
hōng tuō
  • set off by contrast;add shading around an object to make it stand out;throw into sharp relief
烘托 [hōng tuō]
  • (1) [add shading around an object to make it stand out]∶中国画的一种画法,用水墨或淡彩点染轮廓外部,使物像鲜明

  • (2) [set off by contrast;throw into sharp relief]∶陪衬,使明显突出

  • 以写景烘托人物性格

烘托[hōng tuō]
  1. 首先用音乐烘托气氛。

    First set the mood with music

  2. 看看我们能不能找点什么烘托一下气氛。当务之急:来点音乐吧。

    Let 's see if we can 't find something to set the mood . First things first ; some music .

  3. 珠光金色的双C图案位于星罗棋布鹅卵石般铺开的小圆点中央,而这种暖色调单色被很巧妙地烘托出来。

    Pearl gold double C logo in the spread of small cobblestone-like roll out the central dot , and this warm color is very cleverly set off out .

  4. 为了烘托这个时刻,制片人邀请了最受信赖的演员:汤姆·汉克斯(TomHanks)。

    To sell the moment , the filmmakers turned to the most trustworthy of all actors : Tom Hanks .

  5. 我选择不去质疑这两部电影,不过感觉《坚不可摧》很枯燥,而且老派到令人难堪的地步,但我很喜欢《走出荒野》,主要是因为它通过音乐烘托出的真挚感情、映像,以及瑞茜·威瑟斯彭(ReeseWitherspoon)。

    I took both movies at face value , finding " Unbroken " tedious and disconcertingly old-fashioned but enjoying " Wild " largely for its soulful mood , achieved through music , imagery and Reese Witherspoon .

  6. 锦上添花之物还包括防水电视以及触摸式灯控器(俨然spa配置,昏暗的灯光以及烘托气氛的音乐,尽管噱头十足,但乐在其中),甚至还配备了安装自热与水喷系统的亚式马桶座,诸位最后很可能会流连忘返。

    Throw in a splash-proof television , touchscreen console to control lighting - the " spa " setting , with its low lights and mood music , is gimmicky but fun - and even an Asian-style lavatory seat with its own heating and water jets , and the chances are that you may not want to leave .

  7. 环境的烘托,可以帮助读者更加深入地理解作品。

    Environment contrast can help readers more in-depth understanding of works .

  8. 戏剧以高度紧张气氛烘托王子的矛盾的内心世界。

    This intense play captures the conflicted inner life of Hamlet .

  9. 这都是为了烘托一个品牌的知名度。

    It 's all about driving up excitement about a brand .

  10. 渲染气氛,烘托人物情感。

    It can be used to exaggerate atmosphere and personage 's emotion .

  11. 通过对东北地区文化旅游形象的塑造,来进一步烘托和强化旅游地的文化主题,占据旅游者心中的位置。

    The cultural theme is intensified through the planning of destination image .

  12. 酒在婚姻习俗中亦有重要表现,有烘托气氛和寓意吉祥的作用。

    It expressed festive atmosphere and symbolized good fortune in marriage custom .

  13. 但少了必要的烘托就没有用。

    But it doesn 't work without the necessary push .

  14. 艺术烘托手法的绝妙效果与艺术欣赏&关于高职师范专业人才文学素质的培养与提高

    Excellent Effectiveness of Artistic Contrast Technique and Its Appreciation

  15. 背景灯:为整个房间提供一定亮度,烘托气氛。

    Setting lamp : Offer certain brightness for whole room , foil atmosphere .

  16. 是的,半打犹太烛台还挺能烘托气氛的。

    Yeah , turns out half a dozen menorahs really sets a mood .

  17. 本章分析了主要唱段的风格对人物形象的烘托。

    This chapter has analyzed the main aria style to character image contrasting .

  18. 商业展示照明,环境气氛烘托。

    Commercial display lighting , illuminate the ambience .

  19. 我喜欢他们生动地烘托十九世纪伦敦气氛的手法。

    I like the way they gave the atmosphere of the19th century London vividly .

  20. 刻画女性群像,烘托悲剧命运&论《祝福》中塑造人物形象的烘托手法

    Depict Women Images and Highlight Tragic Fate

  21. 然而,他们在烘托女主人公个性形象和构建小说主题方面起着不可忽视的作用。

    However , they are indispensable for Laurence 's characterization and construction of the themes .

  22. 装修要求有一些欧式的装修符号,利用颜色,细节烘托气氛。

    Requires a number of European-style decoration decoration symbols , using color , detail heighten the atmosphere .

  23. 室内陈设可以组织室内空间序列,烘托室内环境氛围,塑造空间艺术品位。

    Interior furnishings can organize interior space , foil interior environment atmosphere and create space art taste .

  24. 因此,校园色彩对校园环境的塑造和氛围的烘托的关键。

    Therefore , the campus color is the hinge to create a positive campus environment and atmosphere .

  25. 苏州弹词与盘索里是由文学、音乐、表演这三者相互烘托、有机融合而成的综合艺术。

    Suzou Tanci and P'ansori are both a comprehensive art with literature , music and performance well combined .

  26. 任伯年吸收了西画冷暖衬托法,弱化前景,烘托主题。

    Ren Bo-being of Western painting in the background absorption method , weakening prospects , set off topic .

  27. 除此之外,金庸小说还采用了富有中国传统戏曲音乐特点的叙事节奏从而产生节奏对比与烘托,造成生动丰富的审美效果。

    In addition , his novels also use the narrative rhythm which featured of traditional Chinese opera music .

  28. 在前往墓地的路上,乐队演奏节奏缓慢庄重的乐曲,以烘托这种气氛。

    On the way to the cemetery the band played slow , solemn music suited to the occasion .

  29. 它们是传统室内环境中非常具有特色的陈设,既具有实用性又具有装饰点缀、烘托环境的作用。

    They are peculiar furnishings in traditional indoor surroundings , with the feature of practicability and function of decoration .

  30. 在所有饮品中,它最能烘托气氛,体现中华传统。

    Of all drinks , it is white liquor that best brings out the atmosphere and embodies Chinese tradition .