
  • 网络volcanic cluster;volcanic group
  1. 大同火山群玄武岩研究

    Study on the Basalt of Volcanic Cluster in Datong , Shanxi

  2. 焰山、高山&内蒙古阿尔山火山群中的两座活火山

    Yanshan , Gaoshan & Two Active Volcanos of the Volcanic Cluster in Arshan , Inner Mongolia

  3. 人们把这链状火山群很恰当地称作“火环”。

    The chain of volcanoes is known , appropriately enough , as the ' Ring of Fire ' .

  4. 乔吉湖坐落在匈牙利西部的火山群中。

    Lake gyogy nestles among the volcanic hills of Western hungary .

  5. 大多数人认为见到了层峦叠嶂的山就认为是火山群。

    Most people think of mountains when they think of volcanoes .

  6. 宽甸火山群地质遗迹的地质特征与特殊性

    Geological characteristics and its particularity of Kuandian Volcano Group in Liaoning Province

  7. 第四纪大同盆地火山群喷发类型及构造特点

    Quaternary period Datong basin groups of volcano eruption type and structure feature

  8. 腾冲火山群是我国目前仍具喷发危险的火山群。

    There is a eruption risk of Tengchong volcano in our country .

  9. 但是研究学者并不认为会像日本的富士山那样巨大的火山群。

    But the researchers didn 't expect to find volcanoes the size of Japan'sMount Fuji .

  10. 山西省大同火山群火山碎屑沉积特征

    Depositional Characteristics of Volcanic Debris of Datong Volcano Groups in the Eastern Part of China

  11. 此外,昌沂火山群还应当有其它发育硅藻土沉积的火山口盆地。

    What 's more , Changyi volcanic group should have other crater basins also with diatomite .

  12. 从内容结构设计及特点进行论述,实现了伊通火山群的多媒体电子地图集。

    We realize the electronic atlas of the volcano group in Etong , Jilin , China .

  13. 我们已经为你报道过很多关于冰岛火山群中最大的火山巴达本加火山的新闻。

    We 've talked about the Bardarbunga Volcano , it 's the largest volcanic system in Iceland .

  14. 大同火山群新生代火山岩成因相平衡实验约束

    Constraints of Phase Equilibrium Experiments on the Origin of Cenozoic Volcanic Rocks in the Datong Volcanic Cluster

  15. 本文报道了火山群综合地质考祭的初步结果。

    The preliminary results of a comprehensive geological investigation on the volcanic group are reported in this paper .

  16. 大同火山群是我国东部重要独特地貌类型之一。

    The Datong volcano groups are one of the important specific landform types in the eastern part of China .

  17. 按科学理论来讲,火山群的发现非常重要,因为就像陆地上的火山崩塌会造成巨大山崩,如圣海伦山那样;

    Scientifically , the find is important because just as volcanoes can collapse on land , producing giant landslides & as Mount St.

  18. 山东昌乐地区死火山群火山通道相节理非常发育,形态独特,引人注目。

    There are many noticeable and well-developed joints in the volcanic crater group in the Changle area , and they are unique in shape .

  19. 本文以吉林省靖宇县西南部的龙湾火山群为例,进行了火山口地貌图像识别方法探讨。

    In this paper , the Longwan volcanic group which locates in the southwest part of Jingyu County , Jilin Province is taken as an example for extracting volcanic landforms information .

  20. 这里被称为火圈带,从新西兰到智利,半圆形的急速移动板块和火山群绵延于太平洋上,使之地球上最容易地震的区域。

    It 's called the Ring of Fire , a semicircle of violently shifting plates and volcanoes that runs along the edges of the Pacific Ocean , from New Zealand to Chile .

  21. 在雄伟而神秘的火山群里,休眠火山地貌已被植被覆盖。

    Of the conic volcanoes , looking majestic as well as mysterious , the older ones are now almost completely covered with plant life and so have lost the typical geomorphological features of volcanoes .

  22. 岩相学特征表明,该火山群为典型的钙碱性系列玄武岩安山岩英安岩弧火山岩组合。

    The ( examination ) of the petrography shows that the volcanic terrains in Tengchong are typical of the basalt - ( andesite ) - ( dacite ) arc volcanic rock associations of the calc-alkaline series .

  23. 我清楚地看到它的已经开发地带的边缘,跟海岸线平行的各支山脉和拔海立千米的火山群;

    I could clearly distinguish the tilled soil on its outskirts , the various mountain chains running parallel with its coastline , and its volcanoes , crowned by Mauna Kea , whose elevation is 5000 meters above sea level .

  24. 指出,中新世晚期至上新世早期,东昆仑-秦岭断裂系以左旋走滑伸展活动为主,伴随着西秦岭地区拉分盆地的形成和超基性火山岩群的发育。

    It is pointed out that the East Kunlun-Qinling fault system behaved as transtensional strike-slip faulting from Late Miocene to Early Pliocene , with the development of pull-apart basins and ultrabasic volcanic activities along the fault zones .

  25. 辽西地区中生代火山-沉积盆地群特征及成因机制

    The Characteristics and Mechanism of Mesozoic Volcanic Sedimentary Basin Group of Western Liaoning

  26. 2002年8月20日长白山天池火山小震震群研究

    A study on the micro-earthquake swarm occurred on Aug. 20 , 2002 in Changbaishan Tianchi volcano

  27. 马尔代夫群岛实际上是被大海淹没的一个古老火山山脉的山峰群。

    These islands are actually the peaks of an ancient volcanic mountain range submerged by the sea .

  28. 岩石地球化学特征表明,无论是基龙组火山岩还是色龙群火山岩,都具有大陆拉伸-大陆裂谷环境火山岩系的主、微量元素地球化学特征。

    Volcanic rocks of both the Jilong Formation and the Selong Group show major element , trace element and REE geochemical characteristics of the volcanic series occurring in the continental extensional-rift environments .

  29. 熔岩面积广达8000公顷的天吉儿火山是一座古老的火山群,而婆罗摩火山却是火山群中最著名的活火山旅游地。

    Quanta lava area of8000 hectares of the wide is an ancient volcano group , and the Mount Bromo volcano is the most famous active volcano in the group to travel .

  30. 如果太多的火山热量被释放,火山口的浮冰群将会完全消失并且洞和几年前的雪一起消失。

    If too much volcanic heat is discharged , the crater 's ice pack will melt away entirely and the caves will vanish along with the snows of yesteryear .