
  • 网络Fired patch
  1. 基于知识的多时相TM图像森林火烧迹地快速提取方法

    Method of Fast Extracting Fire Scars from Multi-temporal TM Images on the Basis of Knowledge Available

  2. 本文探讨了火烧迹地上红松种群(Pinuskoraiensispopulation)自然更新格局的动态变化和趋势。

    The present paper studies the dynamic change and tendency of natural regeneration pattern of Korean pine ( Pinus Koraiensis ) population .

  3. 火烧迹地在降第一场雨后土壤pH值升高,有机质减少,全氮、全磷、钾、钙等含量减少,而有效氮、镁含量增加。

    Soil pH , available N and Mg increase on burnt sites following the first rainfall , however , soil organic matter , total N , total P , K and Ca decrease .

  4. 利用福建省福州地区ETM图像,在分析火烧迹地光谱特征的基础上,研究了火烧迹地信息遥感快速提取方法。

    Based on an analysis of the spectral characteristics of the fire burned areas in ETM image , the authors have studied the methods for rapid extraction of the burned areas . In this paper , four methods were set up .

  5. 火烧迹地土壤磷含量变化的研究

    A study on the variations of phosphorus content in fire slash

  6. 大兴安岭林区火烧迹地植被变化研究

    Vegetation Change on Burn Blank in Daxing ′ anling Forest Areas

  7. 北京西山地区火烧迹地植被恢复研究

    Study of Vegetation Restoration in Burnt Areas of Beijing Xishan

  8. 降雨能使火烧迹地的土壤密度和分散系数升高、孔隙度下降。

    Rainfall makes the soil density and disperse coefficient increased and porosity decreased .

  9. 大兴安岭火烧迹地土壤动物生态地理分析

    Eco-geographical analysis of soil animals in burned forest areas in Greater Hinggan Mountains

  10. 火烧迹地次生林天然更新株数模型的建立

    The Model of the Natural Regenerating Individuals for the Second Growth after the Burned Area

  11. 云南苍山地区火烧迹地群落演替进程对植物多样性的影响

    Effects of Successions of Communities on Plant Species Diversity in Post-fire Area in Cangshan Mountain

  12. 主要原因是针叶原始林的皆伐迹地和火烧迹地都已天然更新成林。

    The main reasons were that lands of clearcutting and fire had been regenerated and closed .

  13. 广东鹤山火烧迹地植被恢复后土壤养分含量变化

    Changes of soil nutrient contents after prescribed burning of forestland in Heshan City , Guangdong Province

  14. 大兴安岭西北坡火烧迹地湿地格局变化及其影响因子研究

    Wetland pattern change and affecting factors in the burned area of northern Great Hing ′ an mountains

  15. 所以该研究可为林业管理部门在火烧迹地森林恢复方面提供有效的科学依据。

    Summarily , this research can serve as effective scientific reference for forestry authority in forest recovering management .

  16. 低、中强度火烧迹地土壤持水能力的恢复较高强度火烧迹地快。

    The soil water-retaining capacity at low and moderate intensity burnt site returned to the level before burning faster than at high intensity burnt site .

  17. 采用逐步回归方法建立了草地头火速度、火强度、火烧迹地形状的预测模型。

    A predictive model for head fire speed , fire intensity , and shape of burning site in grassland were established by step statistical method .

  18. 森林火烧迹地的鸟类群落与灌丛草地的鸟类群落相似度高,与人工樟子松林的鸟类群落相似度低。

    Similar index of the bird community of the burned forests areas and the brush grassland was high , however , and the artificial Mongolian pine forests were low .

  19. 由于以水灭火是一种能够使受灾森林降温的方法,使高温对树木的影响降低,提高了存活率,降低了火烧迹地林木的损失。

    Water-base fire-fighting method can lower the temperature , reduce the high-temperature impact on trees , and increase the rate of survival , decline the forest losses in burnt area .

  20. 火山地质遗迹景观区资源分类与评价方法初探大兴安岭火烧迹地土壤动物的群落多样性

    A Probe to Resource Classification and Evaluation Method of the Volcanic Geologic Remains Landscape ; Soil Animal Community Diversity in the Burned Areas of the Great Xing'an Mountains , China

  21. 通过模拟刀耕火种过程,对刀耕火种前后的次生林、旱稻地(第2年)和火烧迹地(火烧后直接撂荒地第2年)土壤节肢动物群落结构特征及季节变化进行了调查研究。

    The communities structure and seasonal change in diversity of soil arthropod communities in secondary forest , dry-rice land and fired remains after simulative process of slash-and-burn in Xishuangbanna were studied .

  22. 测定地下可燃物的含水率、载量、热值、点着温度、灰分含量等因子,从火烧迹地形状、燃烧深度、地下火的分类角度来分析地下火的火行为。

    Moisture content , fuel load , heat capacity , ignition point and ash content were measured in laboratory . Fire behaviors were analyzed from fire site shapes , combustion depth and ground fire classification .

  23. 本文回顾了国内外火烧迹地森林恢复的研究概况,从种群、群落、生态及景观四个尺度上概括了该领域研究的主要方法;

    This paper reviewed the research situation and history on the forest restoration burned blanks and summed up the research methods used into four scales : seed-bank scale , community scale , ecosystem scale and landscape scale .

  24. 地形因子的分析说明在火烧迹地更新种植针叶林主要是受坡度的影响,偏相关系数为-0.6835。

    According to the analytic results in this dissertation , we can find that slope was the pivotal factor for the conversion of the burned blank into coniferous forest , and the Partial Correlation Coefficients is -0.6835 . Bum severity is also affected by the topography .

  25. 火烧后4a内,土壤氮的含量基本都比未烧林地有所下降(中强度火烧迹地土壤有效氮含量除外)。以后有逐年增加的趋势。

    Within 4 years after fire , compared with unburned site , the content of nitrogen in soil showed a light decline , except the active nitrogen of soil in moderate burned sites , and had an increasing trend year by year after 4 years .