
  • 网络cleaning grade;clean-class
  1. 结果:实验选取清洁级SD大鼠40只,全部进入结果分析。

    RESULTS : Totally 40 SD rats of cleaning grade were involved in the result analysis .

  2. 实验选用SD大鼠60只,清洁级Ⅱ级,体质量(220±20)g,雌雄各半。

    A total of 60 female and male ( half half ) Sprague Dawley ( SD ) rats were provided , cleaning grade ⅱ, mass ( 220 ± 20 ) g.

  3. 清洁级SD大鼠血液生理生化指标的测定

    Values of Blood Physiological and Biochemical in Clean Animal SD Rat

  4. 目的建立清洁级NeoR转基因小鼠纯合子品系。

    Objective To establish clean homozygote Neo r trangenic mouse strain .

  5. 选用清洁级新生SD大鼠12只用于成骨细胞的分离和培养。

    12 clean newborn SD rats were selected to isolate and culture osteoblast .

  6. 清洁级KM小鼠血清中5种微量元素的测定

    Grade . Determination of Five Kinds of Trace Elements in Clean KM Mice

  7. 清洁级SD大鼠血液学与血液生化学指标正常参考值的观察

    Investingation on normal reference value of hematologic and biochemical index of clean SD rats

  8. 结果:普通级实验环境中饲养的清洁级来源的SD大鼠有肺支原体感染,感染率为75%。

    The results showed that the infection of mycoplasma pulmonitis in conventional laboratory were 75 % .

  9. 不同光照周期对清洁级KM鼠血清中性激素含量的影响

    Effect of Different Light Period on Content of Sex Hormone in Serum of Clean KM Mice

  10. 喂食鸡蛋的清洁级KM小鼠血清中微量元素含量的变化

    Change of the Content of Trace Elements in Serum of Clean KM Mice Feeding with Eggs

  11. 实验动物由中国医科大学实验动物部提供的清洁级健康雌性Wistar大鼠,随机分为生理盐水对照组、石英阳性组、γ-干扰素预防治疗组。

    Female Wistar rats all came from animal experimental ministry of China Medical University .

  12. 选用8周龄的清洁级健康雄性Wistar大鼠40只。

    Forty clean grade healthy male Wistar rats aged 8 weeks old were selected .

  13. 清洁级Wistar大鼠标准指标

    The standard index of cleaning Wistar rat

  14. 人工培育出的SPF兔和清洁级兔,经国家动物标准检测室(药品生物制品监定所)检测均合乎相应级别的国家标准。SPF级新西兰实验兔生物学特性的研究

    The Study of Biological Characters of SPF New Zealand Laboratorial Rabbit

  15. DES实验选取6周龄青春期清洁级雄性SD大鼠。

    And male pubertal SD rats , aged 6 weeks , in groups administrated by DES .

  16. 研究内容1.将清洁级的健康Wistar大鼠暴露于空气或香烟烟雾中各3个月。

    Wistar rats were exposed to air or the whole smoke of cigarettes for three months .

  17. 清洁级Wistar大鼠血常规及生化指标正常值观察

    Investingation on the range of baseline hematologic parameters and serum biochemical values in clean Wistar rat

  18. 实验研究:将45只清洁级18&20月龄老年阳虚Wistar大鼠随机分为3组:①空白对照组(B组):空白对照;

    Animal experiment : 45 18-20 monthes old yang-deficiency Wistar rats are divided into 3 groups randomly : control group ( group B );

  19. 清洁级雄性SD大鼠105只,体质量(250±20)g,购于中科院上海实验动物中心。

    The 105 male SD rats ( clean grade ) weighing 250 ± 20 g were purchased from Shanghai Center for Experimental Animals .

  20. 方法:清洁级雄性成年大鼠80只随机分为四组:(1)正常对照组(N):大鼠不接受任何手术和治疗;

    Methods : A total of 80 healthy male rats were randomly divided into four groups : normal control group rats did not receive any operation or treatment ;

  21. 方法20只健康雄性Wistar大鼠作为供体,20只健康雄性SD大鼠作为受体,均为清洁级。

    Methods Healthy male Wistar rats were used as donors and healthy male Sprague-Dawley rats was used as recipients .

  22. 方法3周龄清洁级健康雌性SD大鼠20只,随机均分为2组。

    Methods Twenty female SD rats aged 3 weeks old were randomly divided into the normal group and the experimental group .

  23. 喂食鸡蛋、葵花籽的清洁级KM小鼠血清中5种微量元素含量变化的研究

    Change Study of Serum Contents of 5 Kinds of Trace Elements in Clean KM Mice Feeding with egg and sunflower seed

  24. 方法:选用清洁级昆明小鼠腹腔注射脂多糖(LPS)制备内毒素休克动物模型,①观察内毒素休克前后Tβ4变化情况。

    Methods : LPS ( lipopolysaccharide ) was intraperitoneally injected into clean Kunming mice to establish the animal model .

  25. 材料:选用清洁级出生3周SD幼鼠30只,雌雄不拘。

    MATERIALS : Totally 30 3-week-old SD infant rats , of clean grade and either gender , were used in this experiment .

  26. 方法240只健康清洁级SD大鼠随机分为铜绿假单胞菌PAO1感染组和对照组。

    Methods 240 healthy , clean SD rats were randomly divided into 2 groups : the infected group and the control group .

  27. 对象:清洁级4个半月龄未交配的雌性SD大鼠24只,体质量(230±15)g。

    MATERIALS : Twenty-four specific pathogen free ( SPF ) unmated SD rats were selected , aging 4 and half months and weighing 230 ± 15 g.

  28. 实验选取清洁级SD新生鼠10只,无菌条件下分离脑组织,克隆传代培养脑源性神经干细胞。

    Ten newly born SD rats of clean grade were selected to isolate the brain tissue under sterile condition and clone brain-derived NSCs .

  29. 方法清洁级SD大鼠背部脱毛后,造成占体表总面积10%~15%的度烫伤。

    Methods Thirty six SD rats with 10 % to 15 % of total body surface area ( TBSA ) full thickness were made .

  30. 方法:建立大鼠同种异基因骨髓移植模型,以清洁级Wistar大鼠为供鼠,清洁级SD大鼠为受鼠。

    METHODs : Our experiment established a rat allogeneic transplanta - tion model , donors were Wistar rats , recipients were SD rats .