
  1. 重庆长江大桥复线桥模型与试验的对比研究

    The contrast research of model and experiment on Chongqing Yangtze river double line bridge

  2. 重庆菜园坝长江大桥主桥采用C60高性能预应力钢筋混凝土Y型刚构。

    Main brige of caiyuanba Yangtze River brige in chongqing is Y-type rigid frame of C60 high performance prestressed reinforced concrete .

  3. 本文以重庆菜园坝长江大桥建设项目为基础,分析了该项目以BT(BuildTransfer)即建设&移交融资模式和其他融资模式的关系,设计了BT模式的运行机制;

    Based on the Chongqing Chai Yuanba Yangtse Rive Bridge Construction Project , analysis of the Project of Build Transfer ( BT ) financing mode and relation in China now , the paper puts design BT financing modes of function system , discuss on BT system consummate approach .

  4. 重庆忠县长江大桥双壁钢围堰受力分析

    Analysis of Stress on Dual-Wall Steel Cofferdam of Chongqing Zhongxian Yangtze River Bridge

  5. 重庆菜园坝长江大桥Y型刚构施工技术

    The Construction Technique of Y Type Rigid Frame of Chong-qing Cai-yuanba Changjiang Bridge

  6. 重庆忠县长江大桥斜拉桥施工控制计算

    Calculation of Construction Control of Cable-Stayed Bridge of Zhongxian Changjiang River Bridge in Chongqing

  7. 重庆奉节长江大桥主梁悬浇施工索力及应力监测

    The Cable Force and Stress Monitoring in the Main Beam Construction of Fengjie Changjiang Bridge

  8. 重庆长寿长江大桥主塔下横梁施工方案优化

    Optimizing Construction Schemes for Lower Cross Beam of Main Tower of Changshou Yangtze River Bridge in Chongqing

  9. 重庆忠县长江大桥牵索挂篮施工技术用扣环挂上剑[甲胄]

    Construction Techniques of Guyed Form Traveler Used for Zhongxian Changjiang River Bridge in Chongqing buckle on one 's sword [ armor ]

  10. 周六上午,重庆丰都长江大桥4号桥墩垮塌并全部沉入水中。

    The No. 4 pier of a bridge across the Yangtze River in Fengdu County collapsed and became submerged in water Saturday morning .

  11. 从实际应用和理论分析的角度,详细介绍了重庆菜园坝长江大桥主桥锚碇结构形式、锚碇设计要点和注意事项以及锚碇稳定性验算过程及方法。

    The structure forms , design keys and calculation methods of the stability of anchorage are systematically introduced from the aspects of practicality and theory analysis .

  12. 对重庆菜园坝长江大桥轨道横梁与整体节点的连结构造细节进行了足尺模型疲劳试验。

    The full-scale fatigue test of connection structure details between floor beams and monolithic joints was carried out on the Caiyuanba Yangtze River bridge in Chongqing .

  13. 以重庆菜园坝长江大桥为例,进行主拱单拱及双拱节段模型测力风洞试验。

    Taking an example of the Chongqing Caiyuanba Yangzi River Bridge in P.R.China , wind tunnel tests of single arch and double arches section models were conducted .

  14. 本文介绍了重庆菜园坝长江大桥主桥Y型刚构的施工方法和施工特点,着重阐述了施工方案、施工步骤和施工支架的布置和计算要点。

    This paper introduced the construction characteristic and method of Y type rigid frame of Chong-qing Cai-yuanba Changjiang Bridge , and expatiated the construction plan , construction procedure , calculation and arrangement of construction trestle .

  15. 论文紧密结合工程实际,着重研究了混凝土徐变的计算和检测以及重庆菜园坝长江大桥的应力监测工作,研制了一种新型的碳纤维/树脂基复合材料传感器,并将这种传感器应用于实践。

    It is mainly about the calculation and detection of the creep collapse in the concrete structure and the stress monitoring survey wrought of Chongqing CAI-YUAN-BA bridge , developed a new fashioned sensor which was based on the carbon fibre resin group composite and applied the sensor to the practice .

  16. 重庆市奉节长江大桥施工监控技术总结

    The Summarization of Monitoring Technology of Construction of Fengjie Changjiang River Bridge

  17. 重庆石板坡长江大桥复线桥主跨的合龙

    Closing of Main Span of Double-Line Bridge of Shi-banpo Changjiang River Bridge in Chongqing

  18. 介绍重庆李渡长江大桥主塔斜拉索的套管定位测量技术及施工过程中减少测量误差的措施等。

    This paper presents the positioning technology of guiding pipe of pulling cable for main towers of Chongqing Lidu Yangtze River Bridge .

  19. 利用ANSYS软件对重庆市奉节长江公路大桥的动力特性及其在不同地震动输入下的反应作了详细的分析和探讨。

    Secondly , the dynamic characteristics and the response under the different seismic wave input of the Chongqing Fengjie Yangtze River highway bridge with long-span are analyzed and discussed in details by ANSYS .