
  • 网络Cleaning supplies;Cleaning;Cleaning products
  1. 本公司是一家专业生产PVA系列产品及其它相关之清洁用品制造厂。

    This is a company specializing in the production of PVA and other products related to cleaning supplies factory .

  2. 美国家庭平均每户每年在清洁用品上花销504美元。

    An American family spends an average of $ 504 per year on cleaning supplies .

  3. ABC公司总部位于美国,是电子制造业PCB装配领域清洁用品的专业制造商。

    ABC Company , which headquarters in USA , is a professional manufacturer for cleaning products which were applied in PCBA process of electronic industry .

  4. 尽管客人们震惊地发现,她的家里连Ajax清洁用品也没有(她的公公看到她用白醋清洗厕所简直吓坏了,赶快跑到杂货店去买来清洁剂),但她看上去宛如脱胎换骨。

    Although houseguests are shocked to find not so much as a canister of Ajax in her house her horrified father-in-law recently raced out to the drugstore to buy toilet cleaner , instead of her white vinegar solution she feels transformed .

  5. DeirdreImus:这一点很重要,因为我们的孩子方方面面暴露在他们的饮食,日常用品,清洁用品等等家里的一切东西中。

    D.I. : It 's important because our children are being exposed in all directions from their food , everyday products , cleaning products everything in the home .

  6. [美]洗澡后包婴儿的浴巾浴巾/面巾/个人清洁用品供应及观感

    Appearance and Supply of bath towels / face towels / toiletries

  7. 我公司是一个新建的,专营眼睛清洁用品的。

    Our company is a new , clean supplies franchise eyes .

  8. 第四部分清洁用品部门品项优化实例分析。

    Last , item optimization example of clean articles department is analyzed .

  9. 清洁用品也很重要,比如扫把和拖把。

    Cleaning items are also important , such as brooms and mops .

  10. 记得在公文包里带上清洁用品,以防要清洁屏幕。

    Keep something in your workbag to clean your screens as needed .

  11. 了解家用清洁用品及化妆品的销售。

    Know the selling of cleaning products and cosmetics .

  12. 表面已经被清洁用品擦洗过。

    The surface was scrubbed with a cleaning agent .

  13. 是这样的。尤其是那条卖清洁用品的过道。

    Yeah . Especially the aisle with cleaning products .

  14. 我的医生建议我用不含皂的清洁用品,冲澡之后也要擦清爽型的乳液。

    My doctor suggests that I use soap-free cleanser and oil-free moisturizers after showering .

  15. 化妆品及清洁用品之批发、零售、买卖等业务。

    We provide wholesale , retail and commerce business of cosmetic and cleaning products .

  16. 用于制作清洁用品或电线、电缆、钢丝绳芯纱。

    For the production of cleaning products or wires , cables , wire rope yarn .

  17. 清洁用品和消毒剂中含有农药和杀真菌剂才能起作用。

    Cleaning products and disenfectants contains pesticides and fungicides so they can do their job .

  18. 别忘记买清洁用品。

    Don 't forget the cleaning supplies .

  19. 许多美国人,尤其是青少年更偏爱泡沫型或能产生起泡肥皂水的清洁用品。

    Many Americans , especially teens , prefer cleansers that foam or create suds . '

  20. 相反,选择用温和的清洁用品。

    Instead , choose mild cleansers .

  21. 分别对应为家用电器、服装、家庭清洁用品和饮料。

    These products respectively correspond to household appliances , clothing , household cleaning supplies and beverages .

  22. 我用他们来存放清洁用品,这样我能很方便的拿着在房子的任何地方。

    I use them to hold cleaning supplies so I can carry them around the house easily .

  23. 美国家居清洁用品市场概览

    American household cleaning product market

  24. 让我们从这些家庭清洁用品开始。所有这些产品中的化学物质都清除了吗?

    Let 's start with the house cleaning products and do we get the chemicals out of these products ?

  25. 因为清洁用品中含有大量的荷尔蒙干扰物,以及其他影响荷尔蒙分泌的东西。

    There are a lot of hormone disruptors in cleaning products and things that are off-putting to your hormones .

  26. 但当没有水的时候,你可以用含有酒精的清洁用品来清洁你的手。

    However , when water is not available , you can use alcohol-based hand products made for washing hands .

  27. 将清洁用品、防冻剂、肥料和杀虫剂放在宠物不易够取的地方。

    Keep cleaning supplies , antifreeze , fertilizer , de-icing materials and pesticides in a place pets can 't easily access .

  28. 护肤产品,护发产品,除臭剂和香水,还有清洁用品都可以是天然制成的。

    Skin care products , hair care products , deodorizers and perfumes , and cleansing products can all be made naturally .

  29. 上海佳升日用品有限公司是一家专业从事研发、生产和销售民用、商用清洁用品和日用品的股份制公司。

    Shanghai Jiasheng products Co. , Ltd is specialized in manufacturing and selling the plastic plastic metal appliances , cleaning products .

  30. 你的祖辈可能很信赖肥皂这种最简单的清洁用品,但它常常含有效果很强的去垢剂,这会把肌肤上正常的油脂抽走。

    Your grandparents may swear by the simple cleanser , but soap often contains harsh detergents that strip skin of natural oils .