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  • exudation
溢泌[yì mì]
  1. 玉米幼苗NO3~-的吸收、溢泌和硝酸还原酶活性在品种间的差异

    NO_3 ~ - Uptake , Exudation and Nitrate Reductase Activity in Maize Seedlings : A Comparison of Cultivars

  2. 对三株蓖麻汁液溢泌速率、蔗糖浓度和产量与辐射因子进行相关和回归分析。

    Correlation and regression analyses were made between exudation rate , sucrose concertration and yield and irradiance for three Ricinus plants .

  3. 结果表明:在团棵期通过通氮气对烤烟进行厌氧处理6d时,烤烟各器官的钾含量及其累积量均显著降低,而根系向外溢泌钾的速度大幅度增加。

    Results showed that the content and accumulation of potassium in different organs of flue-cured tobacco were decreased under anaerobic condition .

  4. 脱落酸对菜豆根溢泌的调节

    Regulation of exudation by abscisic acid in excised bean root system

  5. 根的溢泌物与根际微生物关系的研究

    Study of the Relation Between Plant Root Secretions to Root Region Microorganism

  6. 采用稀释混合平板法分离培养和活菌计数,研究了根际微生物种群与植物根溢泌活动之间的相互关系。

    The relation between microorganism and plant root secretion was studied by planting method .

  7. 水稻耐冷性与低温条件下的溢泌量及再生茎重的关系

    Relationships Between Rice Cold Tolerance and Amount of Bleeding Water as Well as Regenerated Culm Weight Under Cold Treatment

  8. 品种间硝态氮溢泌差异却受外界氮素供应及植株体内硝态氮含量影响。

    However , the difference in nitrate efflux between cultivars was influenced by both the external and internal nitrate-N concentrations .

  9. 叶菜硝态氮吸收、溢泌及还原转化与品种间叶柄硝态氮累积差异的关系

    Nitrate Uptake , Efflux , Reduction and Transformation , and Their Relationships to Petiole Nitrate Accumulation over Leafy Vegetable Cultivars

  10. 韧皮部溢泌速率降低伴随汁液中钾离子浓度降低和蔗糖浓度增高。

    The fall of phloem exudation rate concurred with a decrease of potassium concentration and an increase of sucrose concentration of sap .

  11. 试验结果显示,呼吸抑制剂和木瓜酶均导致溢泌速率显著下降。

    The results showed that the two treatments by respiratory inhibitors and papain resulted in a significant decrease of sap exudation rate ;

  12. 呼吸抑制剂和木瓜酶处理后韧皮部溢泌速率随溢泌过程分别为不可恢复和可部分恢复;

    Following the treatments of respiratory inhibitors and papain , the phloem exudation rates were irrecoverable and part recoverable respectively along with exudation course ;

  13. 以不同耐冷性的3个水稻品种为材料,分析了它们在4种处理方式下的溢泌量及再生茎重。

    Three rice varieties with different cold tolerance at booting and flowering stages were used to analyse their Amount of Bleeding Water ( ABW ) and Regenerated Culm Weight ( RCW ) under four different conditions .