
  • 网络clearing heat and resolving phlegm;removing heat-phlegm
  1. 益气养阴清热化痰法治疗肺癌发热的临床观察

    Clinical Observation on the Treatment to Fever of Lung Cancer with Replenishing Qi to Nourish Yin and Clearing Heat and Resolving Phlegm Method

  2. 用疗效相反的治疗方法治疗疾病的方法。清热化痰法治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期全身炎症反应综合征的随机对照临床试验

    Therapy for clearing heat and resolving phlegm in treatment of systemic inflammatory response syndrome in acute deterioration stage of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : a randomized controlled trial

  3. HPLC法测定川贝止嗽合剂中甘草的含量清热化痰,宣肺止咳。用于治疗感冒后咳嗽、气管炎咳嗽。

    Determination of glycyrrhizinate in Chuanbei Zhisou Mixture by HPLC Clearing heat and transforming phlegm ; diffusing the lung and suppressing cough , due to colds and acute bronchitis .

  4. 清热化痰,宣肺止咳。用于治疗感冒后咳嗽、支气管炎咳嗽。

    Clearing heat and transforming phlegm ; diffusing the lung and suppressing cough , due to colds and acute bronchitis .

  5. 结论以清热化痰、解毒扶正为法的瓜蒌甘草颗粒治疗小鼠流感病毒肺炎疗效肯定。

    Conclusion GLGC , which derived from the therapeutic principle of clearing away heat-evil and eliminating sputum , has an affirmative effect on influenza virus pneumonia mice .

  6. 听众用咳嗽声来阻止那个作冗长演说的人继续讲下去。清热化痰,宣肺止咳。用于治疗感冒后咳嗽、气管炎咳嗽。

    The audience coughed down the tedious speaker . Clearing heat and transforming phlegm ; diffusing the lung and suppressing cough , due to colds and acute bronchitis .

  7. 目的:观察中药清热化痰汤治疗青年原发性高血压痰热壅盛证的临床疗效。

    Objective : To observe the curative effect of Chinese medicine Qing Re Hua Tan ( QRHT ) Tang in youth essential hypertension ( YEH ) patients with abundant phlegm-heat .

  8. 本方以清热化痰,化瘀通络为法,参考大量相关研究文献,科学组方,经临床观察研究验证对冠心病心绞痛痰热阻络证的治疗作用。

    The prescription used " heat phlegm , stasis meridians " as the law , proved by clinical observation of Coronary Heart Disease Angina Pectoris syndrome of phlegm-heat blocking collaterals has obvious therapeutic effect .

  9. 补肺健脾、清热化痰法治疗小儿哮喘缓解期肺脾气虚、痰热内阻证的临床研究

    Clinic Research on Therapy of Tonifying Lung and Spleen with Cleaning Heat and Resolving Phlegm on Syndrome of Qi Deficiency in Lung and Spleen with Phlegm Heat Accumulation in Children Asthma in Clinical Remission

  10. 目的:研究抗痨颗粒对气管纤毛运动的影响,探讨其敛肺止咳,清热化痰的作用机理。

    Objective : To study the effect of this granula on trachea cilia movement and its mechanism on relieving cough with drugs of astringent effect to the lung , and clearing away heat and dispersing phlegm .

  11. 本文报道了用活血清热化痰冲剂治疗慢阻肺急性感染期患者67例,总有效率达86.57%。

    This article reports 67 cases of acute infection of COPD treated with powder preparation for promoting blood circulation , clearing heat and dispersing phlegm . A total effective rate of 86 . 57 % was obtained .

  12. 定颤颗粒对肝肾不足、痰瘀阻络型帕金森病的临床疗效观察清热化痰,宣肺止咳。用于治疗感冒后咳嗽、气管炎咳嗽。

    Oscillatoria Particles Will be Less Than the Liver and Kidney Type of Parkinson 's Disease Clinical Observation Medium Clearing heat and transforming phlegm ; diffusing the lung and suppressing cough , due to colds and acute bronchitis .

  13. 清热化痰,宣肺止咳。用于治疗感冒后咳嗽、气管炎咳嗽。冰糖蒸梨是清肺、化痰、止咳的中国传统药膳。

    Clearing heat and transforming phlegm ; diffusing the lung and suppressing cough , due to colds and acute bronchitis . Pear steamed with crystal sugar is a traditional Chinese medical diet for removing heat from the lung , dissolving phlegm and arresting cough .

  14. 清热解毒化痰法辅助介入化疗治疗晚期老年肺癌的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Heat-Clearing , Toxin-Relieving and Phlegm-Resolving Herbs and Interventional Chemotherapy for Advanced Senile Lung Cancer

  15. 治疗肺痿的药物中,主要以补虚药为主,其次为清热药、化痰药、止咳平喘药。

    Drug therapy in " Fei Wei ", mainly are tonic medicine , followed by antipyretic medicine , expectorant drugs , cough and asthma medicine .

  16. 功效与主治:清热宣肺,化痰止咳。

    Treatment Functions : Anti-fever and soothing the lung , clear up the phlegm to stop coughing .