
  • 网络drying equipment;YG-KRK
  1. 本文运用可编程控制器(PLC)和模糊控制技术,以STL软件编程的方式实现了对微波烘干设备的有效模糊控制。

    The paper uses PLC and fuzzy control technique to realize the effective fuzzy control on microwave drying equipment by use of STL software programming .

  2. 机车车辆轴承清洗烘干设备的研制

    Development of the Cleaning and Drying Equipment for Rolling Stock Bearings

  3. 对引进英国LawDenis公司的CN16/48系列塔式烘干设备的主要特点、物料干燥过程及原理、设备的主要结构等方面,尤其是燃烧炉、风机除尘系统进行了详细的分析和介绍。

    The main characteristics , drying principle and drying process as well as the main structure , particularly the furnace and fan type dust control system , of the CN16 / 48 series tower type drier imported from the British Law-Denis Company are introduced and analyzed .

  4. 介绍了GMC脉喷型袋除尘器的工作原理和技术特点,同时分析了水泥生产过程中烘干设备、立窑、回转窑窑尾和篦冷机等扬尘点的高温烟气特点。

    This paper introduces the working principle and technical characteristics of GMC bag filter and analyzes the features of high temperature exhaust gas from several dust generating points such as drying machine , roller mill , preheater and cooler etc.

  5. 节能型导热油气流烘干设备

    Drying device on gas of conducting oil , an energy-saving dryer

  6. 电除尘器在水泥厂烘干设备上的有效应用

    Effective application of electrostatic precipitator to drying equipment for cement factory

  7. 北方地区通用谷物烘干设备的应用与发展前景

    Application and Development Prospects of Universal Grain Drying Devices in Northern Region

  8. 铸造砂型微波烘干设备的研究

    Research on Drying Equipment of Foundry Sand Model by Microwave

  9. 英国大型烘干设备的结构及性能分析

    Analysis of the Structure and Performance of the Big Driers Imported from UK

  10. 电子管烘干设备结构设计

    Structure Design of a Vacuum Tube Drying Device

  11. 涂料烘干设备的节能问题

    Energy-saving problems in design of paint baking equipment

  12. 有机废物快速烘干设备研究

    Research of quick drying equipment for organic wastes

  13. 纺染用烘干设备内筒的设计与制造

    The design and production of the internal cylinder of the drying apparatus for colour spun

  14. 对微波烘干设备的机械、电气和系统控制进行了设计。

    The mechanical electrical and system control parts of the microwave drying equipment are designed .

  15. 本文论述在模拟工业条件的实验室烘干设备上所作的试验。

    This paper deals with tests carried out on a lab-scale drying apparatus simulating indus-trial conditions .

  16. 用于棉纺、印染、服装等行业进行缩水率试验的烘干设备。

    It is a stoving equipment of shrinkage test in cotton textile , dyeing and clothes trade .

  17. 对目前国内几种以媒或碎焦为燃料的原砂烘干设备进行了评估。

    Several sand drying equipment using coal or broken cokes as fuel in this country at present have been evaluated .

  18. 低散热量干衣机涉及一种烘干设备,尤其涉及一种干衣机。

    A low heat dissipating capacity clothes dryer relates to a drying plant , which particularly relates to the clothes dryer .

  19. 本文介绍了一种新型烘干设备&循环式热风护的结构和工作原理。

    A new kind of stoving equipment - cyclic hot blowing furnace , its structure and mechanism were introduced in this article .

  20. 自从比尔和大卫开始使用她的烤箱作为惠普最早的油漆烘干设备后,露西尔抱怨说烤出的牛排味道再也不对了。

    Lucile claimed the roast beef never tasted right after Bill and Dave started using the oven as HP 's first paint-baking facility .

  21. 为满足柴油机整机、零件涂装线生产技术改进的需要,设计了一套烘干设备。

    A set of drying facility was designed to carry out technical modification of the coating production lines for diesel engine and parts as well .

  22. 装有变频调速风机控制温度的工业干衣机涉及一种烘干设备,尤其涉及一种干衣机。

    An industrial clothes dryer equipped with a frequency regulation and temperature control blower relates to a drying plant , which particularly relates to a clothes dryer .

  23. 生产线机组主要包括机械设备、前处理设备、涂敷设备、烘干设备、辅助系统和电控装置等。

    Its equipments of the production line mainly comprise : machine equipments , pretreatment equipments , coating equipments , drying equipments , assistant equipments and electric control .

  24. 就某型电子管烘干设备的主要技术特点、结构组成作了阐述,并针对研制过程中所遇到的若干问题进行了探讨。

    The structural composition and technical characteristics of a vacuum tube drying device is discussed in this paper , and some problems occured in design are discussed too .

  25. 近年来,油菜种植面积和产量不断增长,而现有的油菜烘干设备多数是大型烘干设备,在南方油菜产区得不到大面积的推广。

    Recently , with the increasing areas and yields of rapeseed-planting , the present rapeseed dryer is too big to apply in the rapeseed-planting areas in south of China .

  26. 公司生产的产品有采石场机制砂破碎筛分设备、水泥厂破碎、烘干设备;干粉砂浆厂烘干混合机等一批专利产品。

    Company 's products are broken sand quarries mechanism screening equipment , broken cement plant , drying equipment ; dry mortar plant drying mixer such as the patented product .

  27. 文章就数控小孔冲床加工纺织烘干设备中帘子网眼平板产生波浪纹缺陷的原因,进行了全面、详细的理论分析。

    The author conducts a complete and detailed theoretical analysis on the causes of raised grain defect during the fabrication of lattice mesh plate in the numerical control small punch spinning drying equipment in the article .

  28. 本文针对目前工厂的实际需求,利用微波的致热特性、反射性和可透射性研制成功了高效、节能、无污染的新型微波烘干设备。

    The paper aims at the actual need of the factories , by use of the characteristics of the microwave develops a new type microware drying equipment , which is high efficient , energy - saving and pollution-free .

  29. 1934年国民政府实施茧行统制,要求茧行改进蚕茧烘干设备,鼓励采用新式蒸汽烘茧机,从而加强对茧行管理。

    The government launches the cocoon guilds control in 1934 , and require cocoon guilds line to improve the cocoon drying equipment , encourage the adoption of new steam cocoon drying machines , and thus strengthen cocoon guilds management .

  30. 造纸蒸汽烘干系统设备腐蚀分析

    Corrosion Analysis of Equipment in a Drying System for Papermaking Steam