
hōng lú
  • oven;oast;dryoff oven;oasthouse
烘炉 [hōng lú]
  • [oven] 火炉。烘焙、加热或干燥用的砖石炉灶

烘炉[hōng lú]
  1. 6m大容积焦炉烘炉实践与体会

    Practice and Experience of Heating-up of 6m Big-Volumed Coke Oven Batteries

  2. 在漆包机烘炉温度控制系统中采用模糊PID结合前馈补偿算法的模糊解耦控制算法,把多输入多输出的漆包机烘炉改变成为多个单输入单输出系统。

    The enameling machine oven temperature control system using fuzzy PID combined with feed-forward compensation algorithm , transferred multi input and multi output into a number of single input single output system .

  3. 基于VISUALBASIC的焦炉烘炉温度监测软件的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Coke Oven Baking Temperature ′ s Monitoring Software Based on Visual Basic

  4. Shell气化炉烘炉方案改进

    Improving the drying procedure of Shell Gasifier refractory

  5. 大型CFB锅炉烘炉经验与体会

    Learn from Experience of Large CFB Boiler Dry off

  6. CFB锅炉无焰烘炉法

    Flameless Refractory Curing of CFB Boiler

  7. 10t工频炉烘炉曲线研究

    Research of Drying Out Curve for 10t Main Frequency Furnace

  8. SY-805网带炉的烘炉及其它

    The Roast Furnace Lining and the Other for SY-805 Type Mesh Belt Furnace

  9. 凌钢旋流顶燃球式热风炉烘炉实践

    Heating-up practice of cyclone top combustion hot stove at Lingyuan Steel

  10. 介绍了一种单片机监测烘炉温度系统。

    This paper discussed a temperature monitoring system based on MCU .

  11. 改进焙烧炉烘炉工艺降低燃料消耗

    Improving oven drying technology of the roaster and lower fuel consumption

  12. 焦炉长时间封炉后的烘炉

    Heating Without Charge of Coke Oven After Long Term Shutting Down

  13. 35t/h循环流化床锅炉的烘炉实践

    Practice of heating-up 35 t / h circulating fluidized bed boiler

  14. 燃气轮机烟道及一段炉风道烘炉

    Baking of combustion gas turbine flue and primary reformer air chute

  15. 电极烘炉新工艺在小黄磷炉生产中的应用

    Application of New Technology Electrode Stove to the Yellow Phosphorus Furnace

  16. 干熄焦红焦烘炉的研究与应用

    Study & Application of CDQ Oven Drying by the Hot Coke

  17. 芜湖市三期气源工程焦炉烘炉总结

    A Summary of Coke Oven Heating-up without Charge in Wuhu City

  18. 环形炉烘炉过程中炉底工作层拱起的原因

    Why working layer of the bottom arched when drying the ring furnace

  19. 低温环境固体燃料烘炉与开工技术

    Heating-up and starting-up of coke oven with solid fuel at low temperature

  20. 预焙阳极焙烧烘炉及正常生产温度控制

    Prebaked anode baking furnace and temperature control during normal production

  21. 循环流化床锅炉低温烘炉及改进

    The Refractory Material Baking of a Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler

  22. 侯马冶炼厂烘炉煤灰处理的探讨

    Discussion on Treatment of Coal Ash from Furnace Drying in Houma Smelter

  23. 顺流罐式煅烧炉结构改造及烘炉的实践

    Structure renovation and practice baking of a concurrent pot calciner

  24. 石灰石矿回转窑砌筑及烘炉实践

    Masonry of Rotary Kiln and Practice of Drying Oven of Limestone Ore

  25. 46.8m~2玻璃熔炉的烘炉

    The Baking Process of 46.8m ~ 2 Glass Melting Kiln

  26. 环式带盖焙烧炉烘炉曲线及烘炉有关问题的探讨

    Approach to the drying performance of lidded ring baking furnace

  27. 循环流化床锅炉3种烘炉方法的比较

    Comparison of 3 Kinds of Refractory Curing for CFB Boiler

  28. 挡板同样可应用在烘炉中去控制空气的流向。

    Baffles are also used in ovens to direct airflow .

  29. 室状加热炉烘炉过程数学模型及其数值模拟

    Baking process model and numerical simulation for the chamber furnace

  30. 用制磷电炉电极直接烘炉剖析

    Analysis of Furnace Dry out with Its Electrode of Phosphorus Production Electrical Furnace