
dà pénɡ
  • big arch shelter covered with plastic sheeting used in agriculture;large greenhouse
  1. 在大型温室大棚中,种植物的生长,产量与土壤环境的温湿度有很大关系。

    In a large greenhouse , the growth and yield of plantings has a great relationship with soil environment temperature and humidity .

  2. 大棚里有个花展。

    There is a flower show at the shelter .

  3. GIS在温室大棚生产管理体系中的应用构想

    Application Idea of GIS in the Greenhouse Production Management System

  4. 塑料大棚盘育稻秧的适宜土类及土壤pH值效应

    Suitable soils for TRAY-RAISING of rice seedlings in plastic greenhouses and soil pH effect

  5. 大棚西瓜、甜瓜苗期CO2加富的生理效应

    Physiological Effects of CO_2 Enrichment on Watermelon and Melon Seedlings in Plastic Greenhouse

  6. CO2加富对大棚甜瓜农艺性状的影响

    Effect of CO_2 Enrichment on Agronomic Character of Melon

  7. 结合能常数K值:林地坝平地大棚坡地拆除区磷矿区。

    K : Woodland dam ground greenhouse slope removal zone in lakeside phosphate rock zone .

  8. CO2施肥对大棚黄瓜生长发育的影响

    Effect of co_2 fertilization on the growth and development of cucumber grown in plastic film house

  9. CO2施肥对大棚油桃光合作用及产量品质的影响

    The Effects of CO_ 2 Enrichment on Photosynthesis , Yield and Quality of Nectarine in Greenhouse

  10. 基于GPRS的蔬菜大棚虚拟监控系统设计

    Design of Virtual Monitoring System in Vegetable Greenhouse Based on GPRS

  11. CO2缓释颗粒剂在大棚西瓜上的应用效果初报

    A preliminary study on the application of slow-release CO_2 granulated fertilizer to the watermelon growing in the plastic house

  12. 温室大棚气流场的CFD数值模拟

    CFD Simulation of the Airflow Field for the Greenhouse

  13. 结果表明,CO2施肥可以改善大棚内的小气候;

    The results showed that application of CO_2 could change the microclimate of the plastic film house and improve cucumber growth .

  14. 增强UV-B辐射与CO2浓度倍增复合作用对冬季大棚黄瓜生长发育的影响

    Compound Effect of Enhanced UV-B Radiation and Multiplied CO_2 on the Cucumber Growth in Winter Plastic Greenhouses

  15. 由极差R的大小得出各因素对大棚番茄灰霉病的防治效果影响大小依次是:施药次数>每次施药量>施药间隔期。

    According to the figure of range R , the order of factors on control efficacy was application times > application amount > application intervals .

  16. 越冬大棚番茄蒸腾速率变化规律及PLS模型

    Variation of transpiration rate of wintering tomato in plastic tents and predication model based on PLS

  17. 以4种不同基质组合配比,进行营养液和有机生态型无土栽培试验,以土壤栽培为对照(CK),重点研究不同基质栽培对大棚甜椒生长发育、光合生理及生态效应、产量的影响。

    Compared with soil culture , the different substrate treatments were applied for solution and ecological sound organic substrate culture .

  18. ND901、ND903杀菌混剂防治大棚黄瓜霜霉病的研究

    Study on Efficacy of Systemic and Contact Fungicide Mixtures ( ND ─ 901 , ND ─ 903 ) in Controlling Downy Mildew of Plastic Greenhouse Cucumbers

  19. 给大棚番茄补充照射UV-B和红光。

    The supplementary radiation of UV B and red light was given to tomato in winter plastic greenhouse .

  20. NH4~+-N和NO3~&N肥对大棚黄瓜根际土线虫群落组成及其多样性影响

    Effects of two forms of mineral nitrogenous fertilizers on nematode community composition and diversity in rhizosphere of cucumber in greenhouses

  21. 采用顶空气相色谱(GLC-HS)分析技术测定了代森锰锌、ND-901中代森锰锌在大棚黄瓜上的残留动态。

    The residual dynamics of mancozeb and mancozeb in ND-901 in plastic house cucumbers by a headspace chromatography were presented .

  22. 塑料大棚草莓增施C02的效果与方法

    Effect of co_2 application on Strawberry in plastic shed and experimental methods

  23. JohnBiernbaum教授在密歇根州的一个学生有机农场尝试了温室大棚并获得成功。

    Professor Biernbaum tried hoop houses on the student organic farm at Michigan State and had success .

  24. 他有关温室大棚的理念对在密歇根州立大学园艺系的JohnBiernbaum来说,听起来很不错。

    His ideas about hoop houses sounded good to John Biernbaum in Horticulture department at Michigan state university .

  25. 本文在大棚及熏气室内运用植物生理学和生态学方法研究增强的UV-B辐射和CO2浓度倍增的复合作用对黄瓜生长发育、生理生态和品质产量的影响。

    In this paper , influence of enhanced UV-B and double CO2 concentration on the growth and development and quality and yield of cucumber were investigated in plastic greenhouse .

  26. 青春野绿LDPE大棚膜专用树脂18B的开发

    Development of LDPE speciality resin for green house film

  27. 不同施肥措施及EM菌剂对大棚黄瓜连作障碍的防治效果设施蔬菜连作障碍成因分析与防治对策

    The Effects of Different Fertilization and EM Microbial Agent on the Problem of the Continuous Cote Planting The Problems Caused by Monoculture and the Solutions in Protected Vegetables Cultivation

  28. 应用自行设计的模拟未来气候变化的半开放式CO2浓度递增大棚(CGC),研究CO2浓度递增对不同冬小麦品种后期生长状况与产量的影响。

    According to the designed CO 2 Gradient Chamber ( CGC-half of open ), this study has examined the effect of different concentrations of CO 2 on two winter wheat cultivars .

  29. 对已发生霜霉病的大棚黄瓜于发病初期用50μg/ml的BTH诱导处理,病害发展可得到有效控制。

    The development of disease could be controlled effectively by using 50 μ g / ml BTH at the stage of preliminary disease .

  30. 施药期到50d后,大棚土壤中脲酶和蔗糖酶活性都能逐渐恢复到正常水平。

    The activities of soil urease and invertase returned to normal level gradually fifty days after application . 2 .