
  • 网络penalty shootout;shoot-out
  1. A:90分钟的比赛结束了,还没有分出胜负。会不会出现点球决胜呢?

    A : 90 minutes of regulation is over and we don 't have a winner . Is this going to be a penalty shootout ?

  2. 在点球决胜中,各队轮流设法从罚球点射门得分。

    In a penalty shoot-out , each team takes it in turn to try to score a goal from the penalty spot .

  3. 谈现代足球比赛中的点球决胜负

    Talking about the " Penalty Kick " in Modern Football Competition

  4. 点球决胜就是罚点球者与守门员的一对一对决。

    In a penalty shot , it 's kicker versus goalkeeper .

  5. 现在开始点球决胜负!

    Now let 's begin spot kick final !

  6. 在点球决胜中),门将罗梅罗四次射门中猜中两次。

    A keeper like Romero who guesses right two times out of four in the penalty decider .

  7. 加时赛第一个得分的队为胜者。如果有必要的话,他们可能通过发点球决胜。

    The first team to score in extra time wins , and if necessary , they may have a penalty stroke competition .

  8. 正常比赛结束时如果打成平局,要进行加时赛,如果有必要的话还要发点球决胜负。

    A match , which is tied at the end of regulation time , then goes into extra time , and if necessary , to a penalty stroke competition .

  9. 如果足总杯决赛对曼联,比赛需要点球决胜,那几乎比赛从开始到结束每分钟都是折磨,欧冠决赛对巴萨更是极大的痛苦。

    If the FA Cup Final against Manchester United-which was decided on penalties-was torture every minute from beginning to end , the Champions'League final against Barcelona was sheer agony .

  10. 首选折磨就是点球决胜&目前,在包括最近的欧洲冠军联赛和世界杯决赛等最重要的赛事中,点球决胜被广泛用作平局决胜制。

    The torture of choice is the penalty shoot-out , now widely used as a tiebreaker in the most important games , including the most recent Champions League and World Cup finals .

  11. 这位前米兰球星并没有忘记当年在2005年的决赛中,他是如何地被杜德克两度拒诸门外(次是点球决胜)而他将会哼着鼻来报仇雪恨。

    The former Milan star hasn 't forgotten the way he was denied by two Dudek saves , one in the shootout , at the2005 final , and will be snorting for revenge .

  12. 我想说明的是实际上我对足球完全没有了解,我只知道的足球知识也就是:一点点记分方法,罚点球决胜负是啥,还有守门员应该做什么。

    I would like to point out that I know practically NOTHING about football . I can just about understand the scoring system , what a penalty shoot out is and what the goalkeeper is supposed to do .