
  • 网络Laser Doppler;LDV;lda;LDF
  1. 叙述了新型的智能化的激光多普勒测速(LDV)计数型信号处理器的原理,分析了它的性能与特点。

    The principle and its functions of a newly developed intelligent LDV counter-type signal processor are described .

  2. 本文分析比较了现有的激光多普勒测速技术。

    This article analyzes and compares existing variety of LDV technology .

  3. 一种基于PC微机的新型激光多普勒信号处理器研究

    Investigation on a laser Doppler velocimetry signal processor based on PC

  4. CO2相干激光多普勒测速的研究

    CO 2 coherent laser Doppler velocimetry

  5. 皮肤三层模型的MonteCarlo法模拟激光多普勒血流测量

    Three-layered model Monte Carlo simulation of skin for laser Doppler blood flow measurement

  6. 适用于MEMS动态测量的显微激光多普勒技术

    Micro Laser Doppler Vibrometer Technology for MEMS Dynamic Measurement

  7. 基于激光多普勒效应的MEMS的运动检测

    Dynamic testing of MEMS based on laser doppler effect

  8. 基于激光多普勒技术,提出一种直接提取动载波动系数K(ID)的激光测量方法。

    Based on laser Doppler technology , a novel approach to K_ ( ID ) measurement is proposed .

  9. 2-D激光多普勒振动测试仪的研究

    2-D laser Doppler vibrometer

  10. 分析了激光多普勒测速(LDA)系统校准的必要性,提出了用单一粒子已知的确定速度作为速度标准的新思路。

    This paper analyzes the necessity for the calibration of LDA system .

  11. 激光多普勒测速技术(LDA),是一种流体速度的无接触式光学测量方法。

    Laser Doppler Anemometry ( LDA ) is a non-contact optical method for measuring flow velocity .

  12. 激光多普勒血流测定仪监测Wistar大鼠丘脑外侧背核区血流量

    The Normal Value of Laser-Doppler Flowmetry for the Measurement of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in the Laterodorsal Thalamus Nucleus of Wistar Rat

  13. 导出了激光多普勒雷达基于Fizeau干涉仪及CCD探测器进行测风时,每个CCD元最终接收到信号的一般表达式。

    A generalized formulation of signal on each pixel for a wind detection lidar based on Fizeau interferometer and CCD is derived .

  14. 方法:应用激光多普勒微循环血流分析仪,实时监测正常及栓线法栓塞大脑中动脉所致局灶性脑缺血(MCAO)大鼠电针人中、内关;

    Method : Focal cerebral ischemia in rats were produced with middle cerebral artery occlusion ( MCAO ) .

  15. 应用基于激光多普勒技术的微小形变分析方法,并引入数字锁相技术,成功实现了PZT(Pb(Zr,Ti)O3)铁电薄膜的压电性能测试。

    Laser Doppler technique was used to measure the piezoelectric properties of PZT (( Pb ( Zr , Ti ) O_3 )) thin films .

  16. 本文给出了用激光多普勒测速仪(LDA)测量涡旋式电弧等离子体化学反应器流场的实验研究结果。

    The results of experimental investigation on the flow field in the vortex arc-plasma reactor by LDA are presented .

  17. 提出了一种MEMS构件微小振动、位移测量系统,采用外差法激光多普勒技术,通过对信号的频谱分析,确定了信号处理单元的适宜频带宽度。

    A small MEMS component vibration measuring system using heterodyne laser Doppler technology is proposed . The frequency bandwidth is properly determined by analyzing the frequency of Doppler signal .

  18. 豚鼠喂养8周后,用激光多普勒(LDF)统计耳蜗血流量(CBF),用螺旋韧带铺片光镜观察豚鼠血管纹毛细血管的形态及血管内红细胞计数。

    The blood flow of the cochlea ( CBF ) were measured using laser Doppler flow .

  19. 在39只失血性休克大鼠中,用激光多普勒微循环血流计及ELISA法测定静脉注射多巴胺前后小肠微循环增流量及血清TNF浓度的变化。

    Using Lasser Doppler Flowmeter and ELISA the perfusion of small intestine and the concentration of serum TNF were measured before and after venous injection of Dopamine in 39 hemorrhagic shock rats .

  20. 在血液微循环指标方面ABI及激光多普勒血流灌注百分比均明显高于对照组。

    In terms of blood microcirculation index ABI and laser doppler perfusion percentage were significantly higher than the control group .

  21. 脑血流变化应用激光多普勒血流仪(LDF)进行测定。

    Blood flow in brain was measured by laser . Doppler flowmetry ( LDF ) .

  22. 激光多普勒血流仪(LDF)测定脑血流。

    Surface cerebral blood flow ( sCBF ) was measured by laser Doppler flowmetry ( LDF ) .

  23. 基于外差激光多普勒原理,设计并实现了一套光纤结构的外差式激光多普勒振动计(LDV)。

    Base on the heterodyne laser Doppler theory , a heterodyne laser Doppler vibrometer ( LDV ) with fiber structure was designed and implemented .

  24. 用体视显微镜及活体循环检测系统动态观察活体基底动脉管径;颅骨开窗,在立体定向仪控制下,用激光多普勒血流计动态测量动物顶叶皮层rCBF。

    Basilar artery diameter was measured using stereomicroscope and dynamic loop detection . rCBF was observed using laser Doppler flowmetry under control of stereotactic instrument .

  25. 本文介绍应用双色激光多普勒测速仪(LDA),测定水平圆管内气固两相流的方法,并对试验结果进行了详细讨论。

    This paper introduces a determination of an air-solid two-phase flow in a horizontal pipe of circle by two-color laser-doppler anemometry and results are discussed in detail .

  26. VISAR是目前激光多普勒测速仪器中最具代表性的一种,本文作了重点介绍。

    VISAR is the best typical kind of laser Doppler velocity interferometer at present and is focal point in this paper .

  27. 放免法检测胃黏膜中ET1,激光多普勒法测定胃黏膜血流,光镜下观察胃黏膜损伤程度。

    The ET-1 was detected by radioimmunologic method and the gastric mucosal blood flow ( GMBF ) by laser Doppler flowmeter .

  28. 利用激光多普勒测速仪(LDV)对后弯闭式离心叶轮内部气流在非设计工况下的流动进行了实验测量。

    An experimental investigation of the shrouded centrifugal backswept impeller flow field has been conducted at off-design flow using Laser Doppler Velocimeter ( LDV ) and shaft encoder .

  29. 基于CFD技术和激光多普勒测速、高速CCD等流场测试手段,研究了几种典型工况下微型轴流血泵内部及其出口的流场。

    Based on computational fluid dynamics ( CFD ) technology , laser Doppler velocimetry and high speed CCD flow field measuring methods , the flow fields of a micro axis flow blood pump under several typical working conditions were studied .

  30. 方法:应用激光多普勒血流仪,对35例CAG患者及30例慢性浅表性胃炎(CSG)患者进行胃粘膜血流的测定。

    Methods : The gastric mucosa blood flow volume of 35 cases of CAG and 30 cases of chronic superficial gastritis ( CSG ) were examined by laser Doppler blood flowmetry .