
huǒ shé
  • fireflow;tongues of fire;licking flame;flame
火舌 [huǒ shé]
  • [tongues of fire] 喷出的较长火苗

火舌[huǒ shé]
  1. 一条黄色的火舌直冲上天。

    A yellow tongue of flame shot upwards .

  2. 大火蔓烧过厨房的天花板咆哮而来,红色的火舌朝门厅内卷去。

    The fire came roaring through the kitchen ceiling and sent its red tongues licking into the entrance hall

  3. 火舌四张。

    Great tongues of flame shot up here and there .

  4. 房子着了火,火舌蹿上了屋顶。

    The flames were licking the roof of the burning building .

  5. 机枪吐着火舌。

    The machine gun was spitting fire .

  6. 火舌图腾:同石肤、风墙。

    Flame tongue ; does not scale with levels or gear .

  7. 黑色的浓烟和红色的火舌在漫天飞雪中缭绕上升。

    Black smoke and red flames climb into the white snowfall .

  8. 还有最后一些火舌在吞卷着城市。

    There were a few last flames licking the city .

  9. 火舌武器:现在有一个被动的法术伤害效果。

    Flametongue Weapon : Now has a passive spell damage .

  10. 当火舌最后交织成牢固的火焰

    When the tongues of flame are in-folded into the crowned knot of fire

  11. 从燃烧着的房子里喷射出火舌。

    Flames were shooting from the burning house .

  12. 火舌正往窗户外面窜。

    The flames are licking out of windows .

  13. 他们想把火舌阻回去。

    They tried to beat the flames back .

  14. 在9楼,火舌已经透过墙和窗向里喷射

    On the ninth floor , flames are already shooting through the walls and windows .

  15. 一片片火舌喷向空中,翻滚的浓烟朝他这边刮来。

    Sheets of flame shot into the air , driving clouds of smoke in his direction .

  16. 当黑黝黝的鸽子喷吐着忽隐忽现的火舌在地平线下掠飞归去以后

    After the dark dove with the flickering tongue had passed below the horizon of his homing

  17. 他干吗要和一个他并不喜欢的火舌浪费时间呢?他想。

    Why should he waste any time with this man he did not like ? was his thought .

  18. 火舌舔噬着墙;在黑暗中,步枪发射着火舌。

    Tongues of flame licked at the walls ; rifles exploded quick knives of fire into the dark .

  19. 仅仅几小时后,火舌便迅速窜到了临近的黑龙江省。

    Only a couple of hours later , the blaze had quickly spread to the neighboring Heilongjiang Province .

  20. 给出了一种基于小火舌模型的固体火箭发动机燃烧室内复杂压缩流场中湍流扩散的数值仿真方法。

    A numerical simulation method is presented for the turbulent diffusion flames in complex compressible flow fields of Solid Rocket Motors .

  21. 曾经那么美丽的路边,现在却长满了枯草,就像被火舌添过一般。

    The roadsides , once so beautiful , were lined with brown grass as though they had been swept by fire .

  22. 第二道火舌从魔杖里喷了出来,与第一道缠绕在一起,构成一根细细的、闪着红光的链条。

    A second tongue of flame shot from the wand and interlinked with the first , making a fine , glowing chain .

  23. 一道细细的、耀眼的火舌从魔杖里喷了出来,就像一根又红又热的金属丝,缠绕在他们相握的两只手上。

    A thin tongue of brilliant flame issued from the wand and wound its way around their hands like a red-hot wire .

  24. 大地之力铭文:替换为熔岩暴击,使你火舌武器的加成提高10%。

    Glyph of Strength of Earth : Replaced with Glyph of Lava Lash , which increases the bonus from having Flametongue Weapon by10 % .

  25. 火焰熊熊,噼啪作响,当火舌开始吞没教皇的模拟像时,人群中爆发出一阵响亮的欢呼声。

    The fire roared and crackled , and a great cheer went up as the flames began to lick the effigy of the Pope .

  26. 这个不相干的人所说的话象冰针火舌似的轮番刺进他的心里。

    The words of this indifferent spectator had , in turn , pierced his heart like needles of ice and like blades of fire .

  27. 灯火明亮的房子;发红的灰烬;火焰闪烁的火舌;明亮的月亮;星光灿烂的天空。

    A house aglow with lights ; glowing embers ; lambent tongues of flame ; the lucent moon ; a sky luminous with stars .

  28. 火舌武器,致死效果5秒,每次击中刷新。

    Flametongue weapon puts an " MS "( 50 % healing reduction ) on your current target . 5 Second duration , refreshes every hit .

  29. 火舌武器:在两把武器上上不同等级的火舌将不再一次挥动多次触发火舌。

    Flametongue Weapon : Having different ranks of this enchantment cast on two different weapons will no longer cause the enchantments to trigger multiple times per swing .

  30. 橘红色的火舌描绘出他的长脸,忽隐忽现地浮现在她面前,像是透过飘动的门帘看到的若隐若现的影子。

    His long face floated before her , 'limned in tongues of red and orange , appearing and disappearing again , a shadow half-seen behind a fluttering curtain .