
  1. 本论文能推动土壤入渗理论的发展,也有利于改进地面灌水技术和提高灌溉水利用率。

    Therefore , this research can not only promote the development of soil infiltration theory , but improve surface irrigation technology and utilization of irrigation water as well .

  2. 管道输、配水灌溉系统与其它节水灌溉技术相比在提高灌溉水利用率、节省农田、便于机耕和扩大灌溉面积等方面都显示了巨大的效益和潜力。

    Compared with other water-saving irrigation technology , delivery and distribution pipe network systems have great superiority and developmental potential in improving the utilization of irrigation water , saving farmland , expanding irrigated area and tractor-plowing .