
  • 网络Baked Goods;bakery products
  1. 商店注意到烘焙食品的味道会激发人们的购物欲,所以他们每天早上自己做面包,然后让商店里一整天都飘着面包的味道。

    Stores notice that the smell of baked goods encourages shopping , they make their own bread each morning and then fan the bread smell into the store throughout the day .

  2. 父母们应该捐赠烘焙食品及手工制作的物品。

    Parents are supposed to donate baked goods and handmade items .

  3. 除了那家Back40商店之外,该区域还新增了一家爱犬美容店和一家烘焙食品与咖啡店SweetPea'sBakingCompany。

    In addition to Back 40 , the district has gained a dog groomer and a bakery and cafe , Sweet Pea 's Baking Company .

  4. 转谷氨酰胺酶(TG)作为一种天然添加剂,由于其特殊的结构特点和功能特性而应用在烘焙食品中,是相对较新的研究发现。

    As a natural food additive , transglutaminase ( TG ) has been applied in bakery goods for its special structural characteristics and functional properties . This is a relatively new research discovery .

  5. 烘焙食品试样经灰化处理后,用APDCDDTCMIBK体系萃取富集试液中的铅,利用空气乙炔火焰原子吸收法测定烘焙食品样品中铅的含量。

    Trace lead in baked food is determined by air-acetylene flame atomic absorption spectrometry ( FAAS ) with APDC-DDTC-MIBK as the extraction and preconcentration system after cineration process .

  6. 该公司首席执行官肯•鲍威尔(KenPowell)表示,通用磨坊的产品总体上受惠于人们晚上减少外出用餐的趋势。该公司产品还包括Progresso汤和家庭烘焙食品。

    Ken Powell , chief executive , said the company 's products , which also include Progresso soup and home baking brands , have in general benefited from a shift away from eating out in the evening .

  7. 面包店——巴西的烘焙食品多种多样。

    Bakeries - Baked goods come in many shapes and sizes in Brazil .

  8. 喝茶时间也享用烘焙食品。

    Baked goods are also served at tea breaks .

  9. 美国推出低脂肪烘焙食品新配料

    America Develops New Ingradients for Low-fat Baking Food

  10. 米糠蛋白及米糠纤维质残渣在烘焙食品中应用的探讨

    Probe into the application of rice bran proteins and cellulose dregs to bakery foods

  11. 以及全国烘焙食品技术团体大赛,等等。

    And national bakery food skills championship , etc.

  12. 乳清在烘焙食品中的应用

    Application of Whey in Baking Food

  13. 新中国烘焙食品工业五十年长足发展

    Rapid progress in the bakery industry

  14. 干烧酒糟用作饲料高粱酒糟在烘焙食品中的应用

    Conference emphasizes use of distillers dried grains Utilization of Dried Distillers Grain from Sorghum in Baked Food

  15. 巴里拉集团旗下共有42座工厂,所生产的面食、面包以及其他烘焙食品销往全球100个国家。

    Barilla has 42 factories and sells its pasta , bread and bakery products to 100 countries .

  16. 许多病人送卡、烘焙食品和其它礼物给自己喜欢的医生以表谢意。

    Many patients give cards , baked goods and other gifts to show appreciation to a favorite doctor .

  17. 我们从披萨、汉堡、炸薯条、烘焙食品和餐厅食品中摄入的脂肪量有所增加。

    We increased our fat intake from pizzas , burgers , French fries , baked goods and restaurant-prepared foods .

  18. 人造黄油、成品油、起酥油,烘焙食品和一些加工食品都含有大量的转化脂肪。

    Margarine , processed oils , shortening , baked goods and some processed foods are all high in trans fats .

  19. 面包预拌粉具有可使烘焙食品质量稳定、原料损耗少、使用方便等优点。

    Pre-blent bread flour can maintain baked food 's steady quality , cause less material wastage and can be used conveniently .

  20. 本文主要讨论了食品香精微胶囊化的几种方法,以及其在烘焙食品、糖果、饮料、调味料中的应用。

    This paper introduces the methods of producing microencapsulation flavorings and its application on baking , candy , drinking , seasoning .

  21. 采购:巧克力生产机械设备,烘焙食品格中原料,香精,香料,食用色素,等食品配料。

    Buy : Machinery for chocolate producing , food flavors , food colorants and other food ingredients for producing bakery foods .

  22. 本文介绍了天然色素的分类、性质、市场前景及其在烘焙食品中的应用概况。

    This paper introduced the category , character , market tendency of the natural pigments and its application in baking food industry .

  23. 面包和披萨所属的烘焙食品早先在印度发展而后传到欧洲,至今在当地仍广受喜爱。

    Bread and other baked goods to which pizza belongs were developed from India through Europe where they are still enjoyed today .

  24. 采购:糖果及烘焙食品加工机械,水果罐头,蔬菜罐头,干制水果蔬菜等农产品。

    Buy : food machinery for confectionery and baking , agricultural product ( canned fruit , canned vegetables ), dried fruits , dried vegetables .

  25. 茶餐包含清淡的冷食或烘焙食品,之后晚上再接着吃一顿较为丰盛的餐食。

    High tea consists of a light , cold meal or baked goods , followed by a more substantial meal later in the evening .

  26. 软曲奇是介于蛋糕和饼干之间的一种烘焙食品,口感风味独特,深受广大消费者的喜爱。

    Soft cookie is a kind of baked food between cake and biscuit . It tastes larruping . It is loved by many customers .

  27. 许多农贸市场都有音乐、自酿蜂蜜、烘焙食品以及不错的礼品,而且,你还能在那里结识新朋友。

    Many markets have music , local honey , baked goods , whimsical gifts , and a great opportunity to meet new people . 19 .

  28. 现在转谷氨酰胺酶广泛地应用于海洋食品、面条/面团、奶制品、烘焙食品等食品加工领域,通过温和的酶反应可以明显地改善食品的硬度、弹性、热稳定性和持水能力。

    It has great potential to improve the firmness , elasticity , heat stability , and water-holding capacity of prepared foods through the mild enzyme reaction .

  29. 丰富的行业高端活动与展览、展示、交流的有机结合,将是一届有特色、高水平的烘焙食品展览会。

    Because of the combination of abundant industrial top activities with exhibition , display and communication , it will be a characteristic and high level bakery exhibition .

  30. 在食品品质方面,烘焙食品(主要是海绵蛋糕和曲奇饼)所受的影响较小,而面条品质则发生显著劣变。

    As a result , the quality of bakery food ( including sponge cake and cookie ) wasn 't influenced much , but the noodle quality was notably deteriorated .