
diǎn guò chéng
  • point process;Poisson process
点过程[diǎn guò chéng]
  1. Candy模型是基于随机点过程的线特征提取模型。

    Candy model is a line feature extraction model based on stochastic point process .

  2. 简要介绍了雪崩光电二极管(APD)阵列光子计数成像原理,建立了基于泊松点过程的APD阵列的单光子响应模型。

    A photon counting image model based on avalanche photodiode ( APD ) arrays response characters and Poisson point process of photons was developed .

  3. 定义点过程:Ni(.)具有稳定参数的Ishikawa不动点迭代过程的收敛性

    Convergence of Ishikawa fixed point iteration procedure with stable parameters

  4. 主要讨论了带干扰的马氏环境下的破产概率,在该模型中,顾客索赔到来次数由一个点过程{Nt,t≥0}来描述,且该点过程是一Cox过程。

    The authors mainly discuss the ruin probability for the risk process perturbed by diffusion in a Markovian environment .

  5. 完备可分度量空间上的随机点过程半群PN中的素元及I0元的判别与表征对PN的半群结构的研究具有重要意义。

    The distinguishing of prime elements and Io elements in the semigroup P_N of stochastic point processes on a separable metric space and the studying of semigroup structure of P_N were of great significance .

  6. 推导出了短TCP数据流传输时间的一个完整新模型,该模型是在考虑传输通道丢失率和超时后的慢启动过程的条件下,利用随机点过程理论推导出的。

    This paper proposes a simple model of TCP data flow latency by considering the loss property of transformation channel and the slow start period after timeout .

  7. 二维Possion型点过程及其性质

    Two-Dimensional Possion Type Point Processes and it 's Some Character

  8. 本文在一般满足通常性条件的概率空间中,利用单调迭代方法讨论了由Poisson点过程驱动的两指标随机微分方程的上下解。

    In this paper , we discuss the minimal and maximal solutions of two parameter Poisson type stochastic differential equations by the method of monotone iterative techology in the probability space satisfied with usual conditions .

  9. 提出了防洪风险分析中一个Poisson标值点过程模型,并运用Poisson点过程理论,给出了综合风险率的计算模型。

    A poisson marked point process model in risk analysis of flood control is put forward . And based on the theory of Poisson point process , a calculation model of synthetic risk rate is given .

  10. 当价格状态不可数时,特别当价格服从Brown运动规律,价格过程与交易点过程相互独立时得到了参数的估计式,为期权定价计算提供了依据。

    When trade prices are uncountable , and Brown motions , price process and transaction arrival time process are independent each other , we have estimated parameters of sample function density , and taken Guan Dian Dian Zi stock as example to do empirical analysis .

  11. 首先考察双向Poission点过程及其点间间距的统计特性,并拓广之为齐次双向点过程;

    The statistical properties of BPPP and its interarrivals are investigated , and BPPP is extended to homogeneous bilateral point process .

  12. 为了克服泊桑模型的这种缺点,本文引进了一种地震间隔时间为Gamma分布的更新点过程模型,并给出了将这种模型用于一般地震危险性分析的方法。

    To overcome the shortcomings of the Poisson model , a more general renewal point process model which has independent and identically Gamma distributed interarrival times is developed . The method to estimate seismic risk in a region and at a site using this model is presented .

  13. 在连续时间模型中最典型的是复合泊松模型,于1905年由Lundberg所创立。本文从以下三个方面进行了研究:一是用更一般的点过程Cox过程代替泊松过程来描述理赔次数;

    Among the continuous-time risk models , the most classic one is compound Poisson model , founded by Lundberg in 1905.the article generalize it from the flowing three aspects : firstly we replace Poisson process with general stochastic dot process for example Cox process to describe the claim number .

  14. 汽车保险的簇生点过程模型

    The Cluster Point Process Model of Collective Claims in Vehicles Insurance

  15. 基于随机点过程的钢丝绳寿命预测及更换决策的研究

    Random point process for prediction of wire-rope life and renewal policy

  16. 点过程模型中向量参数极大似然估计的渐近性质

    Asympotic Properties of MLE of the Parameters for Point Processes

  17. 中国北部地震历史资料的点过程分析

    A point process analysis of historical earthquakes from North China

  18. 基于随机点过程理论的疲劳裂纹随机扩展模型

    Stochastic growth model of fatigue crack based on stochastic point process theory

  19. 标值点过程非参数估计的中偏差原理

    Moderate deviation principle in nonparametric estimation of market point process

  20. 离子通道镶嵌点过程模型

    The Model of Embedded Point Processes for Ion Channels

  21. 泊松点过程的若干大偏差估计

    Several Large Deviation Estimations for the Poisson Point Processes

  22. 关于随机点过程半群Ⅰ0元判别的一个结果

    A Result in Distinguishing the I_0-Elements in the Semigroup of Stochastic point processes

  23. 高斯序列多水平超过的点过程之弱收敛

    Weak Convergence of the Point Process for Multiple Levels Exceeding of Gaussian Sequence

  24. 点过程模型统计方法在地震学中的应用

    Seismological applications of statistical methods for point-process modelling

  25. 介绍了利用标记点过程方法进行几何目标提取的研究背景,并简要叙述了点过程和标记点过程的理论。

    The background and theory of point process and marked point process are introduced .

  26. 高斯&泊松点过程的收敛

    The Convergence of Gauss - Poisson Point Process

  27. 非平稳可微高斯过程的上穿过点过程的渐近分布

    Asymptotic Distribution of Point Process Formed by the Upcrossings of Non-stationary Differentiate Gaussian Process

  28. 基于分形点过程自相似流的队列性能分析

    Queueing performance analysis for FPP-based self-similar traffic

  29. 点过程的一个构造定理

    An Existing Theorem of Stochastic Point Processes

  30. 第二章主要介绍了点过程、鞅论及布朗运动的一些知识。

    The second chapter basically introduces martingale deals with a process , some knowledge Brownian motion .