
  • 网络Reorganization process;recombination process
  1. 在古细菌中,RadA蛋白具有RecA类似的功能并在同源重组过程中起关键作用。

    In Archaea , it plays a critical role in homologous recombination process due to its RecA-like function .

  2. 该方法的重组过程发生在原核系统,避免了传统的共转染/空板纯化重组方法的耗时耗材。

    As the recombination process takes place in the prokaryotic system , it greatly reduces the time and expense of the traditional method of co-transfection / plaque purification .

  3. 布里斯托尔在地方政府重组过程中重新获得了自己作为一个城市的法律地位。

    Bristol regained its status as a city in the local government reorganisation .

  4. 在西门子(Siemens)的重组过程中,工会特别是在德国扮演了什么角色?

    What role are unions , particularly in Germany , playing in Siemens ' restructuring ?

  5. DNA复制、基因表达和调控过程中,DNA解旋酶承担了重要任务,负责打开DNA双链,参与新生链的合成,并在DNA修复和重组过程中发挥着不可或缺的作用。

    Acting during DNA replication and gene expression regulation , DNA helicases convert the duplex DNA to single strands and thereby activate the DNA for nascent strand synthesis .

  6. 政府在整个重组过程中,发挥了主导作用,是HG公司资产重组的最大买单者。

    In this process of rearrangement , government played the leading role and became the biggest buyer .

  7. 目的探讨海马苔藓状纤维(mossyfiber,MF)突触重组过程与脑源性神经营养因子(BrainDerivedNeurotrophicFactor,BDNF)的关系。

    Objective To investigate the relation between brain-derived neurotrophic factor ( BDNF ) and synaptic reorganization of hippocampal fibers ( MF ) .

  8. 描述了报文的重组过程,针对TCP报文段重组与界面动态会话显示可能出现的问题提出了解决方法;

    The process of packets reassembling is described , and some resolvent are presented for TCP packets reassembling process and dynamic conversation reappearing on interface .

  9. 这部影片记录了中核华原钛白股份有限公司(CNNCHuaYuanTitaniumDioxide,简称:中核钛白)破产重组过程中经历的种种阵痛,该企业的前身为一家位于中国西北甘肃省沙漠地区的秘密核工厂。

    The film documents the travails of CNNC Hua Yuan Titanium Dioxide , a formerly secret nuclear plant in the desert of northern Gansu province .

  10. 剪接系统是将剪接运算当作基本算子的一种语言生成器,其中剪接运算是对在限制性内切酶、DNA连接酶、DNA聚合酶和外切酶作用下,DNA链进行重组过程的数学抽象。

    The splicing system is a language generative mechanism based on splicing operations , where splicing operations are the mathematical abstractions of DNA strands recombinant behaviors under restriction exonucleases , endonucleases , DNA ligases and DNA polymerases .

  11. 为探悉投资方在重组过程中改变主营业务方向的行为特征,以及不同性质投资方的行为特征,对这两项内容进行了多元Logistic回归分析。

    In order to find out the characteristic of behavior that the investor changes the main operation , and the characteristic of behavior of different identity investors , multinomial Logistic regression is used .

  12. 结论在MF突触重组过程中,BDNF的作用很可能是促进了癫痫时反复惊厥所导致的MF发芽过程。

    Conclusion BDNF may play an important role in promoting the MF sprouting caused by repeated epileptic convulsion in the course of MF synaptic reorganization .

  13. 并行重组过程主要包括Master和Slave两部分,Master程序运行在任务分配器上,负责任务的分配和调度,Slave程序运行在各个重组结点上,完成对链表中报文的重组。

    The reassembling process includes two parts , master and slave . The master program on task distributor implements task allocation and scheduling , the slave program on each reassembling node completes packet reassembling with linked list .

  14. 因此绩效评价不单只是用来保持企业的核心竞争力而且还使得CSC在业务流程重组过程中获得持续的绩效改善。

    Performance measurement is adopted not simply to keep the score but rather to enable the achievement of continuous process improvement in business process reengineering .

  15. 正常V(D)J重组过程中,尽管不会发生,将被重组的遗传物质有时需转移到自身染色体的一个相对较远的位置上去。

    In normal V ( D ) J recombination , that does not happen , but sometimes the genetic material that is being reshuffled does have to travel to a relatively distant place on its own chromosome .

  16. 另外,DNA-PKcs还参与细胞周期G2期调控及细胞凋亡和自吞噬死亡,还可参与V(D)J重组过程、维护端粒长度。

    In addition , DNA-PKcs can also take part in cell cycle G2 regulation , cell apoptosis and autophagic death , telomere length maintenance and V ( D ) J recombination .

  17. 奥巴马经济顾问、前众议员大卫•邦宁(DavidBonior)说,我们正身处一场大规模重组过程中,不仅是汽车行业,还包括金融、信息技术等其他领域。

    We are in the midst of a massive reorganization right now in autos but also other areas as well & finance , information technology .

  18. 结论癫痫状态后在海马齿状回内分子层N-cadherin的表达上调,N-cadherin可能参与了癫痫后苔藓纤维出芽和突触重组过程。

    ~ Conclusions N-cadherin may be involved in the process of mossy fiber axonal outgrowth and synaptogenesis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus .

  19. CRMP-4存在的脑区表现出神经可塑性,说明CRMP-4在鸣禽脑内的突触重组过程发挥了重要的作用。

    The presence of CRMP-4 in the regions displaying neural plasticity suggests that CRMP-4 may play an important role in the synaptic reorganization in the songbird brain .

  20. 高校重组过程中管理制度收益分析

    Revenue Analysis of the Management System during the College Reorganization Process

  21. 基于顾客满意的移动通信企业业务流程重组过程研究

    Research on Mobile Communications Business Process Reengineering Based on Customer Satisfaction

  22. 关于国企股份制重组过程中存在的主要缺陷及其对策

    The defect and countermeasure on objective of the state-owned enterprises restructuring

  23. 铁路重组过程中新成立的公司营业税政策研究

    Study of Sales Tax Policy in the Process of Railways Regrouping

  24. 金属团簇碰撞重组过程的分子动力学模拟研究

    Molecular-Dynamics Simulation Study on the Rearrangement Collisions Processes between Metal Clusters

  25. 201~925ps反映部分电荷重组过程;

    201 ~ 925 ps were the lifetime of partial charge recombination ;

  26. 阜阳联通公司变革重组过程中心理契约的重塑研究

    Psychological Contract Research in the Process of Remodeling of Fuyang Unicom Restructuring

  27. 迪拜世界集团归政府所有,因此政府将控制其重组过程。

    The government owns Dubai World and will its restructuring .

  28. 合并重组过程中高校教师角色的调适

    Teachers ' Role Adjusting in the Transferring Course of College and University Consolidation

  29. 基于代理的工作流系统在企业重组过程中的应用

    Application of agent-based workflow system to regrouping of enterprises

  30. 企业资产重组过程的问题与对策

    The problems and countermeasures involving firm 's asset restructuring