
  1. 去年与奥列格·涅金(OlegNegin)一起凭借《利维坦》(Leviathan)获得戛纳电影节最佳编剧奖的俄罗斯导演安德烈·萨金塞夫(AndreyZvyagintsev)将担任金爵奖评委会主席。

    Andrey Zvyagintsev , the Russian director who with Oleg Negin won the award for best screenplay in Cannes last year for the 2014 film " Leviathan , " will head the jury for the Golden Goblet Award .

  2. 管天地,三重金爵更崇洋。

    Control the world , Lord showering three more things .

  3. 金爵的盛典:东方情思及其文化磁场效应&第8届上海国际电影节漫笔

    Note of the 8th Shanghai International Film Festival

  4. 今年有17部电影角逐上海国际电影节金爵奖。

    This year 17 films were in competition for the festival 's top awards .

  5. 他也成为了首位在上海电影节获得两次最佳影片金爵奖的导演。

    He is the first filmmaker in the Shanghai festival 's history to have won the top award twice .

  6. 在周日晚上闭幕的上海国际电影节上,中国电影夺得了五个金爵奖奖项。

    Chinese films snapped up five Golden Goblet Awards at the2011 Shanghai International Film Festival , which concluded on Sunday night .

  7. 昨晚,第15届上海国际电影节在上海大光明电影院落下帷幕。伊朗影片《熊》获得最佳影片金爵奖。

    IRANIAN film Bear won the Golden Goblet award for best feature film as the curtain fell on the 15th Shanghai International Film Festival at the Shanghai Grand Theater last night .

  8. 巴比伦在上主手中,曾是个灌醉大地的金爵,万民饮了她的酒,万民才如此狂乱。

    Babylon hath been a golden cup in the hand of the Lord , that made all the earth drunk : the nations have drunk of her wine , and therefore they have staggered .

  9. 有14部风格各异的影片入围今年的参赛片名单,将角逐电影节的最高殊荣金爵奖。此次有来自108个国家的2096部电影提交给主办方,希望参加不同奖项的角逐,创下了纪录。

    A diverse slate of 14 films has been selected to compete for the Golden Goblet Award , the festival 's highest prize , out of a record 2096 films from 108 countries submitted for various competitions .

  10. 金爵奖公布的九部入围作品中,有俄罗斯大师尼基塔·米哈尔科夫新作《中暑》、美国导演丹尼尔·巴恩兹的作品《蛋糕》,也有中国台湾地区导演王童新作《对风说爱你》。

    Among the films nominated for the Golden Goblet Award are Sunstroke , from Russian director Nikita Mikhalkov , Kang Je-kyu 's Salut D'amour , Cake by Daniel Barnz from the U.S. and Taiwan director Wang Tung 's Where the Wind Settles .

  11. 墨西哥女演员乌苏拉・普鲁内达凭借在影片《悲伤成梦》中扮演一位悲伤的妈妈,而摘得影后桂冠。首次走上大银幕的俄罗斯舞台剧演员弗拉德斯・巴格多纳斯凭借在《指挥家》中的出色表演摘得金爵奖影帝桂冠。

    Mexico 's Ursula Pruneda was named best actress for her role as a mourning mother in " The Dream of Lu , " and renowned Russian stage actor Vladas Bagdonas was named best actor for his debut film role in " The Conductor . "

  12. 据中国网报道,第15届上海国际电影节颁奖典礼周日在上海大剧院举行,伊朗电影《熊》获得最佳影片金爵奖,导演克斯罗•马素米成为首位获得两座最佳影片金爵奖的导演。

    Iranian drama " Bear " was named the Best Feature Film at the 15th Shanghai International Film Festival ( SIFF ) ' s Golden Goblet Awards ceremony held at the Shanghai Grand Theater in Shanghai on Sunday , China.org.cn reported . Iranian director Khosrow Masoumi is the first director to scoop the award twice .