
qīnɡ suàn zǔ zhī
  • liquidating organization
  1. 清算组织可以依法进行必要的民事活动。

    The liquidation commission may also engage in necessary activities of a civil nature according to the law .

  2. 第二百零一条人民法院可以组织有关机关和有关人员成立清算组织。

    Article 201 The people 's court may appoint a liquidation commission formed by relevant state organs and persons concerned .

  3. 清算组织对人民法院负责并报告工作。

    The liquidation commission shall be responsible and report its work to the people 's court .

  4. 人民法院可以组织有关机关和有关人员成立清算组织。

    The people court may set up a liquidation organization composed of personnel from the organs concerned .

  5. 公司清算组织负责人签署的注销登记申请书;

    An application for cancellation of registration signed by the person in charge of the company 's liquidation group ;

  6. 其债权债务由主管部门或者清算组织负责清理。

    The department in charge or a liquidation organization shall be responsible for settling its creditor 's rights and liabilities .

  7. 支付清算组织更换高级管理人员的,比照本办法第二十二条规定执行。

    Replacement of senior managerial personnel of payment and settlement organizations shall be made pursuant to provisions of Article 22 hereof .

  8. 第四十七条企业法人解散,应当成立清算组织,进行清算。

    Article 47 When an enterprise as legal person is disbanded , it shall establish a liquidation organization and go into liquidation .

  9. 第十四条设立全国性支付清算组织的注册资本最低限额为1亿元人民币。

    Article 14 The minimum registered capital of such national payment and settlement organizations to be established is RMB one hundred million Yuan .

  10. 无清算组织的,清算主体可以申请加入诉讼作为共同原告;

    In the case of no liquidation group , the subject of liquidation may apply for participating in the proceedings as a joint plaintiff ;

  11. 立法规定的破产取回权制度是对破产清算组织误将他人的财产列为破产财产这种情况的一种补救措施。

    The law provides that Bankruptcy Recall Right system is a remedial measure to solve the problems of mistaking other 's property for insolvent property .

  12. 第五条支付清算组织提供支付清算服务应当遵循安全、效率和诚信的原则。

    Article 5 The payment and settlement organizations shall follow the principles of safety , efficiency as well as good faith in rendering payment and settlement services .

  13. 全国性支付清算组织是指在全国范围内提供支付清算服务的法人组织。

    The national payment and settlement organizations shall mean such legal persons which are allowed or designed to provide payment and settlement services to related participants across the country .

  14. 第八条支付清算组织依法开展业务,不受任何单位和个人的干涉。

    Article 8 The normal business carried out by related payment and settlement organizations hereunder shall be independent of any interference with by any unit or individual in whatsoever manner .

  15. “金管局已在同清算组织、交易所和银行商谈,看看新加坡在清算方面还能多做点什么,”一名高管表示。

    " MAS has been talking to clearing organisations , the exchanges and the banks about what more can be done on the clearing side in Singapore , " said one executive .

  16. 民办非企业单位在办理注销登记前,应当在业务主管单位和其他有关机关的指导下,成立清算组织,完成清算工作。

    The people-run non-enterprise unit shall , prior to the processing of nullification of registration , set up a settlement organization and complete settlement under the guidance of the competent business unit and other relevant organs .

  17. 企业法人被撤销、被宣告破产的,应当由主管机关或者人民法院组织有关机关和有关人员成立清算组织,进行清算。

    When an enterprise as legal person is dissolved or is declared bankrupt , the competent authority or a people 's court shall organize the organs and personnel concerned to establish a liquidation organization to liquidate the enterprise .

  18. 银行卡清算组织是银行卡产业的重要组成部分,处于整个银行卡产业链条的核心和枢纽地位,在银行卡产业的发展史上发挥了举足轻重的作用。

    The bank card clearing scheme is an important part of the bank card industry , which is the core of the entire bank card industry chain and played a pivotal role in the development history of the bank card industry .

  19. 清算主体不组织清算、违法清算应当对债权人、公司承担赔偿责任、连带责任。

    Liquidating body must shoulder compensation and joint liability to creditor and company supposing the liquidation is violated or not organized .