
  • 网络huaiyin institute of technology;Huaiyin Institute of Techology
  1. 校园文化的营造&沙县一中校园改扩建及教学主楼设计淮阴工学院教学主楼预应力工程施工中的难点及对策

    The Constructing Of Culture Of Campus Problems and Solutions of Construction of the Prestressed Reinforced Concrete in aBuilding of HuaiYin Institute of Technology

  2. 应用型物流工程本科专业培养方案的构建&以淮阴工学院为例

    Research on the Training Program for Application-oriented Undergraduates Majoring in Logistics Engineering & A Case Study in Huaiyin Institute of Technology

  3. 《淮阴工学院学报》引文分析

    Quoted Passage Analysis of HIT Journal

  4. 树立科学发展观明确办学指导思想&淮阴工学院办学指导思想的几点思考

    Establishing Scientific Development Outlook and Making Clear the University-running Ideology & Reflection of Guiding Ideology of Running HIT