
cán shí
  • encroach on;encroach;nibble;nibble away up
蚕食 [cán shí]
  • [nibble away up;encroach] 比喻侵吞他国土地如蚕之食叶

蚕食[cán shí]
  1. 通货膨胀开始蚕食他们的存款。

    Inflation began to nibble away at their savings .

  2. 他说的是iOS,但是iCloud已经开始蚕食Mac和个人电脑的文件系统。

    He was talking about iOS , but iCloud starts to nibble away at the edges of the traditional file system on Macs and PCs , too .

  3. 蚕食的足够多,一个hollow可以重回人形。

    Consume enough , and a hollow can fully regain its human form .

  4. 另一方面,亚马逊(Amazon)和其它纯粹的电商网站还将继续蚕食市场份额。

    Amazon ( AMZN ) and other pure-play e-commerce sites will continue to gain market share .

  5. 苹果在华销售遭到华为(Huawei)等中国本土竞争对手的蚕食。

    Apple sales in China have been dented by local rivals such as Huawei .

  6. 当Facebook计划推出他们的“Like”按钮时,他们担心会不会发生“自相蚕食”的结果&会不会因此反而减少了文字评论,而不是提升了参与度?

    When Facebook was planning to rollout their Like button , they worried about cannibalization-would it simply reduce posting of text comments , rather than increasing participation ?

  7. 但开源浏览器火狐(Firefox)和谷歌(Google)的Chrome,先后开始蚕食IE的市场份额。

    But first the open-source Firefox browser and then Google 's Chrome ate into IE 's market share .

  8. 与其他零售商一样,百思买的销售一直被亚马逊(Amazon)等在线竞争对手所蚕食。

    Best buy , like other retailers , has been losing sales to online rivals such as Amazon ( AMZN ) .

  9. 新的竞争者,比如梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes)、雷克萨斯(Lexus)甚至连保时捷(Porsche)都开始推出越野车型,蚕食着路虎的市场份额。

    Newer competitors from Mercedes , Lexus , and even Porsche began to make inroads .

  10. 尽管iPhone大受欢迎,但是它的市场份额已经被那些运行安卓系统和谷歌移动操作软件的手机所蚕食。

    Despite the iPhone 's popularity , its market share has been eclipsed by phones that run Android , Google 's mobile operating software .

  11. 可即便是在这个更具国际化色彩的环境下,外资银行猛然发现,诸如中国国际金融有限公司(ChinaInternationalCapitalCorp.)和中信(Citic)等中国竞争对手,也正在一点点蚕食它们的领地。

    But even in this more international setting , foreign banks are suddenly finding that Chinese rivals , such as China International Capital Corp and Citic , are nipping at their heels .

  12. 而在欧洲,耐克一直在蚕食阿迪达斯(Adidas)的市场份额,销售额也足足增长了25%。

    In Europe , where Nike has been eating Adidas ' lunch , sales rose 25 % .

  13. Note4预计将在本月17日上架发售,它的销量将进一步预示着大屏手机——也就是所谓的“平板手机”将进一步蚕食平板电脑市场的销量。

    The Note 4 is expected to debut on October 17 , no doubt further support for a new trend in which large-screened phones - sorry , phablets - eat into tablet computer sales .

  14. 结果:蚕食式膜切除术组发生医源性视网膜裂孔2只眼,普通手术组7例(P0.05);

    Result : The operative complication of iatrogenic retinal tears was observed in 2 eyes of the test group and 7 eyes of the control group ( P 0.05 ) .

  15. 在整个行业因经济状况疲弱和市场不断被移动设备蚕食而面临需求下滑的形势下,联想正试图将自身打造成pc领域的领导厂商。

    The company is trying to establish itself as a top PC maker just as the industry is facing a slump in demand amid weak economic conditions and the encroachment of mobile devices .

  16. 8.encroachvi.侵犯,侵蚀,蚕食侵犯别国主权是绝不容许的。

    It is absolutely impermissible to encroach upon the sovereignty of a country .

  17. 或许软件蚕食传统商业现象的一个最具戏剧性的例子就是Borders的自杀伴随着亚马逊的兴起。

    Perhaps the single most dramatic example of this phenomenon of software eating a traditional business is the suicide of Borders and corresponding rise of Amazon .

  18. 然而扩展iOS生态系统所需的低价iPhone会稀释整体利润率,甚至可能蚕食高端产品的销售。

    But the lower-priced iPhone needed to expand the iOS universe will dilute overall profit margins and may even cannibalise sales of the high-end devices .

  19. 今年,扎克伯格的公司将继续蚕食竞争对手谷歌(Google)的市场份额。

    Zuckerberg 's company is expected to keep expanding its share of the market this year as the social media site continues to chip away at rival Google 's own hold on the market .

  20. 哈佛商学院此前一直持观望态度,不愿意蚕食或贬低现有的在校MBA和高管培训项目。

    Until now , Harvard Business School has been on the sidelines , not wanting to either cannibalize or cheapen its existing on-campus MBA program or its executive education offerings .

  21. Barron发现蚕食奇特人的眼睛…特别是小孩

    Barron discovered that by consuming the eyes of other peculiars ... especially children ,

  22. 麦格理证券(MacquarieSecurities)驻香港的行业研究团队主管詹尼特•路易斯表示:品牌本土化政策确实非常愚蠢,该政策所产生的效果只有一个,这就是蚕食国产品牌。

    The indigenous brand policy is really dumb because all it does is cannibalise the local Chinese brands , said Janet Lewis , head of Macquarie Securities industrials research team in Hong Kong .

  23. 正如MySQL甚至没有与甲骨文(Oracle)争夺客户,就兵不血刃地击败了后者一样,如今的许多云解决方案也采取了相同的路数来蚕食传统大公司的地盘。

    Just as MySQL classically went up against Oracle ( orcl ) without ever competing for customers , many cloud solutions today are similarly disrupting the older guard by initially slipping into the " just good enough " category .

  24. 凭着优质的产品和有竞争力的价格,法国电信在国内的收入占到运作资金的2/3。然而,外来者正在蚕食国内市场份额和利润,比如伊里亚特就将在2012年推出新的3G服务。

    With its premium products and pricing in France , which provides two-thirds of its cashflow , France Telecom 's market share and profits are being eroded by newcomers such as Iliad , which will launch its new mobile service in 2012 .

  25. 然而,尽管Blackberry10系列的发布在近期引发了一些乐观情绪,但在竞争激烈的消费类硬件领域,公司的市场份额仍在被使用谷歌(Google)安卓平台的竞争对手不断蚕食。

    Yet despite the recent optimism over the launch of the Blackberry 10 series , the company will almost certainly continue to lose market share in the crowded consumer hardware space to rivals that use Google 's ( GOOG ) Android platform .

  26. 扫描电镜下见细胞膜破溃的局部呈潭湖状,湖边有HP附着,尤如蚕食桑叶状,又称蚕食现象。

    SEM showed that a lake-like apperance with HP adhering aside on the ulcerative area of the cell membrane , which is called " nibbling phenomenon " and some islands-like mucus granules can be seen floating on the surface of the " lake " .

  27. 俄罗斯国家总统弗拉基米尔普京(vladimirputin)也出人意料地加入了这场论战,在上周呼吁限制新国有企业的权力,以保证它们不会蚕食其它的企业。

    Vladimir Putin , Russian President , even weighed in unexpectedly to the debate , calling last week for limits on the power of new state corporations to make sure they did not encroach on other enterprises .

  28. 在美国,因特网正在蚕食地方新闻大亨,不但降低了其广告收入,也提供了更多信息来源,从而破坏了Rosen所提到的大交易。

    In America it undermines local news monopolies by reducing advertising revenue and providing access to a wide range of alternative sources , thus undoing Mr Rosen 's grand bargain .

  29. 纳德拉表示,这一战略调整将令微软能够进军数据库市场的一块大得多的领域,即非Windows系统数据库领域。此外,他还否认这么做会导致客户选择Linux、进而蚕食微软操作系统的市场份额。

    Mr Nadella said the change in strategy would give Microsoft a shot at the much bigger part of the database market that does not run on Windows , and denied that it would lead to a " cannibalisation " of Microsoft 's operating system as customers opted for Linux instead .

  30. 专车服务在中国是非法的,尤其是地方政府打击滴滴和美国打车应用优步(Uber)蚕食有利可图的出租车专营牌照制度的行为,对这些公司的司机进行处罚。

    Private taxis are illegal in China and local governments in particular have fought against the encroachment by Didi and Uber , the US ride-hailing app , on lucrative licensed taxi monopolies by fining the companies " drivers .