
  • 网络Irrigation root;Watering root
  1. 结合灌根施用铁肥,增加土壤有机质含量,降低土壤pH值等综合措施有效地矫治黄化病。

    Based on above results , proper use of organic matter to decrease soil pH value are important measures to improve and remain Fe availability in soil .

  2. 以苗期施用最佳,以每亩用ABT120ml兑40kg水灌根最经济有效。

    The best economic benefit comes from root-irrigation with ABT 120ml + water 40kg / Mu .

  3. 结果表明,番茄苗期TMV、叶霉病、根结线虫病的最佳复合鉴定方法是,在2片真叶接种根结线虫,采用灌根法,接种浓度5000条/株,接种后50d调查病情;

    Leaf Mold and Root-knot Nematode is : Root-knot Nematode is inoculated at 2 true leaf , water into the soil , 5 000 nematodes / plant , investigate the disease after 50 days ;

  4. 每立方米育苗基质中竹醋液添加量为500ml,或苗期用200倍竹醋液灌根,对黄瓜苗期生长的促进作用明显。

    Put 500 ml bamboo vinegar into one stere bed media , or irrigated the cucumber with 200 times diluted bamboo vinegar during the seedling phase , could accelerate the cucumber growth obviously .

  5. 活性炭隔离和茎叶喷雾、灌根研究发现,新化合物HIA-1可通过根、茎叶、芽吸收进入植物体内。

    By method of active carbon isolation , foliage treatment and pouring roots , it was found that this novel compound could be absorbed into plant by buds , radicles , leaves , root and stems . 7 .

  6. 使用100%臭氧水进行灌根,可以防治黄瓜枯萎病;

    100 % ozonic water could prevent cucumber Fusarium wilt ;

  7. 灌根法潜育期长(16~18天);

    Pouring of inoculum suspension had longer incubation period ( 16 & 18 days );

  8. 灌根7天后根据辣椒疫病分级标准,对辣椒幼苗进行分级。

    Seven days after inoculation , according to the grading standards , pepper seedlings were classified .

  9. 用灌根接种的方法研究了5株内生细菌在水稻内的定殖动态。

    The colonization of the five endophytes in rice was carried out using the irrigation inoculation method .

  10. 设3种接种方法,其中灌根法最实用。

    There are 3 inoculating ways . Away them , pouring the root is the most suitable ;

  11. 伊犁河谷几种药剂喷雾、灌根防治苹果绵蚜效果

    Control Effect of Different Insecticides with Spraying Crown and Watering Roots on Wolly Apple Aphid in Ili

  12. 氨基酸液肥灌根对红地球葡萄产量和果实品质的影响

    Effect of fertilizing amino acid under ground on the yield and fruit quality of Red Globe grapevine

  13. 将两种培养基中培养的西瓜枯萎病菌孢子悬浮液分别采用灌根法、浸根法和蘸胚根法进行接种试验。

    Watermelon blast fungus sporule suspension cultured in two kinds of medium was inoculated to watermelon seedlings separately .

  14. 赤霉素溶液在处理植株时,灌根处理效果优于涂抹芽体等其它方式。

    When dealing the Toon with GA3 solution , effect by irrigating root overmatches daubing sprout or other ways .

  15. 最佳诱导浓度分别为灌根1.00%,叶面喷施1.00%,茎部注射1.50%。

    The optimum inducing concentrations were 6.00 % for root-drench , 1.00 % for leave-spray and 1.50 % for stem-injection .

  16. 试验选用三种药剂,三种浓度在生长期间进行三次灌根处理,防治唐菖蒲重茬病害。

    The experiment chose 3 medicaments and 3 concentrations by 3 times of irrigating roots to control Gladiolus continuous cropping disease .

  17. 为提高红地球葡萄延迟栽培中果实质量和产量,于成熟期进行了氨基酸液肥灌根。

    Amino acid fertilizer was used in ripening stage for improving the yield and fruit quality of Red Globe grape in postpone culture .

  18. 当发酵液灌根量为15ml/株时,对大豆疫病的防治效果最好,防效为79.26%。

    When the broth pouring volume was 15 ml / strain , the control effect was the best , 79.26 % effects value .

  19. 干旱、半干旱黄土区庭院果园节水灌根技术效应研究

    Study on the technique effects of water-saving and infiltrating roots irrigation of fruit tree in peasants ′ courtyard in arid and semi-arid Loess Plateau

  20. 接种方法研究表明,接种方法对致病性有影响,其中伤根灌根接种法的发病率较高。

    The study on inoculating methods of Fusarium wilt of melon showed that the percentage of disease is high when inoculated with pouring the wound root .

  21. 施用有机肥和豆浆灌根均改善烤烟株高、茎围、叶长、叶宽以及有效叶数。

    Using organic fertilizer and soymilk irrigation could improve the plant height , stem girth , leaf length , leaf width and effective leaves of flue-cured tobacco .

  22. 药液涂干并辅之具内吸作用的杀虫药液灌根是目前较好的药剂防治方法。

    A better chemical control method is to smear pesticide on the tree truck , branches and twigs and watering with systemic insecticide as a supplementary means .

  23. 啤酒花最佳灌根浓度1gkg~(-1),上述处理不仅可提高产量而且还可以改善其品质。

    The optimum concentration of irrigation root of brewery beer is 1g kg ~ ( - 1 ) . This treatment not only increase the yield but also improve the quality .

  24. 灌根2次有两个小区检测出残留,分别为00026和00062mg/kg,均未超标;

    The residuals in two plots were detected when applied for two times with the residuals of 0.0026 and 0.0062mg / kg , respectively , but the residuals did not exceeded the criterion .

  25. 分析了3种施药方法:叶面喷雾、移栽前穴施药沙、移栽后药剂灌根对温室白粉虱的防治效果。

    Three pesticide-applying methods were analysed , namely , foliar spray , putting the mixture of pesticide and sand in the transplanting holes before transplantation and irrigating the root range with pesticide solution after transplantation .

  26. 制备了绿色木霉LTR2的可湿性粉剂,田间条件下处理种子及灌根,菌剂对棉花枯萎病的防治效果达50.1%-80.0%。

    A wettable powder formulation of Trichoderma viride strain LTR-2 was developed , and showed 50.1 % - 80.0 % of reduction of Fusarium wilt of cotton in field trials with seed treatment and soil drenching .

  27. 在苗木木质化前用根腐灵稀释1000倍灌根和叶面喷洒能有效地防治根腐和根茎腐烂病。

    To irrigate the roots and spray the leaves could effectively prevent and cure the black rot disease and the root and stem rot disease by Fenaminosulf diluted 1 000 times , before seedlings got lignified .

  28. 采用伤根和灌根法接种,标记菌株在香蕉体内及根际的定殖动态总体呈下降趋势。

    Inoculated by injuring root and drenching root methods , the population of marked strain showed the downward trend generally in banana plant , root surface and rhizosphere soil during 1 to 15 d after inoculation .

  29. 灌根处理区,木醋液100倍,土壤放线菌、真菌与番茄株高之间存在显著的相关性;

    For the combined treatment with spraying leaf and sprinkling the root , using 100 times and 200 times wood vinegar , Obvious correlation exist between the number of antinomies and fungi and the Height of tomato ;

  30. 三种物质中以木醋液100倍采用叶面处理+灌根处理,土壤微生物数量最多,对番茄早疫病的防治效果最好,达到33.33%。

    Of three different soil amendments , with 100 times of wood vinegar treatment with the way of sprinkling the root combination of spraying the leaf got the best effect in controlling early blight , measured as 33.33 % .