目的探讨胆汁淤积在原发性干燥综合征(pSS)中的意义及其与原发性胆汁性肝硬化(PBC)的关联。

    Objective To study the significance of cholestasis in primary Sj ?

  12. 目的:定量分析肠道外营养(PN)引起肝毛细胆管内胆汁淤积的主要变化。

    Objectives : To analyse quantitatively the main changes of cholestasis in bile canaliculi due to parenteral nutrition .

  13. 目的评估联合治疗重度妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症(ICP)临床疗效。

    Objective To evaluate efficacy of the combined treatment for severe intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy ( ICP ) .

  14. 探讨妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症(ICP)患者的新生儿脐动脉血气的特点及缺氧、酸中毒的情况。

    To analyse the results of ICP neonatal umbilical artery blood gases and study neonate hypoxia and acidosis .

  15. 妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症血清E3、β-hCG与胎盘ER、HCG表达的研究

    Study of serum Estriol , β - hCG and expression of the estrogen receptors , HCG on placenta in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy

  16. 通过人工控制下的实验室内静态模拟,研究了稳定塘污泥降解过程中的pH值变化趋势、有机物浓度、淤积时间、温度对污泥降解速率的影响以及污泥降解的数学模型。

    Through static simulation in laboratory under artificial control , sludge degradation model and its effects caused by pH value trend , organism concentration , deposition time and temperature were studied .

  17. 目的探讨无刺激试验(NST)及B超检查胎儿生物物理评分(BPS)对妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症(ICP)孕妇胎儿宫内安危监测的临床价值。

    Aim To investigate the clinical value of NST and BPS on fetal safety of pregnancy with ICP .

  18. 结论EH患者的ANF增高可能是代偿性的。港池淤积的一个机制PH时内源性ANP增多实为代偿机理。

    Conclusion In EH patients , the level of ANF is elevated , the increasing of the lever of ANF may be a compensatory mechanism against hypertension .

  19. 结论:在感染大鼠实施TPN时给予SAMet可有效预防TPN胆汁淤积的发生,为临床上在不停止TPN的情况下预防淤胆的发生提供了一种新的措施。

    Conclusions : The use of SAMet is helpful to could prevent TPN induced cholestasis in infected rats .

  20. 目的研究地塞米松治疗妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症(IntrahepaticCholestasisofPregnancy,ICP)的疗效,观察地塞米松对胎鼠垂体-肾上腺的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the effects of dexamethasone on pregnant rats with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy ( ICP ) and the influence of desamethasone on the fetal pituitary-adrenal function .

  21. 【目的】妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症(IntrahepaticCholestasisofPregnancy,ICP)是妊娠期特有的疾病,对胎儿危害极大,其病因和发病机制尚不明确。

    [ Objective ] Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy ( ICP ) is a disease that occurs during the second half of pregnancy and does great harm to the fetus .

  22. 在以淤积为主时期的调整,是通过断面不同部位的淤积来实现的,但都是由U型较大河槽向V型窄深小槽发展。

    The bed regulation is realized through sediment silting in different parts in cross section during silting period and the deformation of bed form changed from broad U type channel to narrow and deep V type channel .

  23. 通过对TG水利枢纽综合利用任务及泥砂淤积特性分析,本文针对水库运用中发电与排沙联合运用问题,建立了TG枢纽水沙联调的多目标数学模型。

    Based on the multipurpose analysis and sediment feature in TG reservoir , a multiobjective programming model is presented here for the trade-off between power generation and sediment ejection in TG reservoir .

  24. 目的:探讨妊娠合并肝内胆汁淤积症(ICP)孕妇、新生儿血清胆汁酸(CA)含量与胎儿宫内窘迫的关系;ICP与新生儿黄疸的关系。

    Objective : To explore the relationship between intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy ( ICP ), serum cholic acid ( CA ) content in mother and infants and fetal distress and neonates ' icterus .

  25. 目的探讨熊去氧胆酸(ursodeoxycholicacid,UDCA)的应用对胆汁淤积症(ICP)孕鼠脏层卵黄囊细胞膜脂质流动性及胎盘组织谷光甘肽(glutathione,GSH)含量的影响。

    Objective To explore the effects of ursodeoxycholic acid ( UDCA ) on the fluidity of rat visceral sac and placental glutathione ( GSH ) concentration in rats with intrahepatic cholestasis .

  26. 目的:研究妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症(ICP)胎盘超微结构改变,探讨ICP时胎儿宫内生长不良及死亡原因。

    Objective : To study the ultrastructural changes in placenta of Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy ( ICP ) and to investigate the reasons of intrauterine growth retardation and intrauterine fetal death in ICP .

  27. 基于钻孔数据的多层DEM构模技术是构建沉积环境下三维地层模型的有效方法,但该方法对在河流的侵蚀和淤积交替作用下形成的地层建模效果并不理想。

    Multi-DEM approach , which is based on borehole data , is flexible , speediness and effective for sedimentary formation ; but it is not suited for stratigraphic system controlled by fluvial erosion and aggrading action .

  28. NF-κB的特异性阻断剂PDTC能改善TBA、肝脏病理变化,提示PDTC可能对孕鼠胆汁淤积有治疗作用。

    The NF - κ B specific inhibitor PDTC can improve TBA and liver pathologic changes , suggesting that PDTC may have a therapeutic effect in cholestatic of pregnant rats . 3 .

  29. 结论PBC肝损害以胆汁淤积为主,抗线粒体抗体M2阳性对PBC诊断有较高特异性,熊去氧胆酸为治疗首选;PBC常伴发SS,二者密切关联又有明显不同。

    Conclusions PBC manifests with predominant cholestatic liver involvement and often associates and complicates with SS ; For PBC , AMA-M2 is a specific antibody and ursodeoxycholic acid should be the first choice for the treatment .

  30. 光镜下检查显示,BDL组及PTX组均可见肝细胞坏死及增生,汇管区可见胆管扩张、胆汁淤积,肝坏死程度以BDL组为重。

    Microscope examination showed that liver cell necrosis was heavier in BDL group than that in PTX group . Bile was filled up in bile duck in both group .