
  • 网络game book;gamebook
  1. 这是给你的单词游戏书。

    There is a word game book for you .

  2. (儿童游戏书“寻找瓦多”)我觉得装扮比赛我会赢哦。

    I think I 'm gonna win the costume contest .

  3. 贾斯汀比伯在洛杉矶幻想工厂出席Xbox360活动,这位年轻流行偶像在离开活动时变得突然很害羞,把自己藏在一本游戏书后面。

    Justin Bieber attends the Xbox 360 event at the Fantasy Factory in LA . The suddenly shy pop idol tried to hide behind a game copy when he left the event .

  4. 每个旅行者都该准备一本数独游戏的书来打发无聊的时光。

    Every traveler needs a Sudoku book to fight off boredom .

  5. 你有看过饥饿游戏的书吗?

    Have you read the the Hunger Games books ?

  6. 小唐•范•纳塔写了一本关于美国总统和他们的高尔夫游戏的书。

    Don Van Natta wrote a book about American presidents and their golf games .

  7. 带上所有你们想要带去的游戏和书。

    Grab all games and books , whatever you wanna take to her house .

  8. 注意:因为有很多游戏编程的书是为DOS写的,学习这些书时可能会认为在DOS里开发游戏有理有据。

    Note : because there are a large number of game programming books written specifically for DOS , there may be some justification to developing games in DOS while learning from these books .

  9. 有奖娱乐游戏牌照申请书

    Application for Amusements with Prizes Licence

  10. 我的个子是1.67米,我的爱好是玩网络游戏,看看书,睡睡懒觉。

    I is1.67 meters tall , my hobbies are playing online games , reading , sleeping up late .

  11. 巨龙遗产是一本游戏内的书关于巨龙种族和用于知识试炼任务的。

    Legacy of the Aspects is an in-game book concerning the Dragon Aspects and is used in the quest Test of Lore .

  12. 第三,书中的数学公式是当今《数学手册》里的内容,并非我编造的数学游戏,而且书中推导无误。

    Thirdly , the mathematic formulas in the book is the content in current math manual , not the mathematical games that I fabricated , and the deduction in the book is correct .

  13. 好吧,我们可以来讨论下三国,游戏啊,书啊,就要上映的电影《赤壁》,还有连续剧,终于被我找到啦!

    Anyway , I guess we can make this the official ROTK discussion thread too , so discuss the book , the upcoming Red Cliffs movie , the TV Show ( which I finally have !) and other ROTK related games .

  14. 《糖果粉碎传奇》和其他名称的消除类游戏能在脸书(Facebook)上玩,但网站的访问量却骤减,这是因为人们把关注点转到了手机上。

    Candy Crush Saga and other titles are available to play on Facebook but traffic to the site has dwindled as the focus moves to mobile .

  15. 短短几天内,这个有趣的游戏就在脸书(Facebook)上引起轰动,点赞数达50多万,转发次数超过7万,无疑是一大热帖。

    The festive game has proving to be a hit on Facebook where it has received more than 500000 likes and over 70000 shares in just a few days .

  16. 如果你想询问可能恢复,请随时打开游戏中的请愿书。

    Should you wish to inquire about a possible restoration , please feel free to open an in-game petition .