
liè shì línɡ yuán
  • martyrs memorial park
  1. 烈士陵园作为一种纪念性园林,是城市绿地中集纪念、教育与游憩等功能为一体的综合体。

    As a memorial landscape , martyrs memorial park is a main composite part of city greenbelt and syntheses for memorial , educational and tour activities .

  2. 以旧修旧修旧如旧&华北烈士陵园烈士纪念馆的修缮设计

    To Give Priority to the Reservation And Repair the Old Houses Like the Original Ones & Renovation Process of Memorial Hall of Martyrs Memorial Park in North China

  3. 他在烈士陵园安息着。

    He lies at rest in the Martyrs ' Cemetery .

  4. 双塔寺烈士陵园的保护与开发研究

    The Double Towers Cemetery of Martyrs 's the Protection and Development Research

  5. 上海龙华烈士陵园中他的浮雕可引以为证。

    His relief sculpture in Shanghai Long Hua Martyrs'Cemetery can prove it .

  6. 西安烈士陵园整修改造方案

    Schematic design of the renovation of Xi'an Martyrs Cemetery

  7. 广州起义烈士陵园园林树木白蚁防治初报

    First Report on Termite Prevention and Control of Garden Trees in Guangzhou Insurrectional Martyr Cemetery Park

  8. 怀旧本身就是一种宝贵的精神&记华北军区烈士陵园的保护与更新

    Recalling is a kind of precious spirit & Protection and Renewal of HuaBei Cemetery of revolutionary Martyrs

  9. 我国的烈士陵园具有数量多,分布广的特点。

    Large quantity and widely distribution are the distinguishing features of the cemetery of martyrs in China .

  10. 系统研究并具体提出革命烈士陵园规划思想的尚且还没有。

    There have no system and specific study on the planning ideas of the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery yet .

  11. 富有的罗马人建别墅,墓和烈士陵园在此背景紫色阿尔邦山头。

    Rich Romans built villas , tombs and mausoleums here , against a backdrop of the purple Alban hills .

  12. 湖南省韶山烈士陵园内的烈士塔,大批学生在缅怀先烈。

    Plenty of college students cherished the revolutionary martyrs in the monument located in Shaoshan Martyrs Cemetery Park in Hunan .

  13. 韶山市干部群众和学生在韶山烈士陵园参加祭扫活动。

    The cadres and masses of Shaoshan City , together with the students paid a visit to the cemetery park .

  14. 这些遗骸将被安葬在沈阳烈士陵园,那里埋葬着数百名中国烈士。

    The remains will be buried in Shenyang Cemetery for the Martyrs , home to hundreds of fallen Chinese soldiers .

  15. 本文的不足之处有:①革命烈士陵园景区化规划思想的理论研究不够;②革命烈士陵园景区化规划思想内涵研究不够深入和全面。

    The inadequacies of this article are : The theoretical study is not enough ; Ideological content was not thorough enough and comprehensive .

  16. 我国烈士陵园建设以时间为分界,可大致分为三期:50&70年代建设的烈士陵园;80年代建设的烈士陵园;

    The construction of the martyrs ' cemetery can be divided approximately into three stages by time : 70s , 80s and 90s .

  17. 清风店战役纪念馆被划定为冀中红色旅游区,北疃惨案烈士陵园修缮一新;

    Qingfengdian was designated the Battle Memorial Hall Jizhong red for the tourist areas , the North Tuan tragedy , a new martyr cemetery restoration ;

  18. 烈士陵园、烈士纪念碑、纪念地等已经成为城市纪念性建筑的重要组成部分。

    The cemeteries of revolutionary martyrs , the monument to revolutionary martyrs and other memorial sites have become significant components of the city memorial buildings .

  19. 燕南和他弟弟1962年春节在厦门市烈士陵园。他们的爸爸的遗骸就在这里。

    Yannan and his brother in the Spring Festival of1962 in front of the mausoleum in Xiamen in which their father 's remains were buried .

  20. 这个男孩唱道:“塔里尔过去是广场,现在是烈士陵园。我们国家在塔里尔进行了一场革命。”

    The boy sings , " Tahrir was a square , now it is the address of martyrs . At Tahrir , the nation made a revolution . "

  21. 总结了沂水县跋山烈士陵园主纪念塔方案设计的全过程,分析了纪念性建筑和环境、形式和思想内容之间的密切联系。

    The essay summarizes the process of the design that for the monument sacred to the memory of marlys , arlalizes tile relation between the memorial architecture and its environment .

  22. 本文的创新之处有:①提出革命烈士陵园景区化规划思想;②提出革命烈士陵园的规划策略和方法;③对革命烈士陵园进行了基础研究。

    The innovation of this paper are : Put forward the planning ideology ; Put forward the planning strategies and methods ; Do the basic research on the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery .

  23. 烈士陵园不仅承载着纪念、扫、育的功能,其独特的景观也应成为风景园林的组成部分。

    Abstract : A martyr memorial park , being a place for memorial , tribute-paying and educational activities , is also a composite part of a landscape architecture with its unique spots .

  24. 对广州起义烈士陵园树木白蚁危害情况进行普查,结果表明:危害率23%,46.5%是台湾乳白蚁危害;

    An investigation on the termite damage of garden trees was carried out in Guangzhou Insurrectional Martyr cemetery Park . The result showed that the damage rate was 23 % , of which 46.5 % was damaged by Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki .