
  • 网络bake cake
  1. 肉,鱼,酱,汤,存货,烘焙蛋糕,面包,药草,蛋白和蛋黄能全部被冻结。

    Meat , fish , sauces , soups , stock , baked cakes , bread , herbs , egg whites and yolks can all be frozen .

  2. 例如,一组用于烘焙蛋糕的联网的批量制造机器:搅拌器、烤箱和涂布机。

    An example can be a set of networked batch manufacturing machines used to bake a cake : a mixer , an oven , and a coater .

  3. 如果你擅长烘烤,就自己做蛋糕,没有任何东西可以比得上自制的烘焙蛋糕的热情感受。

    If you are good at baking , prepare the cake yourself for , nothing can match the feeling and zest of a homemade cake baked with love .

  4. 如今,加莉娜的志向是拥有一家自己的面包店,而且她已经开始在自己的厨房里烘焙蛋糕和馅饼&既接受订购也销售给伦敦的一家咖啡店。

    Now Gallina has set her sights on owning her own bakery and already bakes cakes and pastries in her kitchen – both to order and to sell to a London coffee shop .

  5. 申请者可以发送图片、短片和PDF文档,阐明自己参与的一个项目——他们制作的服装、设计的应用程序、烘焙的蛋糕、制作的家具,或编织的锁子甲。

    Applicants can send images , a short video and a PDF that shed light on a project they 've undertaken - clothing they 've made , apps they 've designed , cakes they 've baked , furniture they 've built , chain mail they 've woven .

  6. 烘焙完美蛋糕的秘密是什么?

    What 's the secret of baking perfect bread ?

  7. 此外,好时公司的研究还显示,用小苏打(属碱性)烘焙巧克力蛋糕会破坏黄烷醇,但用泡打粉烘焙的话则可以保留其中的营养成分。

    Also , Hershey 's research has shown that baking a chocolate cake with baking soda , which is an alkaline , destroyed flavanols but nutrients were retained when using baking powder .

  8. 格尔曼烘焙的这款蛋糕一时间销量大增,并以他的名字命名为“GermanChocolateCake”——也就是今天的德式巧克力蛋糕。

    The demand for German 's baking chocolate skyrocketed , and his name became synonymous with the dessert .

  9. 烘焙我们的蛋糕也是烘焙我们自己。

    Baking our cakes is also baking ourselves .

  10. 烘焙面包或蛋糕的人。

    Someone who bakes bread or cake .

  11. 但梅根和哈里王子选择了一款不同的蛋糕,他们选择了糕点师克莱尔·普塔克制作的柠檬接骨木花蛋糕。克莱尔·普塔克是伦敦烘焙坊“紫罗兰蛋糕房”的店长。

    But Markle and Prince Harry chose a different route - opting for a lemon elderflower cake made by pastry chef Claire Ptak , the owner of the London bakery Violet Cakes .

  12. 既然烘焙店是专业做这个的,最好还是让烘焙店自己送蛋糕,不过,如果你没有用内部的烘焙坊,还得支付给卖家切分费。

    While it 's best to have the baker deliver the cake themselves because they 're the experts , the cutting fee goes to the vendor when you don 't use an in-house baker .