
  • 网络sedimentation;siltation volume
  1. 水库库容和淤积量精密测量及计算方法研究

    Research on determination of high accuracy reservoir storage and sedimentation amount

  2. 水库泥沙淤积量风险分析

    Risk Analysis of Reservoir Sedimentation

  3. 基于差分GPS技术的淤地坝泥沙淤积量估算

    Estimation of sediment volume trapped by check-dam based on differential GPS technique

  4. 本文从航道河势状态相似性出发,通过状态相似关联度,建立灰色模型GM(2·1),揭示多因素作用的航槽状态相似性发展过程,作出航槽近期淤积量的预报。

    Based on channel situation and stage similarity relational grade , a GM ( 2.1 ) is set up . It reveals the course of development of channel similarity under the action of various factors , and forecasts the siltation volume in the nearest future a.

  5. 鄱阳湖淤积量计算方法的探讨

    Probing into the computation method on sedimentary amount of Poyang Lake

  6. 山东省大中型水库泥沙淤积量预测

    Prediction of the sand sediment volume in the reservoirs in Shandong Province

  7. 沙漠明渠风沙淤积量观测与研究

    Observation and study on volume of sandstorm deposition in open canals in desert

  8. 输沙量法和地形法计算螺山汉口河段淤积量比较

    Calculation of Deposition in Luoshan-Hankou Reach Using Sediment-transport Balance and Topographic Change Methods

  9. 采用简化方法测算小水库泥沙淤积量简单方便,可大大提高工作效率。

    These methods are simple in calculation , and greatly improve the working efficiency .

  10. 其回淤总量等于3部分淤积量之和。

    The total back silting volume equals to the sum of the three parts .

  11. 城市化开发的侵蚀模数及流域淤积量研究

    The Study on the Modulus of Erosion and Sediment Deposition of Watershed in Urbanized Development

  12. 结果表明,无论采用何种设计方案,地涵洞身的淤积量均不大。

    It is concluded that the accumulation of sediment is small for any type of culvert .

  13. 与传统软件相比,该系统能快速而准确的计算库区库容和淤积量。

    Comparing with the tradition software , the reservoir storage and deposition amount are calculated quickly and accurately by the system .

  14. 分析了交汇口附近淤积量及淤积率与流量及流量比的关系。

    It is found that the relative over water depth increases with the increasing of the discharge rate and the confluence angle .

  15. 正确快速的库容和淤积量的测定对保证库区、大坝的安全和计划调度发电起着重要的作用。

    The storage capacity and sedimentation volume determination to ensure the reservoir , dam safety and scheduling power plays an important role in .

  16. 改斜坡式断面为直立式断面,缩小下游引航道的过水面积,不仅能减少淤积量,而且有利于提高冲沙效率。

    The change of the slope section to vertical section and the reduction of wetted cross-section may not only decrease deposition but also improve sediment scouring efficiency .

  17. 并对骤淤量和年淤积量进行了概率分析与预测,可供工程规划决策使用。

    Probability analysis of the sudden sedimentation and yearly sedimentation are carried on , which are suitable for the decision making in planning and designing of coastal engineering .

  18. 浅析水利水电工程沉沙池泥沙沉降计算方法渭河下游淤积量随两站来沙量的增加,陈村水位的抬高而增加。

    Secondly , the sediment deposit of lower Wei-river increase in pace with the crease in of sediment from the two station and the level rising of Chen Village .

  19. 发现实施过渡方案以来,库区累计淤积量与叠加流量加权平均坝前水位的关系,符合以往的关系曲线。

    It is found that the relationships between the accumulated volumes of sediment deposition in the reservoir and the average pool levels follow the earlier trend curves very well .

  20. 淤积量在流量比大约为0.5时出现峰值,在流量比为0.65时出现谷值,淤积量与流量比关系变化曲线以倾斜向上的直线为对称轴,呈倾斜向上的正弦波形。

    Deposit quantity will get the maximum value at discharge ratio of0.5 and get minimum value at0.65.The curve ( relation between deposit quantity and discharge ratio ) will be an uphill sinusoid .

  21. 下游河道年平均淤积量在0.7&1.3亿t,是多年平均值的30%左右。

    The annual sediment silted on the lower Yellow River was in the range of 0.7 & 1.3 hundred million t , or about 30 % of its average annual value for long term .

  22. 从1952到1960和1969到1978年间,来自这些区域的十三场洪水造成了103场洪水产生的总淤积量的60%。

    In the years 1952 to 1960 and 1969 to 1978 , thirteen floods from these areas contribute to 60 % of the total amount of deposition caused by a total number of 103 floods .

  23. 本文应用沙量平衡原理,介绍了利用塘坝淤积量确定集水区内年土壤侵蚀模数的方法与步骤,并以计算实例证实了这种计算方法的科学性和可行性。

    According to the theory of sediment balance , this paper introduces the method and procedure of determining annual soil erosion modulus in a drainage area by measuring the siltation in check dams and pools .

  24. 二维水流泥沙数学模型是计算航道和港内泥沙淤积量的有效方法,本文拟对此开展研究。

    2D sediment numerical model is an efficient method to calculate the sediment deposition in the harbor and channel . In this dissertation some research will be carried out on this topic and is outlined as follows . 1 .

  25. 本文利用多目标规划的思想方法,结合遗传算法和神经网络方法建立了多沙河流水库水沙联调的多目标规划模型,并采用神经网络预测方法计算水库泥沙淤积量。

    A multi objective operation model with GA and BP and a method to predict sediment of reservoir by using BP is presented in this paper . The Yellow River is the rare river with plenty of sands in the world .

  26. 水库工程在防御洪水调节径流合理利用水资源等方面发挥了巨大的效益,水库库容和淤积量的变化是水利电力部门十分关心的问题。

    Reservoir flood regulating runoff in the rational use of water resources has played an enormous benefit , the storage capacity of the reservoir and siltation volume changes are very concerned about the problem of water conservancy and electric power department .

  27. 计算成果表明,当小浪底水库的调沙库容为25亿m~3时,下游河道的年平均淤积量可减少到1亿多吨。

    It is shown by the calculation results that when the capacity of Xiaolangdi Reservoir for sediment regulation is 2.5 billion m ~ 3 , the annual mean siltation of teh lower river course can be reduced to about 100 million tons .

  28. 由于三个方案实施后的流速、流向变化,淤强、淤积量差异很小,因此建议在工程量与造价上比选最优方案。

    The paper advises to select and use the project which is optimum in the amount of engineering works and cost because of the tiny difference of the change of the velocity and direction of flow and sediment siltation amount between the three project .

  29. 结果表明:输沙量法能较好地反映整个河槽断面的综合冲淤情况,而地形法更侧重于计算平滩水位以下的淤积量。

    The result shows that the amount calculated by sediment-transport balance method is better to reflect the integrated situation of the whole channel , while the result calculated by topographic change method puts more emphasis on the erosion / deposition amount below flood level .

  30. 据沙量平衡分析与计算表明。因湖岸崩塌和太湖水系的输沙作用,近期太湖的泥沙淤积量为9.28×10~5t/a。

    According to the analysis and calculation of sediment transportation balance , there are about 9.28 × 10 ~ 5t of sediments which are transported into Taihu Lake annually from the collapse of lake bank and the different sediment transportations between upstreams and downstreams of Taihu Lake river system .