
yān huǒ
  • smoke and fire;cooked food;fireworks;joss sticks and candles;beacon-fire


yān huo
  • pyrotechnics;fireworks
烟火 [yān huǒ]
  • (1) [smoke and fire]∶火和烟

  • 严禁烟火

  • 满面尘灰烟火色。--唐. 白居易《卖炭翁》

  • (2) [cooked food]∶熟食

  • 不食人间烟火

  • (3) [fireworks]∶烟花

  • 教贲四叫花儿匠来,做几架烟火。--《金瓶梅》

  • (4) [joss sticks and candles]∶祭祖时点的香火,借指后嗣

  • (5) [beacon-fire]∶指烽火

烟火[yān huǒ]
烟火[yān huo]
  1. 在进行过氯乙烯施工时,应注意烟火。已告诉大家了,禁止吸烟。

    When construction of ethylene perchloride is going on , you should take care of smoke and fire .

  2. 有可能獾溪下余烬可能会攻击增加烟火活动,但它并没有发生。

    There was a possibility Badgers Creek could come under ember attack with increased smoke and fire activity but it didn 't happen .

  3. 报告主张所有的建筑物都应安装烟火探测器。

    The report advocated that all buildings be fitted with smoke detectors .

  4. 满天一片色彩绚丽的烟火。

    The sky was full of brightly coloured fireworks .

  5. 报告主张所有的建筑物都应安装烟火探测器。

    The report advocated that all buildings should be fitted with smoke detectors .

  6. 孩子不宜玩烟火。

    Children and fireworks don 't mix .

  7. 什么时候开始放烟火?

    When do the fireworks start ?

  8. 庆典上会燃放烟火。

    There will be a display of fireworks at the celebration .

  9. 烟火也许看起来像是一场魔法,但是其背后的科学原理却很好理解。

    Fireworks may seem magical , but you can easily understand the science behind them .

  10. 烟火散开像一片五彩缤纷的瀑布。

    The firework went off in a cascade of colour .

  11. 严禁烟火!

    Smoking and lighting fires strictly forbidden .

  12. 烟火在夜空中喷放出五彩缤纷的火花。

    Fireworks shot into the night sky , sending out colourful sparks .

  13. 幸福是瞬间烟火,还是相濡以沫?

    Happiness is the instantaneous fireworks , or helps one another in difficult time ?

  14. 学生房内不允许有的物品包括:蜡烛、吊扇、烟火、水床、日光灯和无线路由器。

    Items that are not allowed in student rooms include : candles , ceiling fans , fireworks , waterbeds , sun lamps and wireless routers .

  15. 这些活动包括游行、音乐会、节日、烟火表演和为新加拿大公民举行的仪式。

    These include parades , concerts , festivals , firework displays and ceremonies for new Canadian citizens .

  16. 山姆:嗯,我们参加不同的活动,吃不同的食物。在中国,人们通常放烟火和吃饺子。在美国,我们通常在电视上观看感恩节游行和美式橄榄球赛。我们也吃火鸡。

    Sam : Well , we take part in different activities and eat different kinds of food.In China , people usually set off fireworks and eat dumplings.In the US , we usually watch a Thanksgiving parade and an American football game on TV.We also eat turkey .

  17. 晚会以大放烟火告终

    The gala culminated in a firework display .

  18. 我们都像烟火一般,上升,发光,然后消散开来。

    We are all like fireworks . We climb , shine , and always go our separate ways and become further apart .

  19. 第一天晚上我就睡在这远离人间烟火的大沙漠上。

    The first night , then , I went to sleep on the sand , a thousand miles from any human habitation .

  20. 在英国,从圣诞节前一周,一直到烟火点燃夜空宣告新年来临,这段时间人们都很爱喝酒。

    In Britain , it 's bottoms up from the week before Christmas till the last firework explodes in the sky announcing the new year .

  21. Zr、Mg系烟火剂发光光谱特性研究

    Characteristic Emission Spectra of Zirconium Base and Magnesium Base Pyrotechnic Composites

  22. 火灾发生时80年代的硬摇滚乐队GreatWhite正在进行表演,舞台上燃放的烟火引燃了易燃物电话,引发了火灾。

    The blaze was caused by pyrotechnics that ignited flammable phone during the show featuring the 80s hard rock band , Great White .

  23. 这个周末主题活动的高潮是伴随约翰·威廉姆斯(JohnWilliams)创作的电影原声音乐放烟火。

    The themed weekend will be capped by fireworks set to the John Williams film soundtrack .

  24. 最后在巴黎提沃利公园(TivoliGardens)上空表演时,一束烟火点燃了她的氢气球。

    During her last performance over the Tivoli Gardens in Paris , a firework caused her balloon to catch fire .

  25. 在Edinburgh和Glasgow这样的大城市,大约会有10万左右的人涌向街头庆祝,享受音乐,观看娱乐表演,和午夜时候放的烟火。

    In big cities like Edinburgh and Glasgow there are street parties with around 100,000 people , enjoying music , entertainment and fireworks at midnight .

  26. 我指的不仅仅是诵读效忠誓言(PledgeofAllegiance),不仅仅是学校热烈庆祝感恩节的活动,也不仅仅是7月4日盛放的烟火,不论这些场景多么激动人心。

    I 'm not just talking about the recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance or the Thanksgiving pageants at school or the fireworks on the Fourth of July , as wonderful as those things may be .

  27. 但如果在周一把电视调到美国公共广播公司(PBS)的频道上,或者通过手机观看烟火,你或会有天空万里无云、烟火分外耀眼之感。

    But if you had tuned in on Monday to watch the fireworks on PBS or watched it on your cellphone , you might have figured the sky was cloudless and the fireworks were crystal clear .

  28. 利用烟火运动场模型(FDS)模拟室内火灾过程,研究了通风开口大小对室内燃烧状况的影响,发现一定房门开度下,燃烧状况会发生周期性转换;

    This paper simulates room fire with field model FDS and studies the influence of ventilation condition on indoor fire . Combustion situation can convert periodically under a certain door opening .

  29. 高效气溶胶灭火剂(HEAE)是由固体推进剂技术发展而成,属于烟火类药剂。

    Highly effective aerosol fire-extinguishing agent ( HEAE ) is a safe and practical alternative to Halon which developed from pyrotechnics .

  30. 这里的B-17飞行堡垒“情感之旅”在模拟轰炸,烟火烟雾背景。

    Here 's the B-17 Flying Fortress " Sentimental Journey " on a simulated bombing run , with pyrotechnic smoke in the background .