
huǒ jiàn fēi jī
  • Rocket plane;rocket airplane;rocket aircraft;rocket-propelled plane
  1. 这艘火箭飞机(rocketplane)可能会激起人们对商业太空飞行的兴趣,因此甚至在它飞离地面之前,就可以实现自己的一些目标。

    The rocket plane may fulfil some of its goals before it even gets off the ground , by whipping up interest in commercial space flight .

  2. 历史回顾机载发射可以追溯至几十年前,最著名的是上世纪50、60年代的X-15计划,当时一架B-52轰炸机的机翼下搭载了载人火箭飞机,并在超音速飞行的测试研究飞行器上发射。

    HISTORY Airborne launches date back decades , most famously to the X-15 program of the 1950s and ' 60s , when manned rocket planes were carried aloft under the wing of a B-52 bomber and released on hypersonic research flights .

  3. 以下介绍的就是几家航空公司推出的几种太空旅行的方式:XCOR航空公司——太空旅行人均95000美元,提供猞猁火箭飞机-可容纳一名飞行员和一名乘客,可以进行每天4次的太空旅行,2014年开始试飞。

    Below are a few options for the discerning space traveler : XCOR Aerospace - At $ 95000 per person , the Lynx rocket plane - which can hold a pilot plus one passenger - will take tourists to suborbital space and will make four trips per day . Test flights began in 2014 .

  4. 第三排架上是胚胎期的火箭飞机机械师,每批二百五十个,其中的头一个正从三号架的一千一百公尺点通过。

    The first of a batch of two hundred and fifty embryonic rocket-plane engineers was just passing the eleven hundred metre mark on Rack 3 .

  5. “第一优势”公司与美国“火箭飞机”公司合作,推出了这项服务,搭乘新人的太空飞船将从美国俄克拉荷马州的一个私人机场起飞。

    The firm is offering the space marriages in a tie-up with US-based Rocket Plane , which will conduct the flights from a private airport in Oklahoma .

  6. 火箭飞机从五六英里外的晴朗的天空急速掠过,虽然看不见,它那更加深沉的轰鸣却仿佛是在抚摩着柔和的空气。

    and the deeper drone of the rocket-planes hastening , invisible , through the bright sky five or six miles overhead was like a caress on the soft air .

  7. 在“旅行者餐馆”(VoyagerRestaurant),就餐者可以点一份“飞船一号”(火腿蛋),或者来一份“白骑士”(咸肉鸡蛋),这是以该火箭运载飞机命名的菜。

    At the Voyager Restaurant , diners may order a " SpaceShipOne "( ham and eggs ), or a " White Knight "( bacon and eggs ), a dish named after the rocket 's carrier craft .

  8. 一批批携带火箭的飞机不断轰击敌人的纵队。

    Waves of rocket-carrying aircraft pounded at the enemy columns .

  9. 它是由无限边界向有限边界过渡的一个流场,既不同于风洞试验中的有限边界流场,也不同于火箭、飞机所在的无限边界流场。

    It 's a field with boundary varying from indefinite to definite .

  10. 在战争中为了对付低空飞行导弹、火箭和飞机等的袭击,反应速度快的自动化火炮是必须的。

    In order to deal with the attack of the low altitude missile , rocket and airplane , automation artillery that can response rapidly is needed .

  11. 虽然它是在50年代设计的,但这种火箭动力飞机的研究标志着它的速度和高度直到航天飞机出现后才超过。

    Though designed during the1950s , this rocket-powered research airplane set speed and altitude marks that were not sur ­ passed until the advent of the shuttle .

  12. TVC火箭包作为飞机弹射救生座椅推进动力的可能性

    The possibility of using TVC rocket-propelled installation as the propulsion power of ejection seat

  13. C/C复合材料在火箭发动机和飞机上的应用

    Application of c / c composite materials for rocket engine and airplane

  14. 用火箭发射的飞机模型自由飞纵向导数试验研究

    Test Research of longitudinal derivatives using free flight model of an aircraft launched by ground rocket

  15. 早在40年代初,一名德国设计师就曾提出了火箭推进航天飞机的设想。

    A german designer developed the idea for a rocket-propelled aerospace plane in the early 1940s .

  16. 在1962年借助美国一个宇航员制造了第一架轨道式火箭式动力飞机;后来到了美国参议院。

    Made the first orbital rocket-powered flight by a US astronaut in 1962 ; later in US Senate .

  17. 从一开始,火箭动力的X飞机通常顺风车搭车进入空气中。

    From the start , rocket-powered X-Planes typically hitched a ride to get into the air .

  18. 我确信我们会搭乘火箭,而不是飞机。

    I 'm sure we would take rockets instead of planes .

  19. 他奉派研习火箭和喷气式飞机

    He was assigned to bone up on rockets and jets

  20. 用固体火箭发动机抛放飞机座舱盖的探索

    Investigation on opening and throwing of aeroplane canopy by using solid rocket engine

  21. 另一个显而易见的可能选择是,制造一枚尺寸小得多的火箭,并用飞机把它送到高层大气中。

    One other obvious possibility is to build a much smaller rocket and carry it into the upper atmosphere using an aeroplane .

  22. 以往的试验论证了艾尔波特•爱因斯坦的相对论,试验将地面上的原子钟和高空火箭和喷气式飞机上的原子钟进行比较。

    Past experiments have confirmed Albert Einstein 's theory of relativity by comparing atomic clocks on the Earth 's surface with ones placed in high-altitude jets and rockets .

  23. 从发明自行车开始,一直到赛车,喷气发动机汽车,火箭动力汽车,尝试突破声障和火箭动力飞机。

    Starting with the invention of the bicycle , going on to sports cars , cars with jet engines , rocket-powered cars , attempts to break the sound barrier , and rocket-engine airplanes .