
  1. 终获赦,晚年往游吴越间。

    Is pardoned finally , the old age toward tours between Wu and Yue kingdoms .

  2. 此部分主要介绍了我国理论界和实务界中存在的关于自助游驴友间是否负有安全保障义务的两种不同观点及理由。

    This section introduces two different opinions in theory and practice fields on whether hikers bear safeguard obligation among each other .

  3. 第一,在法律依据上,笔者从合同法和侵权法两个方面对自助游驴友间不负安全保障义务进行了论证。

    First , on the legal provisions , author discusses this topic from the contract law and tort law two respects . From the perspective of contract law , there is no agreement on safeguard obligation among hikers .

  4. 指出为保证该联接安全可靠,必须满足轴承座底面与游梁接合面间不滑移、螺栓不拉断、接合面不压溃及轴承座不翻转等条件。

    To ensure the security of this joint , interracial sliding of the joint , tensile failure of the bolts and extruding failure of the interfaces must be prevented .